As we all know, Donnie's condition(s) are degenerative, so he's at the best he'll ever be again, right now.

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Trump brought along his usual entourage to the Economic forum, and they were hooting and hollering like the trained seals they are. Not the actual audience, who were less than impressed. Read the Chicago paper reports written by people who attended in person. Not someone who watched it on CSPAN

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I thought all you college educated folks knew this guy was a total doofus.

Always thought there was something lacking when the main Republicans idea of an economic policy

was basically “The Beverly Hillbillies” on steroids where everybody gets a shotgun and we “Drill baby drill” for more Texas Tea.

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Recently I heard that one of Trump's requirements for his Surgeon General will that be they need to support a review of all mental health cases in the United States looking for a large swath of misdiagnoses. Specifically, they will be looking for people who were incorrectly determined to be mentally ill when they were simply employing the "Trump Weave". Insiders say that this will address much of the homeless problems by giving them positions in his Administration and the GOP.

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I was less than impressed by the Bloomberg interviewer’s response to Trump’s defense of tariffs. Trump DID offer an explanation of why he thought they would work, and the interviewer took the lazy way out of saying that no economist agrees with Trump. Appeals to expertise are not persuasive to those who need persuading.

I think Trump’s defense of tariffs was bullshit, but it deserved a reply since his views do resonate with his supporters and it is important to explain WHY it won’t work.

Trump said that once his tariffs were passed foreign manufacturers would rush to build plants in the USA to avoid them. Why is that wrong?

1. It takes time to pick a site, build a plant, train workers. In the meantime US customers would pay the tariff. I guess it would take a minimum of five years.

2. Foreign manufacturers might decide it wasn’t worth it for them and stop selling in the US, once again raising prices. Supply and demand.

3. If they did decide to build in the US, they might need to shutter plants at home, putting workers there out of work, which would push their governments to impose tariffs of their own on American products, leading to a tariff war.

Just appealing to expert opinion isn't enough - it's weak sauce.

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Oooh he has his petulant two year old folded arms and puckered face.

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I heard a savvy comment about the Coachella bus disaster: Trump planned a venue that was miles away from the parking lot as a way of making everyone stay to the end.

And then he didn't really care what happened to them after that. As I've read it, the buses stopped picking people up because Trump wasn't paying.

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That...and that sheriff there is a TOTAL MAGA.

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These guys think it doesn’t affect them. They can leave the country and live in south of France or New Zealand (not Hungary or Russia BTW). If the business suffers due to civil war or a bad business environment, they’ll pull up their tent poles and open offices in stable countries. What’s good for the country just doesn’t have a line item on their balance sheet. It’s really the worst capitalism has to offer.

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I don't think the room at the Economic Club of Chicago was fully behind Trump. There was definitely some hooting and hollering up front, audible to the mics, but when they pulled back to wide shots you saw a lot of very still silhouettes and some negative head shaking. My thinking is that he had his ringers up front where they could be heard, but the overall reception was much chillier.

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This was my perception, too. The amount of clapping heard was not commensurate with the number of people in that room. A lot of people did not clap. Also, the Bloomberg guy showed more spine in how he reacted to Trump than most anyone else I've seen.

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You have encouraged me. I listened to it (did not watch) and was shocked by the hooting and hollering. Were these serious business people? I hope your observation is correct. But even so, who exactly were the Trump applauders? Why were they there? Were they economists? I am stunned by the acceptance (and applause) for this man.

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Hooting and hollering at nonsense...sure seems to be in the MAGA wheelhouse, doesn't it?

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Thank you for this observation. I have been thinking lately of how low the American public has stooped -- Barnum of course had this long ago -- but it is astonishing to live through this in such punctuated fashion. I can't believe what savages we have become, but then again, all the signs were there for many years. In any case, I would modify Mr Egger's last paragraph thus: "Listening to it, it was hard to miss: The rot that’s infected GOP voters goes all the way to the [bottom ]."

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As for Stephen Miller and the rest t***p's sycophants, I am pretty sure at least Miller is an ardent disciple of Joseph Goebbels.

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May I say that the physiognomy is as great a resemblance as the ideology.

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Not only that...but they look alike too. :-) I had to look the word up...

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My question: WHO are the members of the Economic Club of Chicago? And why are they applauding Trump’s answers and booing the journalists? Were there Trump plants in the audience?

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Seriously! If people who claim membership in an "Economic Club" are deluded enough to think this is okay and actually vote for the guy, God help us.

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Here is an excellent cartoon about the New York Times sane-washing Trump:



"Unhinged man at end of bar might be making sense"

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OK Jason.

I'll accept what you and your techbro buds are saying.

She's dumb and he's a stable genius.

Instead of a debate let's have a live IQ test bakeoff.

Double blind test distribution and results analysis.

Surely Trump would want that?

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Well he did 'ace' the Montréal Cognitive Assessment test, which makes him a genius! Right?

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To Mr. Kristol & Mr. Egger: I just want to thank you both for your efforts and expertise over the past year. I truly appreciate your newsletter

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How long until Trump reaches out to Google?

"Mix in some positive stories, send me a 100 million and we'll be good" I'll even talk you up a little."

And if he wins, or is able to steal the election on Jan. 21 a startled Google is outlawed.

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In late 1930s Germany it was the lackeys (i.e., Stephen Miller) and the business leaders and industrialists that were most deeply invested in der fuehrer speaks. The claims of German territorial interest and cultural supremacy seemed to outsiders to be totally outlandish at first. But the growing investment inside Germany was not truly appreciated or understood until it was too late. See Churchill's "wilderness years."

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