The MAGAt fucks will be killing each other to get at the shit-stained portion of Dear Leader's suit. Game used!

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I've also been thinking of lines for Tim Walz:

1. I know this guy, who, when his wife was having their first child and at her most vulnerable, left her alone to go out chasing other women. If I were her, I would hate the guy and never, ever again have a child with him. Oh, wait. Now that you mention it, she never did.

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Agree that Nastiness, Aggression and ultimately violence are core to Trump and Trumpism.

I posted the following in response to Tim Miller’s recent podcast w Adam Kinziger, and I believe it fits this article better:

All of Trump’s political behavior, even his so-called “policy” initiatives have been combative, fighting against one person or group, always attacking, always negative, always with the intent of harming someone or other.

The smears and threats against Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Schiff, McCain, Romney, etc ad nauseum, are well known.

But he is not satisfied w securing the border, for instance. He has to hurt the immigrants involved, by separating families, etc.

He can’t just negotiate investment in NATO by other countries, he has to threaten them w just letting Russia invade, etc.

He can’t just run against Biden’s or now Harris’ record, he has to demean Biden by calling him old and weak and senile, and of course Fox etc. multiplies such cruelty, bc they are cut from the same cloth. He has to demean Harris by re-posting memes of her and Hillary that are crass in a way that would have ended other candidate’s races before Trump numbed us to the outrages.

Trump is not just an unserious, vainglorious, mendacious man.

He is a deeply violent one, whose daily impulses are to hurt others, especially as he scrambles toward power. And when he is in power, he has been and will be even worse. Ask the Vindmanns, John McCain, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, the police he sicked a mob and for hours at our Capital, and the list goes on.

He does not attack others because it’s strategic. He attacks even when it’s counter to his long term interests, as w his attack on Governor Kemp in Georgia. He attacks because he enjoys hurting people.

Because, at bottom, he’s not just a narcissist.

He is a sadist.

It is obvious. And this is the guy our Supreme Court wants to grant exceptional immunity, from essentially any prosecution for acts that involve government agencies, however corrupted.

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The legacy for America since Trump came down the Golden Staircase, nastiness and lies repeated so much they become truth for MAGA World.

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Almost every article on the Bulwark focuses almost completely on the political candidates on the Republican side and on the Democratic party with some coverage of their new candidates.

However this election in November 2024 wil be decided by the electorate whom Bulwark columnists and editors have insufficient statistical data on either Democratic or especially Republican voters in regard convoluted thinking as to Trump policy positions or initiatives, or what are the descriptions of Trump/MAGA programs as offered in Project 2025.

It would be insulting to call all or most Republican/MAGA voters quite stupid, even if that is an accurate definition, so the Bulwark, NY Times, Washington Post and most no-right wing media will tread lightly in hopes of not offending anyone directly except Donald Trump himself.

Every senior person here in N W New Jersey self-identified as staunch Republican - meaning MAGA, with whom I have conversed are totally ignorant about any Presidential, Congressional or states' matter critical to governing the country in 2025 and beyond. They have no knowledge or understanding, for example that Trump stopped passage of an Immigration Bill put forth by Senate Republicans that was deemed by all parties as most potentially effective immigration measure to significantly reduce illegal entry into USA for more than 40 plus years.

They believe without reservation every lie from Trump, even those confirmed as false by many prominent national Republican Governors and political officials in writing and video interviews with Trump. Therefore it is not conceivable that MAGA voters are not completely mentally dysfunctional and incapable of making a sane decision on new US leader of the free world.

The issue is as simple as that.

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He’s a modern day, “flimflam-man” AKA – Conman

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Thanks so much for the link to Tim and Sam’s YouTube video. It was my laugh-out-loud on “one of those days.” DJT is a ridiculous conman.

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Absolutely brilliant distillation of the actions and values of Trump, Vance and the MAGA disciples made all the more captivating by the most unexpected and surprising cleverness of the reference point described by lyrics from 'My Fair Lady'. God lord, Bill. You're a bloody treasure!

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The smirk on his face and the thumbs up - there - on that sacred ground - despicable.

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The Inquisition. One must be ever more pious to escape the flames. At least more pious than the guy standing next to you. In their desperate displays of piety, the sanctimonious on both the right and the left are now eating their own. Brings to mind Francisco Goya's painting of Saturn eating his children. My how far we have fallen. Or at least some of us have.

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Want some fun? Read the wiki page on the History of education in the United States. Those of us (of a certain age--I didn't go to kindergarten because Havre MT didn't have public kindergarten classes) who grew up in the north and on the west side of the Mississippi experienced this. In any event, take a look.

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Interesting point about teachers who don't have children. Back in the dark ages when I was in elementary school, of the 7 teachers I had (back then it was K - 6th), 6 were unmarried. Same with the principle. We called them Miss (Ms hadn't been invented). To my knowledge, none of them had children. Does this confirm that I was right when I told my mother I didn't like Miss Harris because she was mean to us. Sounds like JD and I share at least one similar experience.

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Doesn't this depend on a rather shaky premise that having your own children will a) make you more predisposed to like and care for children, and b) will make you more predisposed to like and care for other peoples' children?

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Trump's latest grift. I wonder if you add up the asking price for all the pieces of Trump's suit, would it be more expensive than the Shroud of Turin? Of course, we would have to run tests to confirm it was on the body Donald J Trump.

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Charlie's Quick Hits at the end of Morning Shots generally highlighted the articles of the day that didn't have Comments sections, thereby providing the opportunity to comment on them. That was a great feature and it sure would be great to see it come back.

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Wonderfully written and clearly reasoned. A pleasure to read.

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Someone should suggest Trump embrace one of the most important customer loyalty programs....rewards/loyalty points, e.g. if you bought a Bible you get a discount on the NFT cards or if you buy the NFT cards, they throw in a Bible..or a steak...or a Trump coloring book? :)

But that would suggest I guess you really want to reward your customers vs treat them like losers and suckers???

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The Trump coloring book should come packaged with three orange crayons.

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