That reminds me, I really do need to renew my passport, "just in case"

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The obvious solution is that a significant group of sane but very scared Republican Congressmen and women find their collective spines and negotiate with Jeffries about a deal in which a moderate Republican, not beholden to the Orange Madness, becomes Speaker. Then remove the crazy caucus from all committees, change the vacate the Speaker Rule and pass a number of reasonable, necessary compromises through the House. The only big problem for those jelly-bellied Republicans is and always has been to avoid being the victim of a MAGA primary candidate in the next round. But maybe they find their courage, patriotism, and decency.

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The increase in people identifying as independent seems hopeful. Indicative of disliking the divisiveness and party as identity.

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If I could play the unicorns and ponies game, I’d have the Dems nominate Liz Cheney for speaker.

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Hey NBC, decertifying a settled election because the incumbent is a sore loser isn’t a “powerful procedural weapon”. It’s a constitutional crisis

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So many puncheable faces, ugh gop, just find some leadership that are not total d-bags. Oh yeah, then find some planks in your platform that are not trigger traps. Do you want people to respect the republicans again? or not. That little salt and pepper shaker slappin down the gavel is not helping. What he did to Pelosi is childish. Grow the f up.

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Great choices GOP. We have a certifiable bomb thrower and a KKK adjacent member who claims he’s David Duke without baggage

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Only a matter of time before Trump Calls for execution of Jordan. One has to wonder about the Las Vegas odds.

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I wonder if Scalise's ties to the Klan are going to come back into national focus. Remember, this guy's district includes David Duke's previous Louisiana state rep district and he was reportedly chummy w Duke at one point.


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I do not think it was prudent for the Congressional Democrats to help vote out McCarthy. I grasp the past slights, but am a believer in forgiveness, if not forgetfulness. Revenge politics don't cut it with me.

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It appeared more like "You reap what you sow" politics than revenge politics to me.

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Someone please let Charlie and Mona know that Emily's List only supports the campaigns of women. Gavin Newsome does not qualify.

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I am shocked at the number of wild assumptions about independents that have appeared in multiple places throughout this thread.

I'm an independent. I quit the Democrats after Hillary Clinton's post-election worldwide whine tour. (That was trivial, but it was the last of many straws.) I have never been a Republican (though I voted for one once, back in the DDDbeyondR -- it was either Susan Collins or Olympia Snowe, and I got a kick out of crossing the line).

I have left-wing values but I hate intolerance, smug self-righteousness, and the kind of careless thinking that lumps diverse and complicated people together and labels them as stupid, lazy, evil, or unimportant. I'm in a bit of despair because the groups I thought I'd be able to affiliate with if/when my country reached this point are turning out to seem inept and mean spirited. I keep my eyes open and look for chances to support anyone who's doing good work. I try not to lump other people into generic, dismissive categories. In other words, "independent" is a choice I made carefully and am proud of -- and I intend to stay that way until I can find something better to say about Democrats than "ugh, slightly better than these crazy Republicans I guess."

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I came to be independent from the other side of the aisle. I was GOP through the Obama years but had stopped drinking the kool-aid because it was SO OBVIOUS to me that he would never get a fair shake from the conservative media...and I was starting to feel this was becoming un-American.

Enter Trump and by 2017...I said goodbye to the GOP...as they were ignoring all of Trump's antics...or worse yet...excusing them.

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Sorry, but had to pose a question on on an unrelated topic: WTF is up with the piece on Richard Bachman? Is it meant to be satire? I don't get it.

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Elect Trump to the speakership and then we'll get to watch as the Republicans vote to nullify their own rule that precludes anyone under indictment for a felony from holding that office. They're gonna need a bigger clown car.

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Charlie, I love the new patented ending of your short videos. Don't change it!

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I really believe that none of the Republican leadership really believed that Democrats would let MyKevin hang himself. They assumed that disgust with Gaetz and fear of a less moderate Speaker would panic Democrats into saving his bacon.

I believe even Matt Gaetz expected his motion to fail while maximizing attention for himself. Even his arguments for removal were hollow and cliche because changing Speakers will not change the political dynamics that are frustrating the Klown Kaucus. HOWEVER there is a possibility that the whole thing was organized to maneuver Jim Jordan into position for Speaker. His apparent support of McCarthy not withstanding.

So Democrats didn't cause the crisis and they didn't try to stop a crisis following from the natural course of events.

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I totally agree. The GOP is in the exact position they're in because they constantly hoped for 7 straight years that someone else would bail them out.

To attempt to blame this on the Dems pretty much proves that point.

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