We truly live in the dumbest of times.

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And this man is still running neck-and-neck with Kamala Harris. The mind boggles.

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Laura Loomer will be Communications Director, making the clown show complete.

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With these folks in charge, Mexico might be paying for that wall after all (Canada, too) to keep us out.

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It is going to be awesome.

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All the best people, all the time, no letup.

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Thanks Cathy. This is terrifying and the so called Normie Republicans voting for Trump (looking at you Nikki Haley) continue to burying their heads in the sand. Part of me thinks people did not turn against Trump en masse last time because of the adults in the room. If there is a Trump 2.0, real consequences will be for all, including many of his supporters. Unfortunately, it will be too late.

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This is Charlie's clown car with the clowns given unfettered access to the fuel for their flame throwers.

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Excellent. I have been thinking with dread about the equally horrible as Trump, but smarter and more competent people with whom he would infest his second administration . Cathy Young’s writing is consistently interesting and informational.

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Outstanding Article! The one not mentioned that I think could have seriously scary consequences and could be confirmed if Republicans get 52+ senate seats is Jim Jordan. He’s the type that will destroy the Justice department if he gets to be Attorney General and I bet he’s already at the top of list.

If Trump wins Dems need to sweep every race except WV and Montana just to get to 49 Dem senators and be able to block some of the crazies. They will still end up in the Trump administration on non-senate confirmed positions but if any of these loons get into the biggest positions (Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Attorney General) then it makes a horrific situation even worse.

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This article should be required reading for those who still view things on the old "liberal to conservative" scale. Especially those who identify as "conservative" and still see Trump as one of them or "the lesser of 2 evils." With people like RFK, Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard in the cult, and true conservatives like Liz Cheney, and now her father the former VP, as staunch critics, it should be clear that MAGA is not conservative in the traditional sense, but rabidly authoritarian. On that note, one name is conspicuous by its absence. That of the most shameless sellout of all, Elon Musk.

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Someone should forward this to Bret Stephens at the New York Times so he can explain just why it is that he doesn’t think he will be able to bring himself to vote for Kamala Harris.

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right, and people want more of this insanity? they're batship crazy. they didn't like it the first time.

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Ah, but these are people who live in a bubble and don't think for themselves, so for anything they don't like, they never blame their "leader." They just blame Democrats, other Trump critics, and in his first term, the "guardrails" (Kelly, Mattis, Bolton, etc., even Pence and Barr at the end). But there will be no "guardrails" in a second term, and many Trump voters will really feel the pain of "be careful what you ask for."

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Emily Murphy (GSA chief who delayed transition planning) is still around but has gone dark. She's at the George Mason business school, weirdly, not their law school.

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Trump’s administration would mirror him: incompetent and dangerous

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Incompetent, dangerous, and also self-serving!

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