Let's try one more time to get what "free speech" means, right. The guarantee of "free speech" in the 1st means ONLY that government cannot censor the press or publications that the government wants to suppress. People with unpopular ideas are allowed to speak at public and private institutions all the time. But let's be aware that audie…
Let's try one more time to get what "free speech" means, right. The guarantee of "free speech" in the 1st means ONLY that government cannot censor the press or publications that the government wants to suppress. People with unpopular ideas are allowed to speak at public and private institutions all the time. But let's be aware that audiences also have free speech rights. Your freedom of speech doesn't mean that you get to suppress the right of others to speak. At this moment, white supremacists, Christian nationalists, anti-LGBTQ+, anti-woke, anti-abortionists, and all other "culture warriors" have many forums where they are unlikely to face opposition to their bigoted speech. If they want to speak to audiences that might not be as friendly they should expect opposition. As Truman said, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
Sadly, I think Mona and Charlie have a mental hard on for this sort of stuff because they still harbor wounds from being on the "opposite" side of the old "PC wars" of the 1990's and 2000's.
Fact is, these jerks have always been around; they are provocateurs and nothing more. I have sat and listened to many of these guys (generally always men) speak, and they don't really have anything profound to say that hasn't been said by every White Supremacist and White Supremacist "adjacent" speaker for 60 plus years.
But let's just cut to the chase of what this is really about: I am convinced that when certain RW White people say they are anti-PC/pro-first amendment, what they really mean is that they want to be able to say the "N word" and spout other anti-Black (and to some extent, anti-Semitic) garbage in public without suffering any consequences. Really that is what it is all about. Let me just say that this is not going to happen. So, if anyone out there wants to test someone, to paraphrase Barack Obama "please proceed governor".
Let's try one more time to get what "free speech" means, right. The guarantee of "free speech" in the 1st means ONLY that government cannot censor the press or publications that the government wants to suppress. People with unpopular ideas are allowed to speak at public and private institutions all the time. But let's be aware that audiences also have free speech rights. Your freedom of speech doesn't mean that you get to suppress the right of others to speak. At this moment, white supremacists, Christian nationalists, anti-LGBTQ+, anti-woke, anti-abortionists, and all other "culture warriors" have many forums where they are unlikely to face opposition to their bigoted speech. If they want to speak to audiences that might not be as friendly they should expect opposition. As Truman said, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
Sadly, I think Mona and Charlie have a mental hard on for this sort of stuff because they still harbor wounds from being on the "opposite" side of the old "PC wars" of the 1990's and 2000's.
Fact is, these jerks have always been around; they are provocateurs and nothing more. I have sat and listened to many of these guys (generally always men) speak, and they don't really have anything profound to say that hasn't been said by every White Supremacist and White Supremacist "adjacent" speaker for 60 plus years.
But let's just cut to the chase of what this is really about: I am convinced that when certain RW White people say they are anti-PC/pro-first amendment, what they really mean is that they want to be able to say the "N word" and spout other anti-Black (and to some extent, anti-Semitic) garbage in public without suffering any consequences. Really that is what it is all about. Let me just say that this is not going to happen. So, if anyone out there wants to test someone, to paraphrase Barack Obama "please proceed governor".