Surprise! There is corruption in Congress, especially during the pandemic. Surprise! Republicans in Congress make up crazy shit to confuse their voters and get on Fox News. Is there anyone on that committee who will investigate why the U.S. had about 500,000 unnecessary COVID deaths? But many of those who died were old, poor, Black and Brown people— essential workers, so who cares about them? How much money did they send to Congress?
Sorry to bring up what may seem a trivial issue, especially since I really appreciate your column, but here is an extremely common error in journalistic writing: “Swathe” is a verb. It means “to bind, wrap or swaddle with strips of material”. Only in British English can it take the meaning that we in the States assign to “swath”: “Swath is only a noun. It refers to (1) the width of a scythe stroke, (2) a path made by mowing, or (3) something likened to a path made by mowing. Today, it's usually used in the third, figurative sense” and can mean a large number of people or things, or a broad area of land. “The disease killed huge swaths of the population.” “Swath” is the word you wanted, not “swathe”.
Really like your columns for the Bulwark, Joe. You’ve been a nice addition to the team. While I think it’s really important to highlight where politicians get their financial support, especially when it aligns or poses a conflict with a committee assignment, I felt like the structure of the piece was drawing an equivalence between anti-vaxxers and the crop of reps who took campaign money from drug and insurance interests. While interest groups certainly pose a risk to optimal policy outcomes, the individuals who undermined COVID efforts posed and continue to pose a much greater risk to public health during a once in a lifetime pandemic.
I had no idea that this subcommittee was populated with the worst of the crazies. What could possibly go wrong? If they botch things beyond fixing, how many constituents will know where to lay the blame?
I’m struggling to understand why health insurance companies would be favorable to anti-vaxers, especially now that they will be picking up the tab for Covid hospitalizations. Although, as noted, they will simply pass on the extra costs to customers in the form of higher premiums. That’s when customers will get mad at . . . Democrats, probably. Because this important background is only read by informed people, which is a small minority.
Joe, your voice and wit are coming through quite nicely. It will be interesting to see how well the PAC recipients fare against the anti-science nutjobs. I wonder what the investigations, outside of the one into Fauci, will be. And what potential legislation will be proposed. I have little hope of anything of value.
executive branch policies, and preparedness for future crises.
The one thing you can be certain of they will not go back to the previous administration except where it concerns trying to crucify Fauci. They wont question what happened to all the supplies the Feds bought out from under the states. They wont talk about who profited the most. With the republican line up we will be very lucky to get anything done.
I'd worry about members accepting money from Insurance companies and Vaccine makers more, if I thought the COVID subcommittee was serious to begin with. It's all performative art for their red-meat-loving base....
Thank you Joe for this report. I'd
like to point out Florida received
billions in Covid funds. How about
the states these rethuglicans on
this committee got? The businesses
in their states? I think it goes a lot
deeper than pharm donations, and
let's not forget, all of this started
under Trump.
Surprise! There is corruption in Congress, especially during the pandemic. Surprise! Republicans in Congress make up crazy shit to confuse their voters and get on Fox News. Is there anyone on that committee who will investigate why the U.S. had about 500,000 unnecessary COVID deaths? But many of those who died were old, poor, Black and Brown people— essential workers, so who cares about them? How much money did they send to Congress?
Sorry to bring up what may seem a trivial issue, especially since I really appreciate your column, but here is an extremely common error in journalistic writing: “Swathe” is a verb. It means “to bind, wrap or swaddle with strips of material”. Only in British English can it take the meaning that we in the States assign to “swath”: “Swath is only a noun. It refers to (1) the width of a scythe stroke, (2) a path made by mowing, or (3) something likened to a path made by mowing. Today, it's usually used in the third, figurative sense” and can mean a large number of people or things, or a broad area of land. “The disease killed huge swaths of the population.” “Swath” is the word you wanted, not “swathe”.
Really like your columns for the Bulwark, Joe. You’ve been a nice addition to the team. While I think it’s really important to highlight where politicians get their financial support, especially when it aligns or poses a conflict with a committee assignment, I felt like the structure of the piece was drawing an equivalence between anti-vaxxers and the crop of reps who took campaign money from drug and insurance interests. While interest groups certainly pose a risk to optimal policy outcomes, the individuals who undermined COVID efforts posed and continue to pose a much greater risk to public health during a once in a lifetime pandemic.
Good article, Joe. Your work is a big plus for The Bulwark.
That subcommittee does NOT look very promising in terms of competence and recommending good public policy.
I had no idea that this subcommittee was populated with the worst of the crazies. What could possibly go wrong? If they botch things beyond fixing, how many constituents will know where to lay the blame?
I’m struggling to understand why health insurance companies would be favorable to anti-vaxers, especially now that they will be picking up the tab for Covid hospitalizations. Although, as noted, they will simply pass on the extra costs to customers in the form of higher premiums. That’s when customers will get mad at . . . Democrats, probably. Because this important background is only read by informed people, which is a small minority.
Good topic, Joe. Thanks.
Joe, your voice and wit are coming through quite nicely. It will be interesting to see how well the PAC recipients fare against the anti-science nutjobs. I wonder what the investigations, outside of the one into Fauci, will be. And what potential legislation will be proposed. I have little hope of anything of value.
executive branch policies, and preparedness for future crises.
The one thing you can be certain of they will not go back to the previous administration except where it concerns trying to crucify Fauci. They wont question what happened to all the supplies the Feds bought out from under the states. They wont talk about who profited the most. With the republican line up we will be very lucky to get anything done.
I'd worry about members accepting money from Insurance companies and Vaccine makers more, if I thought the COVID subcommittee was serious to begin with. It's all performative art for their red-meat-loving base....
Hail Veggies!