1. On abortion: yes late term abortions are unpopular. This has always been true. However, I think the anti-abortion people keep conflating where the public has and is on abortion. Fundamentally, roe was popular because it allowed a woman and her doctor to make choices. Sometimes on very few occasions they choose to have late term abortions that aren’t medically necessary. This is very very rare. The reason why sometimes you would see polls that showed abortion as unpopular is a classic American tradition: disliking things that they believe can’t change. It’s a free vote to say what Americans love “I don’t like the system.” Now voters see what they always knew: Republican legislators want to control women.

2. Immigration: I love Mona’s rant and I agree with all of it. However, those arguments are intellectual reasons for immigration. Racism is not a problem that can be solved with intellectual arguments. Sonny said it best but I think he even misses the point: a lot of people don’t want the Indian doctor or Chinese engineer or Singaporean lawyer to come here. I don’t know what the solution is but we are going to move to dramatically decrease both legal, refugee, economic migrant and illegal immigrant.

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Sonny , when you are trying to describe how women feel about abortion , the word you are looking for is ANGRY . Not scared , but angry .

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The statement about the increase of young white males attending church was interesting. Correlates with Trump’s Cult

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My wife is a huge Star Trek fan. She and her Trekie friends love to point out that JD Vance says “Females” in the same way that the alien Ferengi race says female. Since females have no rights in Ferengi society it’s not said in a nice way.

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