Yes, there are, but experience counts in my opinion. We don't need an inexperienced Presidential candidate just because we think it ticks a box. She has no record to campaign on, which is why I disliked that she ran in the primary. I voted for her for Senate and then she started campaigning for President. There was no reason she couldn't have completed her term started a second and then ran for President.
She was DA of SF for 7 years and Attourney General for seven years. Not legislative experience. She faked her background during the primary by saying she was a poor black being bussed to school. In reality her parents were both well to do academics at Berkely hardly the ghetto.
And just as Dan Quayle was no Jack Kennedy, Harris is no Obama.
I'm not sure about Harris. There are other black women who have more legislative experience.
But the other black women aren't VP.
Yes, there are, but experience counts in my opinion. We don't need an inexperienced Presidential candidate just because we think it ticks a box. She has no record to campaign on, which is why I disliked that she ran in the primary. I voted for her for Senate and then she started campaigning for President. There was no reason she couldn't have completed her term started a second and then ran for President.
No record? She's been serving in public office for 33 years. She headed the largest state Justice Department in starting in 2010.
And you might remember, Obama didn't serve his whole term as Senator and he certainly didn't have any problems.
She was DA of SF for 7 years and Attourney General for seven years. Not legislative experience. She faked her background during the primary by saying she was a poor black being bussed to school. In reality her parents were both well to do academics at Berkely hardly the ghetto.
And just as Dan Quayle was no Jack Kennedy, Harris is no Obama.
So you think a person who was a District Attorney, and the State Attorney General has nothing to do with legislation? Dude.
And if you're going to repeat right wing talking points, she was in fact bussed to elementary school :
"News website Berkeleyside reported that Harris was bused to school from her family's apartment on Bancroft Way."