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Thank you. I truly appreciate your response and how thorough and thoughtful it is. I agree that it is Ross’ type of cynicism which is prevalent in privileged folks (i.e. mostly white people middle and upper middle class who can afford the luxury of cynicism) that is an obstacle to more change more quickly. I am unsubscribing from The Bulwark primarily due to podcasts like this where these folks like to talk and hear their own voices but dont offer anything new and dont offer ways to get out of the deep hole of shit we’re in. They just want to sell their own books while it all burns down.

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Make sure not to buy into the fascist anthropology that assumes that certain people just ARE somehow "inferior" by nature... . Because as soon as we indulge in imagining that those who disagree with us must somehow be morally inferior to us, we ARE adopting a fascist, hierarchical view of human nature. There are no scientific studies backing up those claims...

As to unsubscribing from The Bulwark: how will that help us move forward? Imho, there is only one way forward, namely actively go toward people who disagree with us and engage in real, respectful debates with them. That is and has always been the only way to obtain a thriving democracy. And with fascism being installed, cultivating a real debate culture is imho more urgent than ever before.


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