Nikki's slender grasp on the absurdity of the situation is a false narrative. She is sycophantic to the end and will easily justify putting on the kneepads if need be.

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What bathroom should a frozen egg use. Can the court let us know?

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Haley is 52. Six presidential elections after 2024 she'll still be younger than Trump is now.

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I think she is running for name recognition.

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About time. She groveled until DeSantis dropped out.

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Nikki Haley now has come out supporting the ruling of the Alabama Supreme Court that frozen embryos are people. Not sure if that is in the constitution. Does anyone really think she would take a more moderate position on abortion or women’s rights.

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No, she’s as extreme as Trump. I am from SC and I know her end game. At the end she will endorse Trump. There are many who are horrified republicans. But at the end they still kiss the ring. Don’t fool yourself she is the same as any other Republican.

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Bingo. Nikki really doesn't have any position that a 'cross over' voter would support. She wants to be all things to all people (and that has been her entire campaign).

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Of course Haley should keep running. Her chances are poor, but Biden’s are not looking just great right now either. Regardless, Trump should be opposed at every point. Besides, things can happen. There might be a surprise from the supreme court on the 14th Amendment. Trump might do something(s) repulsive enough that voters finally have enough of him. Something could happen with his health. It’s not over until it’s over. Vance and other Trumpists are disgracefully wrong in equating our free country to Russia’s dictatorship. However, calling them out and rejecting their false claims does not require pretending that everything the present administration does and has done is perfect. There has been a double standard sometimes. Parents griping at school board and PTA meetings really don’t belong on the terrorism threat board. The poor losers who followed Trump’s orders to attack the capitol have been treated more harshly than many of the violent rioters and even arsonists who participated in leftist riots in 2020. We should hope for equal justice and condign punishment, irrespective of the political preferences of the offenders. I did not know who Douglas Mackey was until I read Cathy Young’s article, but it does seem like seven months in the slammer is a bit stiff for what was basically a stupid prank. The administration and the DOJ should be working on being and appearing to be even handed and impartial. It is both the right and the politically pragmatic thing to do. They do not need to be handing Trumpists ammo on the “deep state” stuff.

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It's hard to believe that it's been 20 years since an actual conservative Republican has been elected president.

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I’m waiting for a trump conviction to help unleash nikkki

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It's official. I can't stand Nikki Haley and her double-talk nonsense. "I want to be extremely compassionate and respectful to all the people, especially fellow women, that I would enthusiastically f**k over." I'd rather deal with misogynistic slurs from a MAGA chud than Dolores Umbridge from South Carolina.

Should she stay in the race? Sure, whatever. It's obviously her choice.

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Then what is your daily source?

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I want her to hang in there too. I wouldn’t vote for her—she is after all, a Republican and has many of their views, but principally she continues to say she would support trump if he gets the nomination. How can she support that traitor?

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"Republicans had played hardball to get their hands on those claims. The FBI initially resisted GOP attempts to view a document containing Smirnov’s allegations last year, protesting that they had been unable to validate their truthfulness. But Republicans twisted their arm to get it, with Oversight Committee Chair Rep. James Comer threatening to hold FBI Director Chris Wray in contempt."

And what Comer, Jordan and the other MAGAdroids trying to get vengeance for impeaching the Fulvous Flatulence -- twice -- is leaving out in the ongoing attempt to gaslight the American people into believing that Pres Biden is "dirty" is a just a minor detail: the FBI's Form FD-1032 is used for *unverified* humint. There is nothing in the form that would stand up in a real court of law -- it's all second and third hand hearsay -- and not the kangaroo courts that the New GOP wants to establish to persecute their chief political enemy. But the reality doesn't mean anything to the MAGAdroid who lives on innuendo, smears and outright lies -- the truth was the first casualty in their war on the American way of life.

The Peach[tree dish] Pestilence must be protected at all costs, even from his own words and actions. If the price to be paid is the complete ruination of their reputations then so be it. They know that their unquestioning loyalty has a (small) chance of being repaid by the Mango Malignancy by his allowing them to retain the power the got from backing him in the first place, and a taste of power is all that they crave.


"Russia has had enough success meddling in our elections on their own—do they really need the help of the entire congressional GOP?"

IMO, Russia does not have the help of the entirety of the Congressional New GOP, just that of the Psychiatric Facility Escapee Caucus in both the House and Senate; and those too afraid to say or do anything are also complicit in the attempt to degrade our political and justice systems to make it easier for them to game. The House New GOP has let the bomb throwing tail wag the dog for almost 14 months now, and all they've accomplished was the final destruction of their party's legitimacy. In the Senate, the bomb throwers are doing everything possible to tear down Minority Leader McConnell -- possibly the strongest leader they've had in a century -- because he won't help the Putin stans toss the upcoming election to the Cadmium Orange Cancer so that Russia will have a new, powerful ally in the US.


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"the FBI's Form FD-1032 is used for 'unverified' humint" -- and it was gobbled up by people who fulminated against the Steele dossier, which was never intended to be made public.

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If Nikki Haley were a true patriot - and NOT in the way trump defines the word - she would endorse Joe Biden when she finally withdraws.

Additionally, if Joe Biden is the man I believe him to be, he would offer Haley a position in his administration, should he be reelected.

Yeah, yeah...I hear all the "butwhattabouts" already forming in the loony leftwingosphere.

Who cares?

Desperate times call for Desperate measures.

She's shown more courage than anyone else in her party. She's stood up to the demon.

It's time to forge new alliances. (See: Roosevelt and Churchill and - gulp!- Stalin)

It's time to look at moderates and independents and say, "Ya know what? We hear you. Let's do whatever is necessary to irradiate this disease, this infection, this cult whose name is MAGA.

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Why is it that Dems always have to make room for Republicans, even though said Republicans will never concede any issue if they were welcomed. Haley is a Republican, running on a traditional GOP agenda. Her foreign policy experience isn't anything of value either. She has said Biden is going to die and God forbid we get a POTUS Harris (nice racist dog whistle).

She won't endorse Biden. Even if she did, Biden would be under no obligation to offer her a role in his admin.

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The members of her party who showed courage were being primaried, censured, and drummed out, while Haley was still saying things like, "we need him in the Republican Party. I don’t want us to go back to the days before Trump."

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Well said. And if Nikki or other anti-Trump Republicans need help endorsing Joe Biden, P.J. O'Rourke provided a template: https://www.thedailybeast.com/pj-orourke-im-endorsing-hillary-clinton-the-devil-we-know

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"The former S.C. governor rejects the resistance label, saying her campaign 'is not an anti-Trump movement.'" (2/18/24)

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(Edited) Aloha… “…After all, no other Republican has been nominated for president in twelve years, and no other Republican has been elected president in twenty.” Yes, and soon it will be 24 years! So much winning!

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And no other Republican will be nominated until that final great cheeseburger incident.

Win or lose, this guy isn’t going away.

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Not to be too petty, but it's a Bic Mac, which is different than a cheeseburger? (never had one)

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It's a double cheeseburger with more bread. Though they've come out with a triple meat patty one. All the more to get people to eat more fat. They have the greasiest hamburgers on the planet. Give me Carls Jr. any day.

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Gym Jordan just spoke about the indictment of the fake Russian informant Alexander Smirnov.

“It is what it is. It doesn't change the fundamental facts."

Tell me where the house doesn’t impeach

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I have no doubt she will return to Trump and bend the knee. I don’t think she has the fortitude of Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger.

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Cheney/Kinzinger, now there is a ticket I would vote for - screw the tribal shit, try to save the country.

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