Shouldn’t surprise anyone that Dumpf and hangers on didn’t respect the ANC rules or harassed an ANC staffer. What is even more deplorable than sullying those who gave lives so The Orange One can sow chaos is that he used the families of the soldiers laying there. Why wouldn’t they be in awe of a former President (even Trump) but they were pawns in his exploitation of their loved ones to undo his deplorable past conduct of soldiers who gave made the ultimate sacrifice. Disgusting! Hopefully accountability awaits him at some point for everything he’s done!! VOTE

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“Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.” - Napoleon

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I read on 'X' a couple of days ago: "The human body isn't built to withstand 3 Trump candidacies." I so agree :( :( :( Let's get out the vote, friends!

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We have one chance at this so let's all get out of our comfort zone and reach out to everyone we know -- get out the vote! This is not one ANYONE we know can sit out.

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Doing the interview with Walz makes strategic sense. It keeps the two tied together, so they share the good press and the campaign doesn't feel like Harris marching back to Washington for two more months.

It also lets her look warm and funny, which is real important with a woman at the top of the ticket. There are gettable voters who would turn their nose at another Hilary but could punch their ticket for someone that reminds them of their family.

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"Meanwhile, those Republican voters who remain outside the MAGA cult just aren’t paying attention....they're paying attention to nothing but their vague belief that another Trump presidency still represents their preferred 'policies.' "

Therein lies the problem and is one of my biggest concerns with non-MAGA Trump supporters. They'll all readily stipulate to the fact that Trump is a horrible human being. But this allows them to justify their vote for a dangerously disturbed megalomaniac. They tell themselves (and everyone else) that they despise the person, but support his so-called policies. (of course, they only know what FOX tells them about those policies.) But these people aren't on Truth Social. They're insulated from his most unhinged displays and examples of his decline & desperation b/c FOX doesn't show them. How do we show these voters the truth of who Trump has become?

I feel like there should be a nightly ad on FOX (tv & web) simply showing trump's latest Truth Social meltdowns.

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Brainwashed cult.

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With regard to Trump's LATEST atrocity at Arlington... 1.) How many times will the GOP excuse the actions of a desperate, draft-dodging imbecile who regularly insults our veterans w/his unbridled ignorance for his own ego & political gain?

2.) There's a rule, a good & valid rule meant to keep politics out of a sacred resting place for our most recently deceased veterans. Trump's oddly aggressive team of meatheads knowingly & brazenly broke that rule. 3.) A purported invitation from one family doesn't change that rule or excuse any behavior. 4.) The campaign's immediate & appalling release of that tasteless thumbs-up footage at a GRAVESITE was the epitome of political opportunism.

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And whom did it impress. What does giving a smiling thumbs up at a gravesite mean? The guy looks like, and acts like, The Joker.

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Trump is a clinical narcissist. He cares only about himself and protecting his fragile ego. Nothing else matters to him. Not his family, not his country, not his supporters, and not any principals.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

Any chance the real reason the old guy is increasingly bonkers is the cratering stock price of Trump Media, now below $20/share?

He has to wait til September 25th to unload his shares and cash in all the Ponzi love from his true believers. Just imagine if this thing drops below $10 or $5/share. Along with being a key driver for his future net worth, the stock price is a real time indicator of his self worth, laid bare for the world to see.

{Additional irreverent thought: perhaps he thinks crazy rants will increase interest in Truth Social and attract new investors?]

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I know Republicans try very hard to ignore this sort of stuff from Trump, and, frankly, the media makes it pretty easy for them to ignore it, but I wonder, if indeed they ever to pause to reflect on it, do they ever ask themselves how in the Hell they let this happen to their party? A QAnon idiot whose platform now is evidently incarceration after show trials of his political opponents, who will fall for any conspiracy theory no matter how stupid, is the leader of their party and their nominee for president. They have allowed this travesty, and it's infuriating. What are you doing? What is wrong with you people?

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I take exception to Will Selber's comment on the Biden-Harris record on Afghanistan. Harris likely had no more involvement than Pence. I expect Biden had more influence with Obama and Cheney certainly much more with Bush. But Bush and Obama aren't running for office. Joe's time as president was 6 months when we left Afghanistan under a truce designed by Orange, who had 4 years to address it.

For 20 years we didn't beat the Taliban but we certainly should have had time to formulate some strategy for withdrawal.

I've been to Arlington,Tomb of the Unknowns, but never new of Section 60. I don't think any of the cemetery should be politicized. But Orange is so crass and classless are you surprised?

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EVERY TIME trump or any magat mentions the Afghanistan bail-out, they MUST BE HAMMERED with the fact that Biden was trying to make the best of trump's surrender. Piss-poor execution, yes. Not Biden’s fault, but Truman Doctrine applies. The buck stops with Biden.

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I absolutely agree. Kamala, the media & the pro-democracy movement perhaps missed an opportunity this week to address and shut down Trump's Afghanistan accusations. Kamala could have earnestly acknowledged that the 13 fallen soldiers deserved better from their leaders in handling the devastating withdrawal that they had inherited from Trump. The media should be reminding people that it was Trump who recklessly negotiated a lopsided "deal" with the Taliban over the objections of his advisors. I think an honest acknowledgement and apology would go a long way for Kamala in terms of highlighting her sincerity and accountability as a leader. As an added benefit, it would also trigger Trump into a maniacal meltdown of his usual blame, denial, deflection, ignorance and deceit. The contrast would be stark (and would make for a powerful split-screen comparison that the Lincoln Project could air on Fox, Newsmax and the Golf Channel.)

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Harris is smart enough to know that if she did an interview with the NYT, they would ask only gotcha questions and editorialize her responses or interpret them to readers incorrectly in order to discredit her.

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The NYT is the worst of the big time right wing news organizations.

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"Imagine if someone in your place of work was posting this type of stuff about your other coworkers." We had something like that happen. That person was institutionalized for a time.

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It is telling that T. Rump is now trying to enlist the people he called suckers and losers in his run to avoid prison time. The fun just keeps on coming.

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And I wager many of those folks would certainly not have chosen for themselves to become enlisted. But, obviously and tragically, where they are now gave them no voice in the matter. And, yes, this has been my thought, too, how he has debased and insulted these heroes. Only to exploit them now in this disgusting way. For political gain, FGS.

But also very confusing and disturbing is why these survivors' families sought this. I heard one mother say it had been Joe Biden's doing, that her son perished in the Afghanistan withdrawal. So this 'favor' to Trump's campaign mission was only right? I honestly don't know how to think about this.

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The reason President Biden is implicated in the withdrawal from Afghanistan is that President Trump is implicated in the Doha Accords (and the secret codicils attached thereto). Anger directed at President Biden is misplaced if it does not also extend to President Trump, in my opinion.

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