You don't get it. We are not the people that need to be convinced. It's the undecided voter that is going to throw the election to Trump. Believe me, ever since 2016 I've been racking my brain trying to figure out who could support such an evil person and I still don't have an answer. It makes me wonder about the fate of the human race. But it is what it is and Biden is NOT reaching those voters. I think a younger person would energize those voters and get people excited about voting. Just my opinion. All I care about is never seeing Trump anywhere near the White House again.

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Nancy Pelosi was just on Morning Joe this morning and very clearly left the door open for a reassessment following the NATO summit. If you haven’t called the former Speaker’s office yet, today would be a good time to do so!

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Pelosi's extremely tepid non-endorsement of Biden (she says Biden has to make up his mind even though Biden keeps saying he's running) says all you need to know - she doesn't think Biden can win.

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I am so freaking angry seeing how utterly spineless the Democrats are in such a time of crisis! Also horribly disappointed in people like Michael Steele and Rick Wilson who are telling me/us to ignore what we see, suck it up and get back in line behind “Dear Leader Biden”! Shame on them and the many others like them! I will never be told what and how to think especially in light of glaring and obvious evidence: Biden has yet to lead in the states that matter (and now he’s behind in the General Election polls) and after the utter failure of a debate and ABC interview, and unwillingness/inability to show either were episodic, HE WILL LOSE! MAGA, it seems, is not the only shameless cult! Welcome back King Trump your subjects await you!

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That’s not at all what Steele and Wilson are saying, and so please check out their statements.

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Biden's clearly staying in. My view is that they need Kamala Harris to start campaigning as if she is going to be the President. Joe should keep doing his stuff, of course, but let's "run" Kamala, too. Sarah Longwell makes the point that the Republicans are already campaigning against Kamala as if she will be the President at some point in the next 4 years anyway. So, let her go out there and do her prosecutorial thing, and highlight her way more than any VP has ever been highlighted in the past. One way to quell doubts about Biden's ability to serve for 4 years is to showcase who will replace him.

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I am quite sure they are. And now the f’ing press is finally covering her!!

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I'm voting "D" at the top of the ticket regardless this year. I just hope Americans can remember, even if it doesn't "feel good", that -10 is > -1000

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Wow- comments are interesting today.... just a suggestion that the Bulwark writers could include more information to readers and beyond regarding the differences in the parties policies like banning abortion and some contraception, blowing up entire government departments, deploying the military against civilians, and creating a police state to undertake a massive dragnet to deport millions of people. The radical Supreme Court majority Trump put the finishing touches on, who over turned ROE to return women to 2nd class citizens. Taking agency expertise into their own lawless hands and handing immunity for "everything" to presidents (TRUMP!). Magnify Project 2025 and the authors behind it.... let the Dems figure out what to do/not do about Biden and focus on beating and fully exposing Trump. Be for Democracy, loud and clear, for next 100+ days ... let's do this!

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FDR kept the worst of his condition from voters. He was elected in 1944, and was effective dealing with Stalin and Churchill at Yalta three months later. He passed away not more than a month or so later. He was an effective President from his first moment in office until his death. Truman completed plans for the war, completed the term and was re-elected in 1948 in spite of the polls suggesting otherwise. I have just heard Congressman Jasmine Crockett argue very effectively for Biden on NewsHour -- I am with her, and with Biden.

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Biden is not FDR… FDR had a physical issues, not cognitive issues as Biden has . Also, he was much younger than Biden.

This is a false equivalency.

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The brilliant political analyst Nate Silver is also to be a world-class poker player. In a recent column, he sees Biden as engaged in a strategy of MAD, mutually assured destruction. "I won't withdraw and so you can't win without me, so you have better rally around the flag." But it is a bluff. All we need is a for a few prominent leaders or a passel of less prominent ones to call the bluff. The "in all good conscience" except provides a way for Biden convention delegates to become free agents. James Clyburn himself, the senior Democratic leader in Congress, has called for a mini-primary and open convention. Harris can compete along with everyone else. It is no disrespect to any leader to insist they win the nomination rather than being anointed. We all understand the desperate need for unity and so we will rally around the flag of whatever nominee emerges from the convention. There are outstanding governors and other possibilities -- let's nominate one and clobber Trump in November!

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Also read James Carville’s model in the NYT. He addresses all of the questions of “not enough time, not enough money”, etc.

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Horribly fascinating that Dems find themselves in this position. So the voters that are insisting we stay with Biden, if he loses, everyone that want an alternative is going to point the finger at them . And for those that want an alternative, if we do get that and lose, the Biden voters are going to point the finger at us. What a conundrum.

Of course, if Biden remains on the ticket, the ones that want an alternative are going to vote for him. Duh. But it is those swing states we have to be concerned about. Yes, 7 million more people voted for Biden but, in our stupid electoral college system that doesn’t matter now, does it? Hillary won the popular vote and look what happened. And the polls in the swing states, have consistently now for while either showing Biden behind or just so narrowly beating Trump.

So are the voters that are all in for Biden really truly believe that he can effectively last the entire term, given on the evidence of his declined so clearly in front of our face? Or is it just get him in now, and will deal with it later? So eventually it will be Kamala in that case.

Or we get a very strategic alternative for both president and VP that will energise the voters that are all wanting an alternative? An alternative that could convince the voters out there that don’t like Trump, but rightly or wrongly have convinced themselves that Biden would be even a worse choice? And they’re many of those out there. Get a team new and fresh, and the age issue which is the driving issue for many goes away.

The majority of Dems never wanted Biden to run for another term yet those voices are being ignored, ridiculed and lambasted. I’ve said before, both things can be true the same time, that Biden did a good job in his first term and saved us once, but that is not an automatic guarantee that it will happen again, especially given the evidence of him, currently. Go back and look at the election coverage from 2020, look at the Joe Biden then, and compare it to the Joe Biden now.

I just think it’s absolutely limited thinking that he is the one and only that the Democrats have. Kind of sounds like the Republicans, but they have in lock step fallen behind their supreme leader.

And yes, the people at the Bulkwark might’ve sinned in the past, but I am grateful they’re here now working to do everything they can to defeat Trump. I for one am I’m glad to have them on board.

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Here is what Bill Kristol, a person whose views I have had increased recent respect for, linked to here:

After saying that Joe Biden would instantaneously be transformed in a flash of light from a goat into George Washington after uttering the magic words - "I quit", the piece went on...

"The hypothetical accelerated primary would involve a massive social media content campaign to engage voters, including forums between the candidates moderated by celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Taylor Swift or Stephen Colbert, according to the memo."

Now I know what being "gobsmacked" really feels like. After I read this.

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Required viewing for Joe Biden: Any Muhammad Ali fight beginning with his loss to Leon Spinks...

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This whole thing is a total clusterfuck. What happens if we replace him? The far left loonies in the party start clamoring for someone totally unelectable and have a hissy fit when they don’t get him/her like when they didn’t get Bernie. Suppose the party decides Kamala is unelectable and nominates some white guy and we piss off our black coalition? I sincerely wish Joe had opted out last year but it is what it is. Personally I could give a damn if he’s in the beginning stages of dementia. Anything’s better that putting that dictator wannabe back in office.

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I don't know why it's taken so long for people to discover Allan Lichtman, but everyone needs to hear what he has to say. Listen to what he tells Adam Mockler of Meidas Touch:


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Tommy Vietor said: "I respect those who genuinely believe Biden has the best shot of winning in November. I disagree, but we're all making our best guess based on available information. But the people who say shut up, stop talking about it, ignore data like this should be laughed out of politics."

And he cites polling that looks dismal for Biden.

Is he just "bashing Biden"? Or is he - like William Kristol - sincerely alarmed about what lies ahead?

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Biden doesn't seem to grasp that he can't lose ANY democrats and still win against Trump. He needs to consider how many dems and independents will stay home or just not vote for the top of the ticket.

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Sarah mentioned a focus group where Trump-to-Biden voters were returning to Trump, and even some Clinton-Biden voters said they were uncomfortable about voting for Biden, that it felt "irresponsible."

This is not all "bashing Biden." It's confronting the reality of what voters are thinking.

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Agreed! Having a discussion about options is not bashing, it's being realistic. Even if we all agree to stick with him, looking at the options should be what democracy is about, not just drinking the Kool-Aid like some other party.

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Today Professor Timothy Snyder joined James Carville, Ezra Klein, and others in outlining options for an open process to offer voters the different choice they have been asking for. Democrats, we can do this. Set aside fear and give our democracy a chance to survive in November.


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