Today's GOP:











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from the AZ piece: "This law is too harsh. We lose too much with it in November: the presidency, a Senate seat, and the legislature."

What, no mention of having Viagra delivered to your door?? What's good for the goose, is good for the gander may be appropriate here.

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The rot runs deeper than in the past, but the GQP has put party, and power, above country for a long long time. The party of Atwater, Stone, Gingrich...all that was set in motion in the '80s. Those serving now are just the children that nursed that witch's brew.

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Re Don Snoreleone - his team are in a tight spot.

Give him wake-up pills - and he starts jabbering, flapping about, unable to sit still or keep quiet.

Leave him to react as any elderly, overweight, under exercised old guy would, sat for hours in a hot, stuffy boring courtroom (i.e. fall deeply asleep) and the media will be all over it.

I always suspected that trump's behavior patterns were the result of some form of chemical abuse - and this situation only re-enforces that suspicion. . .

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Quite a difference between "Ask not what your country can do for you. . " and "What's the Republican party getting out of it?"

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It must be difficult for the authors to watch the collapse of an institution they have supported most of their adult lives. It seems like it would be a bit like watching a family member succumb to a long, debilitating disease.

The rot in the party is deep and possibly irreversible. I believe that a series of large electoral losses may drive the grifters from the party, but have no evidence in support of that belief. We could discuss at length when and why the rot started, but we have to acknowledge there is not a real political party to support any longer.

There are no "moderate" Republican politicians. There are only the MAGA true believers, con artists who pretend to be MAGA for personal gain, and otherwise decent human beings who will support the MAGA line in pursuit of their ambition. The party has no goals other than whatever Donald Trump wants.

I have no illusions that the Democratic party is perfect, or that it includes no grifters and frauds. It is still a working political party, and manages to control its extreme elements. The Democratic party needs a strong conservative party to be its best. I hope one develops soon.

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As an independent voter, I would have no qualms to vote either side of the ticket IF IDAHO ESTABLISHED OPEN PRIMARIES. Folks are working extremely hard to achieve this, but it's a struggle. This binary BS is crippling our state, yet the Idaho House Speaker and the Governor march blindly toward the money, leaving women and children in the dust.


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I can only wonder what Nancy Pelosi thinks as she watches Mike Johnson perpetuate Kevin McCarthy's cluster. Her margin in the 117th Congress was 221-214 (IIRC). and she got significant things done. There's much to be said for putting professionals in charge.

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Andrew, thanks for following Rich Lowry so that I don't have to :

I ceased taking him either literally or seriously after his spontaneous "starbursts" emission over Palin; admittedly, he was not married at the time, but he _was_ forty years of age. I have no doubt that there are more _infuriating_ quotes over the subsequent fifteen years from the editor of The Nation or The New Republic, but if there is one half so embarrassing to the source, I have managed to miss it. (Nominations, anybody?)

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"And while everyone knows its extremist tributaries are crazed, it’s also the case that the Republican mainstream is deeply polluted."

Bill, Bill, Bill. Dude. When are you going to catch up? There is no "Republican mainstream". There are no "normies". Anyone who still calls him- or herself a Republican is at best a collaborator (in the Vichy sense) and at worst just another MAGA stooge.

I know that. Everyone out here in Bulwark Readerland knows that. Why do you not know that?

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Well, one idiotic R House idea has crashed: "NYT BREAKING NEWS

The Senate dismissed the impeachment case against Alejandro Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary, a move that skips a trial altogether."

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This sort of goes with the subject as the senate dismissed the so called "charges" against Mayorkas. This was for nothing but wasting time and sound bites and clicks for the impeachment "managers"

“This process must not be abused,” McConnell said. “It must not be short-circuited.”

"Republicans similarly moved to dismiss former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial in 2021, weeks after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. All but five GOP senators — including McConnell — voted to end the trial"

Yes the ROT runs deep.

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We get to watch this Republican show and wonder how the craziness keeps reaching new levels. Perhaps the Republican Party has no official positions on anything and therefore by definition any position is Biden’s. Until a groan of disapproval comes from a resort in Florida or a CourtRoom ( now in NYC) and then the faithful know where they stand. I doubt this happened in George Washington’s time, even though there were many disagreements and some came from fake people in the press. ( nothing is new).

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If one is referred to as a "loyal trump supporter" than he cannot also be "mainstream" or "normal" Republican.

Manu Raju really should do a follow up question or two when a member of Congress spews such garbage. That's not journalism.

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Hey Garrett…didn’t you ever learn the rule, “Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face!”

They are enacting a weird sort of “revenge” while foregoing bills they ultimately want. So childish.

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As The Great Unravelling heats up, the plunder of the people and the destruction of the truth serve notice that Imagination will be key to being okay. “Remember”, Cosmic Eric says, “There is but one universe but realities are infinite. Creativity is key…come with us and you can continuously change your own reality and sail the waves of change ‘outside the box’ and ahead of the curve. We have enough Imagination to get us all through this year just fine, lessons and math and love…not to worry!”

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Here is something nteresting, when you consider the larger cointext of the Iranian attack last weekend:


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