Actually I always blamed Joe and Mika on MSNBC for Trump. They let him use them by letting him call in almost daily and yack with them for ten minutes or so... You could see the twinkle in the eye of the "Morning Joe" panels communicating that this was a big joke... until the morning after the election when it wasn't. They gave Trump a p…
Actually I always blamed Joe and Mika on MSNBC for Trump. They let him use them by letting him call in almost daily and yack with them for ten minutes or so... You could see the twinkle in the eye of the "Morning Joe" panels communicating that this was a big joke... until the morning after the election when it wasn't. They gave Trump a platform and audience he would never have reached had he been relegated to FOXNews morning call ins over at "FOX and Friends."
Wow! I wasn't aware of the MSNBC part in 2016. I tremble to think the media and political sophisticates really thought in '16 that publicizing Trump's ignorant barbarism would work against him. That might have been a rational theory in normal times or even in '16. In light of the catastrophic results that year, however, that notion has been conclusively disproved, shown to be about as risky as giving the car keys to a drunk teenager.
Actually I always blamed Joe and Mika on MSNBC for Trump. They let him use them by letting him call in almost daily and yack with them for ten minutes or so... You could see the twinkle in the eye of the "Morning Joe" panels communicating that this was a big joke... until the morning after the election when it wasn't. They gave Trump a platform and audience he would never have reached had he been relegated to FOXNews morning call ins over at "FOX and Friends."
Wow! I wasn't aware of the MSNBC part in 2016. I tremble to think the media and political sophisticates really thought in '16 that publicizing Trump's ignorant barbarism would work against him. That might have been a rational theory in normal times or even in '16. In light of the catastrophic results that year, however, that notion has been conclusively disproved, shown to be about as risky as giving the car keys to a drunk teenager.