Mr Trump should be getting a serious look because he is inarguably a mathematical genius. The best mathematical genius. Whether short or long nobody knows Division better than that guy. It should be noted that his butt boy JD ain’t bad at it either.

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Great summary of the Trump disaster during the debate. Trump’s ego finally caught up with him. Great appeal to voters. There of really one choice of you live on Earth 1. VOTE.

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The debate demonstrated something VP Harris actually said during the ninety minute masterclass: how easily Trump can be manipulated, what a soft target Trump makes for any world leader or bad actor looking to harm the US. And at the same time, a confident, prepared VP Harris showed herself to be a formidable Commander in Chief, uncowed, unflappable, aggressive when necessary but always disciplined and never losing sight of the larger purpose.

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I would have loved to have her just say what we all know but that for some reason all presidential moderators and interviewers seem to forget... the VP does not make the decisions in the White House!!!

In fact, this would have been yet more bait for her to use against Trump... "So, you are saying, that all the good that came from your presidency should be credited to Mike Pence? How important was he to your success?"

She then can pivot to claiming whatever parts of the Biden presidency she wants to claim... "What being Vice President does is that it gets you in the room. It gives you a front row seat to the issues that face everyday Americans. While I might not have agreed with *every* decision Biden made, yes, I *would* have made the same decisions in many areas... infrastructure .. negotiated medicare prices .. CHIPS act .. gun control .. blah blah blah" (pick and choose). Then if they ask you in what way you differ, you pick *one* area and throw Biden under the bus for that (my pick would be Afghanistan)

Basically, take blame or credit. Yes, you don't get the credit for the good things that happened, but you can show that you would have done the same thing. And this lets you run as far away from the bad stuff as you want.

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Hey Bill Kristol and Andrew Egger! I'm posing this question to everyone with knowledge of politics. What does Kamala Harris have to do to get these Republicans that cannot stand Trump, are looking for an off ramp, and do the correct thing and not vote for Trump?

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"Last night, at this year’s second presidential debate, Donald Trump may well have lost his chance for a second term."

Don't delude yourself, win or lose, he'll be running in 2028. He's going to be the Republican nominee until he dies.

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I like when Harris was explaining the origins of her belief system, with her friend who was molested or raped and her work with victims. I would like to see more of the human side of her.

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Wasn't it at about this point in 2015 when we were paying attention here and the Trumpets were playing their shenanigans there. 🙏🙏🏼🙏🏻🙏🏽🙏🏿🦅🇺🇲🦅

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Wasn't it at this point when the Trumpets started pulling some back door shenanigans while many were paying attention here they were doin' their slight of hand there?

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In some ways Harris won in the first seconds by forcing Trump to do something he didn't want to do by shaking her hand.

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Trump said Harris "put out". Where's the commentary on this outrageous misogynistic statement?

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Agree! Like Sarah’s been saying, they flood the zone with so much sh*t that people become exhausted and the hate and misogyny becomes normalized. That’s what they want us to do - get tired and normalize it. So it’s up to us to keep spreading the fact that this is outrageous and not acceptable for any politician, let alone a presidential contender! I’m all over this sh*t when I encounter it - it would be nice if the media did its job too!

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Yes, reading their comments - sadly, it kind of rattled me. Per CNN, Trump told 34 lies during that debate; Harris one. The moderators only fact-checked three of his lies, including the most egregious about Democrats executing babies after birth. UNFAIR! Boo hoo hoo. Dear Leader was ganged up on! It was three against one! (Can't tell you how many times that comment was repeated). This is the man who is supposed to be able to face down our enemies, but being fact-checked three times does him in.

It is one thing to know about the MAGA mindset abstractly, and another to read their comments. Chilling.

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One thing I’ve not seen mentioned: During the discussion on healthcare that ended with the hilarious “concepts of a plan,” Trump said it was “all of the Democrats” who kept the Affordable Care Act going. Considering how popular Obamacare has become, I was hoping Harris would follow up with, “Would you repeat what you just said, that it was Democrats who saved the Affordable Care Act?”

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Putin will eat you for lunch!!!

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VP Harris, she came, she saw, she conquered. A master class in brilliance. She didn’t have to do policies and stuff. Her job was to put 45 in his place and she did it. If all she does is keep democracy full speed ahead.... I am all on board.

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All of us here obviously care a lot about the election. I hope we are all actively supporting the Harris campaign. As Michelle Obama said, let's all be doing something!!! My friends and I just came from our second night of phonebanking at the dem headquarters here in LA. Please get involved actively if you're not: donate, phonebank (highly recommend, it's fun in a group and we need to be engaging with voters), door knock, and at a minimum, be talking to all your networks to VOTE, VOTE EARLY and get them to talk to all their networks to do the same, LFG.

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