Thank you for having these incredible conversations that are so needed right now. Please run for president Adam, we need someone like you to lead us out of this mess!!

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An enlightening discussion. I used to attend plays at the Shakespeare Theater in DC fairly often, but the only time I've been there in the past decade was for a Bulwark Live event. I attended my first play at the Folger a few months ago. Since I now live closer to Baltimore, I sometimes attend plays of the Chesapeake Shakespeare Company.

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I think our current leader is fooling the people who want to think he’s a normal leader and for democracy.

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It's gonna be a long 4 years, and maybe longer. Connecting literary works to the politics of our time is strangely comforting. More of this, please!

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From beautiful western Massachusetts, love the discussion of Shakespeare and the history of the Folger library and theatre.

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Another outstanding show. You lucid and principled analysis of our times, plus a marvelous discussion of Shakespeare and the DC theater scene, made my day.


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This was great! Intelligent discussions of both arts and politics😊. I highly recommend NTLIVE@home for an audience tired of low-grade social media “arts”. I’m not associated in any way except as a happy subscriber. Good to have a range of intesting things to think about right now

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This was great! Intelligent discussions of both arts and politics😊. I highly recommend NTLIVE@home for an audience tired of low-grade social media “arts”. I’m not associated in any way except as a happy subscriber. Good to have a range of intesting things to think about right now

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This was great! Intelligent discussions of both arts and politics😊. I highly recommend NTLIVE@home for an audience tired of low-grade social media “arts”. I’m not associated in any way except as a happy subscriber. Good to have a range of intesting things to think about right now

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Where is Noah Webster when we need him?

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