Interesting convo, but to the last question I doubt that in the future people will look back & say the concerns about social media were overblown like they were with video games lol. I can't remember video game characters bullying people into suicidal thoughts, nor can I remember video games resulting in an explosion of eating disorders …
Interesting convo, but to the last question I doubt that in the future people will look back & say the concerns about social media were overblown like they were with video games lol. I can't remember video game characters bullying people into suicidal thoughts, nor can I remember video games resulting in an explosion of eating disorders in young girls. I also don't remember seeing anywhere that video games were scamming people, causing a huge jump in mental health issues in youth, or that Command & Conquer resulted in players storming the United States Capitol. That is of course until the rise of modern multiplayer games where bullying could occur just as easily as social media, because games like WoW, Fortnite, etc are pretty much social media with your own action avatar.
Maybe I'm just old though and none of those issues linked to social media are actually important enough anymore, at least in America. Actually that's probably it considering America's Autocrat in Chief did really well with the young demographic of American voters in the election. That raises a chicken and egg question - are today's young people more open to harming others & social media just amps up the volume, or did the social media addiction of young people turn them that way.
I think it might be the second answer considering that the billionaires that own social media won't let their kids touch it & severly limit screen time lol. Yet they want YOUR kids clicking on things every waking hour and develop the algorithms for apps/sites accordingly. Knowing that the owners of a product aimed at the youth won't let their kids go near it should tell you everything. Perhaps it is their understaning of mob mentality that is both their key to untold profits through social media, and also the reason why they won't allow their kids to use what they create.
Interesting convo, but to the last question I doubt that in the future people will look back & say the concerns about social media were overblown like they were with video games lol. I can't remember video game characters bullying people into suicidal thoughts, nor can I remember video games resulting in an explosion of eating disorders in young girls. I also don't remember seeing anywhere that video games were scamming people, causing a huge jump in mental health issues in youth, or that Command & Conquer resulted in players storming the United States Capitol. That is of course until the rise of modern multiplayer games where bullying could occur just as easily as social media, because games like WoW, Fortnite, etc are pretty much social media with your own action avatar.
Maybe I'm just old though and none of those issues linked to social media are actually important enough anymore, at least in America. Actually that's probably it considering America's Autocrat in Chief did really well with the young demographic of American voters in the election. That raises a chicken and egg question - are today's young people more open to harming others & social media just amps up the volume, or did the social media addiction of young people turn them that way.
I think it might be the second answer considering that the billionaires that own social media won't let their kids touch it & severly limit screen time lol. Yet they want YOUR kids clicking on things every waking hour and develop the algorithms for apps/sites accordingly. Knowing that the owners of a product aimed at the youth won't let their kids go near it should tell you everything. Perhaps it is their understaning of mob mentality that is both their key to untold profits through social media, and also the reason why they won't allow their kids to use what they create.
Agreed, unreservedly.