The "cheap shots" about the "sports vs. Jesus" mindset of paranoid authoritarians is priceless. I was immediately reminded how, in my early teens (~55 years ago) I learned that my body was not designed for sports (unfortunately), and my mind was not designed for organized religion (fortunately).

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Consider yourself warned. The MAGA cult has already rehearsed both responses, one if the Chiefs win the Super Bowl, and another if they lose. Paranoid authoritarians have a natural instinct for playing "Heads I win, tails you lose" games.

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Batshit crazy, she is!

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Best wishes Charlie Sykes! You have been a sane voice in a crazy world! I'm going to miss you Sir!

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I wouldn't overestimate the impact Taylor Swift might have in the next election but I wouldn't underestimate it either.

Roe plus the Swifties might wind up saving American democracy.

Edit: Er, make that Dobbs instead of Roe.

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I’d take that win

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Wouldn't we all?

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$87MM to EJC, Engoron about to put him out of business, JACK SMITH, Fani Willis, Nikki Halley, Dark Brandon, and on and on. And he has us talking about Taylor Swift. Will we ever learn?

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I have a different interpretation, alas. It's not stupidity, it's an intentional effort to separate. Yes, as Oliver Darcy said, "Conservatives are going into self-exile", trying to 'wall off' their adherents from the culture at larger. But, having just finished Jeff Sharlet's "The Undertow: Scenes From a Slow Civil War" (and having lost a night of sleep after I did), I'm convinced they're not doing it out of stupidity, but because THAT IS WHAT THEIR CONSTITUENTS WANT. The MAGA/Christian Nationalist/Alt-Right wing of the political right is busy building separate cultural and commercial institutions, and ultimately, in their minds at least, separate political institutions, because they just don't want to be part of modern America anymore, full stop. So, in that context, the attacks on established cultural institutions that seem so stupid are actually fully rational and effective. Put another way, Taylor Swift, as an independent, strong, and fabulously wealthy woman and, frankly, a sexy pop star, has no place in a Christian Nationalist culture. So, repudiate her in any way possible. It's just one more step to a separate culture ... and nation. Happy Wednesday.

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Very intuitive interpretation. I am of the opinion that the MAGA cult's march out of Eden is going to leave them lost (again) in the desert. Frank Herbert seemed to see all of this coming.

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The Christian Nationalists would celebrate a sexy pop star telling everyone to vote for Trump.

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Um, Charlie posted on Threads today that he's leaving The Bulwark. 😲


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I think the picture of Charlie and his dog says everything. I have an older dog (my girl) who has been with me since she was 8 months old. She has never minded being my best friend, and putting up with my silly human stuff. I have now adjusted my life to spend 24 hours a day with her - you share a commitment, and you keep your end of it.

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Really hoping it’s good news that means he will continue to be involved in our discourse.

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Man...this really hits hard. I'll really, miss him.

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Saw the same message on Xitter. So sad to see him go.

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I don't have Threads. Where is he going? Thank you!

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He said he'll talk about it in tomorrow's newsletter.

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Thanks...I am very sad...

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I get it, but it makes me sad.

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It’s so funny their pride in “owning the libs” and they are “owning” themselves. Men shooting beer cans? Meltdowns over a successful woman? Brain-worms everywhere. Who owns who? Waiting for the implosion...

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Why didn't the all-powerful Joe Biden deem the Philadelphia Eagles (his favorite team) the winners of the last Superbowl. I guess Biden is also responsible for the Chiefs wins in 2020 and 2023 as well as their appearance in 2021. Those Chiefs must be a lousy team. The MAGA fools keep getting more and more ridiculous. Trump is just jealous that he can only attract D-level stars to his campaign and parties (see New Year's Eve 2024).

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Re: MAGA's Swiftie hate and Cheap Shots - My fantasy world is colorless and severely lacking in comparison to their worlds.

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These folks thought JFK Junior was coming back from the dead. Imagination is all they have left.

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I’m not normally one to dare politicians and celebrities to duke it out, but please Donald - give this a go. I’m sure nothing bad will come from it ;)

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“It would be more fuel thrown onto the culture-war fires,” says an official working on the Trump reelection efforts. “Another left-wing celebrity who is part of the Democrat elite telling you what to think.”


The hard Right is starting another culture war it can't win. They have decided that Ms Swift, who has approval ratings that far exceed almost any member of the New GOP domestically and internationally, is a Dem operative with their customary zero evidence of this actually being true. The Psychiatric Facility Escapee Caucus and the "professional" staff surrounding the Marigold Malignancy have shown again that reality plays no part in their efforts to usher in a tyranny of the minority, all they need to start a campaign against a perceived enemy is an imaginary slight that might or might not occur in the future. This cannot be allowed to happen, hence the smear campaign against a pop star and her football-playing boyfriend.

Oh, btw, "[a]nother left-wing celebrity who is part of the Democrat elite telling you what to think."

The wacks on the Right can complain that liberal and progressive celebs influence voters, who tend to agree with them, until the cows come home. I'll pay no attention to these kinds of attacks until those in the New GOP acknowledge celebrities like Roseanne Barr, Kid Rock, the "artist" formerly known as Yeezy, Brett Farve, Jason Aldeen, Jon Voight, Kelsey Grammer, Dennis and brother Randy Quade, Ted Nugent... are part of the Republican elite telling us what to think.


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So Vivek thinks that an endorsement by an "artificially culturally propped-up couple" would be major?

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audience of one.

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I'm trying to imagine what an irate Taylor Swift could do to Trump. Perhaps a video of herself explaining in full but PG detail what Donald Trump did to E. Jean Carroll in a dressing room of a store. She might then say to her tens of millions of (female) fans: "When you go into a voting booth this fall, try to imagine what would happen to you if Donald Trump was in that booth with you. "

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Taylor, Beyonce, and the Bidens all hanging out together for the SuperBowl at the Kelce/Mahomes skybox could send Trump and Maga World into their Final Black Hole, from which there is no escape.

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Please let this happen

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My guess is that she will shake him off. The best revenge is living well, as she has proven.

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Or lavishly praising Joe Biden as our GREAT POTUS...

Can you imagine his response?

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Oh no! Charlie just posted on threads, @charlie_j_sykes, that he is leaving the Bulwark Feb 9th. We all will be sad to see you go!

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He sure has been a great guest on Morning Joe... and on many news shows....

I'm guessing he's doing something else...not just retiring or something.

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Can you please link to this, or paste in the post? I don't see it anywhere else.

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I have searched everywhere, and I doubt if he was leaving that he would say it on threads?

He is co-founder

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Here is the string of the announcement from Charlie on Twitter. Still trying (and failing) to process this...


Actual personal news: After 5 years of daily podcasts and newsletters, I’m leaving the Bulwark. I’m immensely proud of what we’ve done and of my amazing colleagues. Founding and contributing to the Bulwark has been an honor and a privilege. But there’s a season for everything...

...and this seems a good time to get off the daily hamster wheel of crazy. That doesn’t mean I’m going anywhere. I’m going to be fully engaged in the struggle – and will continue to write and offer commentary – but at a somewhat more measured pace. Stay tuned.

More details in tomorrow's Morning Shots... Newsletters and pods continue through February 9! (Eli thinks this will mean more walks.)

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PS; And thank you for finding this and posting it

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Whew, at least he isn't totally leaving and I get it, he must be exhausted and I knew he would give more details in his newsletter, I shall miss it and the pods though I assume they have people ready to takeover that will probably be good too.

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Yes, but I'm bummed. Hope it isn't health related. It's worrisome that Charlie is leaving in the middle of a Presidential election year--not that he has any obligation to reaasure me, but you know what I mean.

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I think he will still be around and helpful...my guess is just that he is exhausted, he is in his late 60's, I get that I am in the middle ones and I just don't have the energy I used to have.

Or maybe even to spend the later years working so hard?

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Mr Sykes, please be sure to inform your readers where you land so we can continue to enjoy your insightful posts.


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