It's wishful thinking to assume that Trump doesn't mean what he says.
He's been talking for years as when the US has trade deficit with a country, that country is CHEATING us out of that amount of money, and that's why he has to invade Canada and impose tariffs.
Hey WAKE THE FUCK UP, HE IMPOSED TARIFFS. He DID side with Russian in Ukraine.
It's wishful thinking to assume that Trump doesn't mean what he says.
He's been talking for years as when the US has trade deficit with a country, that country is CHEATING us out of that amount of money, and that's why he has to invade Canada and impose tariffs.
Hey WAKE THE FUCK UP, HE IMPOSED TARIFFS. He DID side with Russian in Ukraine.
He may, in fact, invade Canada.
He's probably going to invade Greenland and Panama.
You're comfortable upper class people who pretend that nothing bad happens in the world.
This is what Germany was like before Hitler actually started invading countries, sure the government is weird, but we're all fine, right?
I'm gonna paste this here too from down a bit:
This is a terrible podcast. These cringy laughing joking numbnuts are like, ha ha ha, we're so smart, we're in on the joke, there's no real Fascism, it's all a joke.
No it's not a joke. It's sold as a joke, but Trump isn't an actor, Donald Trump is a deeply mentally damaged man with neurological problems like ADHD and psychological problems like the PERSONALITY DISORDER called malignant narcissism.
His worship of Putin isn't Kayfabe, it's how a man with a personality disorder of narcissism attempts to soothe his emotions. And what he worships is the abuse of power which involves hurting actual populations.
He literally has the same kind of personality as an actual monster like Stalin or Mussolini. That's not pretend.
They'll be laughing up until the day they get put against a wall and shot!
This is definitely a plan on Trump's part to follow in Putin's footsteps. Has anyone ever heard or studied the concept of "Lebensraum"? If you have or had you would know that Trump's threats about Canada, Greenland, and Panama are nothing to laugh about...stop calling him names that soften what would be a terrible blow to
our country and really put out there what he and whomever is feeding him the
concepts to be able to delude the "low-culture". Instead of insulting the population of the about educating them (which neither party ever did)..knowledge is power and they did not want the everyday citizen to have the power to vote intelligently...don't blame the people...they have been groomed for this moment for many years...low education standards for the public schools; overextended work hours to make ends meet with little time to keep current on civic issues; pushing of consumerism to fill the empty voids in their lives (big business plays a big part here).
Americans have been duped but it is not too late to turn things around....educate, educate, educate. Analyze each facet of Trump's so called dementia and compare it to
Hitler and the events leading up to WWII....then teach it to the persons willing to listen and pass it on.
It's wishful thinking to assume that Trump doesn't mean what he says.
He's been talking for years as when the US has trade deficit with a country, that country is CHEATING us out of that amount of money, and that's why he has to invade Canada and impose tariffs.
Hey WAKE THE FUCK UP, HE IMPOSED TARIFFS. He DID side with Russian in Ukraine.
He may, in fact, invade Canada.
He's probably going to invade Greenland and Panama.
You're comfortable upper class people who pretend that nothing bad happens in the world.
This is what Germany was like before Hitler actually started invading countries, sure the government is weird, but we're all fine, right?
I'm gonna paste this here too from down a bit:
This is a terrible podcast. These cringy laughing joking numbnuts are like, ha ha ha, we're so smart, we're in on the joke, there's no real Fascism, it's all a joke.
No it's not a joke. It's sold as a joke, but Trump isn't an actor, Donald Trump is a deeply mentally damaged man with neurological problems like ADHD and psychological problems like the PERSONALITY DISORDER called malignant narcissism.
His worship of Putin isn't Kayfabe, it's how a man with a personality disorder of narcissism attempts to soothe his emotions. And what he worships is the abuse of power which involves hurting actual populations.
He literally has the same kind of personality as an actual monster like Stalin or Mussolini. That's not pretend.
They'll be laughing up until the day they get put against a wall and shot!
This is definitely a plan on Trump's part to follow in Putin's footsteps. Has anyone ever heard or studied the concept of "Lebensraum"? If you have or had you would know that Trump's threats about Canada, Greenland, and Panama are nothing to laugh about...stop calling him names that soften what would be a terrible blow to
our country and really put out there what he and whomever is feeding him the
concepts to be able to delude the "low-culture". Instead of insulting the population of the about educating them (which neither party ever did)..knowledge is power and they did not want the everyday citizen to have the power to vote intelligently...don't blame the people...they have been groomed for this moment for many years...low education standards for the public schools; overextended work hours to make ends meet with little time to keep current on civic issues; pushing of consumerism to fill the empty voids in their lives (big business plays a big part here).
Americans have been duped but it is not too late to turn things around....educate, educate, educate. Analyze each facet of Trump's so called dementia and compare it to
Hitler and the events leading up to WWII....then teach it to the persons willing to listen and pass it on.
I’m done pretending. We’re either thoroughly deluded or unbelievably brainwashed. Wise up and stop dragging the rest of us down.