good article and good addition to the bulwark, its so hard to understand at an outcome level all that's happening with the new administration, I'm glad you are digging into this set of issues. As a legal immigrant here working, I'm not worried about myself as I have a visa.
I can attest to just how expensive and difficult and how many hoops you have to jump through for the pleasure of working in the US! I have no idea how the undocumented immigrants manage the systems and processes. (for eg. my DL expires in line with my visa, every 2 years. so I'm constantly in and out of DPS getting a new one - i have a huge LIMITED TERM plastered over my license, but luckily no yellow star.....)
AMI - my friend, I wish you welcome. I hope your legal status will be respected as it should be. I'm sorry that some of my fellow citizens don't have much appreciation for civil & human rights.
Brendan - I think all of us US citizens share some responsibility for this task. This is a huge country AND there are many of us who intend for it to keep working toward our ideals. I pray we are up to the task.
"the Tackling and Reforming Unlawful Migration Policy Act—yes, the TRUMP Act—became Florida law yesterday; among other things, it provides for any law enforcement officer who assists in the arrest of a person in the state illegally to receive a $1,000 bonus"
Before folks gush about what great guys the President of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and His Holiness the Pope are, remember that the Roman Catholic Church has a very long record of successfully advocating and practicing discrimination against gay people solely because our sexuality does not produce babies.
More recently, the Catholic Church has made it clear that it opposes the basic premise of gender identity ideology, which is that males and females can change sex or gender.
The common thread is the Catholic Church's unshakeable belief that it alone has the right to say what is right and wrong when it comes to how all of humanity use their sexuality. It's enough to make a person think the Catholic Church believes human sexuality is a gift from God that comes with lots and lots of enforceable doctrinal strings attached regardless of the individual's faith or lack thereof, even if they live in a secular society.
Ollie - my friend, I take your point that we are wise to look in depth at motivations & actions. I appreciate when I find support even from those who I eye with some caution. If that church believes human sexuality is a gift from God (tho I'd say gift OF god; semantics perhaps but a little different) I'd meet them on that hill. But they certainly DO NOT get to dictate others' celebration of the gift
“The ultimate goal in these cases is not just to up the number of detentions but to challenge the landmark 1982 Plyler v. Doe ruling, which holds that states cannot constitutionally deny students a free public education due to their immigration status.”
Because all we need to make America great are uneducated kids.
Paul - yes, you've hit on a theme we see in many of Trump/Project 2025 plans. Attacking public education is a core principle. They see how it helped unite diverse peoples esp. in 20th century; they don't want that connection to continue since it threatens their hegemony
Very scary. Just substitute the word "Jews" for "illegal immigrants, or immigrants" for that matter; and you have Germany in the 1930's. When will it stop? Or are we looking at internment camps throughout the US with special "showers"? Ugh. I suppose anyone who can pardon cop beaters and criminal vandals can demonize immigrants to another level. Hang on everyone, it's not going to be something to look forward to.
Larry - Fellow Buckeye here, now also moved elsewhere. The effort to make our sisters & brothers into "foreigners" is such a longstanding strategy of those who seek power. Divide people, identify a scapegoat to blame for one's dissatisfactions... across centuries some of our human family have fallen for this nonsense. Stay strong, brother
This is exactly how a fascist authoritarian government comes into existence. Stoke fear and distrust among the populace and reward them for "ratting out" their neighbor. My God, is this what we have become? Turning on our neighbor for a few pieces of silver? WTF? The time is coming when will we all have to answer this question posed by the iconic rock band Pink Floyd.
"Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage"
A child born in the US to undocumented parents is a US citizen (I assume we all agree on that). What rights then, if any, does the child have to keeping his or her parents in the US for financial and parental support until the child is 18?
I assume that scenario question may be similar to that of a US citizen family, where the parents are convicted of some crime and set to prison, leaving the child a ward of the state.
I've noticed all the raids are taking place in blue cities and they haven't pulled over the school buses full of workers going into and out of the meat packing and chicken processing plants all over red state America
When will they start penalizing the employers of undocumented immigrants? Start with the source!
good article and good addition to the bulwark, its so hard to understand at an outcome level all that's happening with the new administration, I'm glad you are digging into this set of issues. As a legal immigrant here working, I'm not worried about myself as I have a visa.
I can attest to just how expensive and difficult and how many hoops you have to jump through for the pleasure of working in the US! I have no idea how the undocumented immigrants manage the systems and processes. (for eg. my DL expires in line with my visa, every 2 years. so I'm constantly in and out of DPS getting a new one - i have a huge LIMITED TERM plastered over my license, but luckily no yellow star.....)
AMI - my friend, I wish you welcome. I hope your legal status will be respected as it should be. I'm sorry that some of my fellow citizens don't have much appreciation for civil & human rights.
"quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"
Brendan - I think all of us US citizens share some responsibility for this task. This is a huge country AND there are many of us who intend for it to keep working toward our ideals. I pray we are up to the task.
I could not agree more!
"the Tackling and Reforming Unlawful Migration Policy Act—yes, the TRUMP Act—became Florida law yesterday; among other things, it provides for any law enforcement officer who assists in the arrest of a person in the state illegally to receive a $1,000 bonus"
Thank you for this article
Before folks gush about what great guys the President of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and His Holiness the Pope are, remember that the Roman Catholic Church has a very long record of successfully advocating and practicing discrimination against gay people solely because our sexuality does not produce babies.
More recently, the Catholic Church has made it clear that it opposes the basic premise of gender identity ideology, which is that males and females can change sex or gender.
The common thread is the Catholic Church's unshakeable belief that it alone has the right to say what is right and wrong when it comes to how all of humanity use their sexuality. It's enough to make a person think the Catholic Church believes human sexuality is a gift from God that comes with lots and lots of enforceable doctrinal strings attached regardless of the individual's faith or lack thereof, even if they live in a secular society.
Ollie - my friend, I take your point that we are wise to look in depth at motivations & actions. I appreciate when I find support even from those who I eye with some caution. If that church believes human sexuality is a gift from God (tho I'd say gift OF god; semantics perhaps but a little different) I'd meet them on that hill. But they certainly DO NOT get to dictate others' celebration of the gift
“The ultimate goal in these cases is not just to up the number of detentions but to challenge the landmark 1982 Plyler v. Doe ruling, which holds that states cannot constitutionally deny students a free public education due to their immigration status.”
Because all we need to make America great are uneducated kids.
Paul - yes, you've hit on a theme we see in many of Trump/Project 2025 plans. Attacking public education is a core principle. They see how it helped unite diverse peoples esp. in 20th century; they don't want that connection to continue since it threatens their hegemony
Ignorance is strength….
Very scary. Just substitute the word "Jews" for "illegal immigrants, or immigrants" for that matter; and you have Germany in the 1930's. When will it stop? Or are we looking at internment camps throughout the US with special "showers"? Ugh. I suppose anyone who can pardon cop beaters and criminal vandals can demonize immigrants to another level. Hang on everyone, it's not going to be something to look forward to.
Sort of. Guantanamo Bay and CECOT are the internment camps.
Larry - Fellow Buckeye here, now also moved elsewhere. The effort to make our sisters & brothers into "foreigners" is such a longstanding strategy of those who seek power. Divide people, identify a scapegoat to blame for one's dissatisfactions... across centuries some of our human family have fallen for this nonsense. Stay strong, brother
EARLY WARNING SIGNS OF FASCISM from the Holocaust Museum, Washington,DC
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
2. Disdain for Human Rights
3. Identification of Enemies as a Unifying Cause
4. Supremacy of the Military
5. Rampant Sexism
6. Controlled Mass Media
7. Obession with National Security
8. Religion and Government Intertwined
9. Corporate Power Protected
10. Labor Power Suppressed
11. Distain for Intelletuals & the Arts
12. Obsession with Crime & Punishment
13. Rampant Cronyism & Corruption
14. Fraudulent Elections
This is exactly how a fascist authoritarian government comes into existence. Stoke fear and distrust among the populace and reward them for "ratting out" their neighbor. My God, is this what we have become? Turning on our neighbor for a few pieces of silver? WTF? The time is coming when will we all have to answer this question posed by the iconic rock band Pink Floyd.
"Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage"
Mickey - music helps me hang in there too. Keep on rockin in the free world!
Uncle Joe Stalin would be so proud...
The MAGA supporters in your photo might need to cut back on Big Macs.
I am sure this also means a lot of pets will pay the price 💔
I volunteer for a food and clothes charity and the people coming in has dropped by 1/3 to 1/2 per day.
Jen - thank you for your work. There's fear out and about AND your care for your neighbors will shine through this darkness.
Question for you'all:
A child born in the US to undocumented parents is a US citizen (I assume we all agree on that). What rights then, if any, does the child have to keeping his or her parents in the US for financial and parental support until the child is 18?
I assume that scenario question may be similar to that of a US citizen family, where the parents are convicted of some crime and set to prison, leaving the child a ward of the state.
I've noticed all the raids are taking place in blue cities and they haven't pulled over the school buses full of workers going into and out of the meat packing and chicken processing plants all over red state America
Curious coincidence there, eh?