Thank you for the linked newsletter from Mike Brock. I haven’t had the intestinal fortitude to track the anti-antis lately, but appreciate the update.

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Miss the podcast updates

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I am subscribed but sometimes are locked out and don't know why.

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What brought us Trump was the decline income of the non-college educated in the last 40 years. If your economic prospects have been going down for four decades, you will get plenty mad. And incidentally, the non-college educated includes a MAGORITY of Americans.


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My home team won in Cleveland last night!

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Mike Brock scratched the itch I’ve had reading the “surprised” editorial writers at NR. Why didn’t anyone tell them?

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NR is twiddling as the Constitution burns.

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I did a brief dip into the Blake Lively brouhaha in another forum and quickly lost interest. I suppose Candace will latch onto any topic which she can exploit.

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Sorely missing the list of poignant and (sometimes) silly links at the end of Overtime :(

They often delivered a welcome distraction from the madness and introduced me to important stuff I would not have otherwise come across.

Please think about bringing it back.

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