Whoa, whoa, whoa...Morning Shots left something out of the essay by stating, "it’s my “brothers” who are the problem: white voters." Considering that women make-up 50% of the population and are more likely to vote; one should reflect on a fact that Harris has a huge lead among women (all races and origins). Any poll that says different, maybe "herding." Media can create any exciting scenario that they want in order to pull attention to their site.

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White college graduate here. I cannot imagine anyone voting for Trump regardless of race, creed, gender, education level.

That he leads among white voters is sad. And could be deadly.

I am praying for a blue wave and counting on black women (again, as they have so many times), white women (please ladies show up for Harris), and the young (come on folks, this is the rest of your life we are talking about!) to save our bacon once again. Vote blue up and down the ballot as if your life depends on it. Because it does.

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Didn’t Telly Savalas have a gold-plated toilet … in his *car*?

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Bill Kristol: "The more important point is this: If you believe it’s important to defeat Trump, it’s not Obama’s “brothers” who are the problem. It’s my “brothers” who are the problem: white voters." I agree, but with a caveat. Although there are white female voters who'll vote for Trump, it's mostly white male voters. I think after the election we're going to see that Harris/Walz got most of the women voters because of anti-abortion bans and the damage it's causing to women, because of insults to women (JD Vance can't shut up about his misogyny), because of overall patriarchy and misogyny, because of mansplaining and the demeaning way Republicans talk to and about women. Believer it or not, we're tired of it all. I'm a retired white woman who's 72 years old and I've lived with it all for a long time. As usual, men underestimate women because we don't stand around beating our chests (at least most of us don't) but we do vote. I also think you're going to see more young women voting for Harris/Walz also.

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25 mins ago·edited 24 mins ago

In my current job, I recently had the opportunity to take two long road trips through rural Indiana. One was about a six hour trip in the southeast part of the state. Another was about a five hour trip in the northern part of Indiana. Around election time, I always check out the political signs. I was shocked. In my 11 hour trip, I saw just four Trump signs. In 2020, I would have seen more than hundred. (I didn't see Harris signs either. I saw maybe 2 of her signs.) The lack of Trump signs makes me wonder if enthusiasm for Trump's candidacy which has spurned rural turnout in 2016 and 2020 will be missing in 2024.

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Regarding Elon: The devil is a bad actor with a couple hundred billion of his own money.

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I have no issue with Obama's comments. Obama isn't going to point directly at white people; he knows the GOP media machine will pounce on it.

Nice of Peter Baker to write on that bogus 'award' trump has been talking about for years -- Peter is years late to the party but I guess it's baby steps for the NY Times.

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Peter Baker & his wife Susan Glasser ( who writes for The New Yorker)wrote an entire book about Donald Trump, called The Divider. It's excellent. Baker has always been on point anout Trump.

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What do you mean by Peter Baker being “years late to the party.” He has always seemed on top of his game to me.



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"Vote for Trump! You’re gonna feel cool, like you used to, back when you had all your hair!"

This might be the most concise, accurate description of Trumpism available.

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50 mins ago·edited 47 mins ago

Yes white men are the biggest problem, but I am definitely worried about the gender issue overriding the racial issue. (And the country did elect a Black man, twice.) I think Obama is worried about this too. I've been commenting that MAGA is making a very deliberate play for younger men (as in, under 35 or 40), and it's basically cultural, not policy-based. They are very much trying to set the cultural expectation that younger straight men must vote MAGA, otherwise they forfeit their "dudebro / alpha" membership. This cultural appeal works across race, potentially across education, and is scary, because it has revealed how insecure younger men are and how much the lizard-brain appeal of making the country their "locker room" again works.

And I should add, this is why the Trump campaign has embraced the "manosphere" so fully. The ongoing revelations about how far that online subculture (or is it now just the culture?) has penetrated into young men's lives in the U.S. (and elsewhere) is awfully disturbing.

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If Trump wins it’s on the democrats for not taking the time to vet a stronger candidate. Don’t get me wrong but Harris is a good person but she is not dynamic nor presents as a strong person. Any polling would show that a majority of voters want a strong leader. We are, by and large, a shallow society, form over substance. Trump, although a sniffling coward, presents as tough and strong and that’s his appeal.

Harris is soft spoken , too cookie cutter. The only thing going for her is her seemingly being normal. A stronger appearing candidate would be 10 points ahead in the polls.

Democrats could have chosen better. They had 4 years to counter Trump. Now it’s too late.

Even if Harris is a weak candidate, there are only two choices in this election, democracy or fascism.

The media needs to wake up to the and help in this fight or they will no longer be the free press nor profitable but as simply government propaganda.

Vote Harris or watch the social , economical, and military strength of this country evaporate before our eyes.

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No. If trump wins that it on his voters. Stop blaming Dems for the actions of the GOP.

Dems have to clean up every mess the GOP creates yet somehow is now going to be responsible for our democracy? GMAFB

Lay the blame where it belongs.

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Bill K. pretty well lays out the proper place to look for blame: white voters that will vote for a white man - ANY white man - over someone who is not. Their committed, if often unspoken, view is that a white man can be "Presidential," and "others" cannot.

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I’m sorry Mr. Egger—but does anyone actually think Donald Trump ever drove a car? Or opened a door or paid a decent tip (or paid anything at all out of his own pocket)? Silly optimist …

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Or even had to drive a car and fill the tank worried about the cost? Which of his cult has a gold plated toilet?

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I don't know if you can view it in the States, but the BBC showed a special US edition of "Question Time" last night:


It came from Philadelphia, about 250 audience of Rep, Dem, and "undecided" voters. The panel was Martina White, Malcolm Kenyatta, Mehdi Hasan, Bryan Lanza and Anthony Zurcher. Four questions in all:

Does character matter?

What will your candidate do about the wars?

What are thoughts about inflation?

What should be done to improve the immigration system?

There was some interesting back and forth amongst the panel - although I thought Martina White, who is a Republican Penn. representative, seemed a bit like an overwhelmed High school debater.

But it was the audience, who placed and commented on the questions who were most interesting.

I'm biased, yes, I'll admit it - but the Dem voters came out with real facts, good suggestions, and good points. The Republican (or should I just say "Trump") voters, had obviously just swallowed a lot of hogwash whole. The thoughts and ideas they came up with were pure Trump propaganda and it was actually quite sad to see how easily their "arguments" were demolished. Do give it a watch if you can.

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Andrew, you failed to point out what I see as the most remarkable thing about Trump's "remarks" at the Detroit Economic Club (a place where one is typically described as delivering "remarks" rather than making a batshit crazy campaign speech): HE SPOKE FOR TWO HOURS!!!! I'm sure many, many presidential candidates have spoken there in previous campaigns but did any speak for even an hour? The man is not verbose; he's incontinent. The mainstream media just has not figured out what to do with this guy. Listen to NPR from this morning, just blandly reporting that he spoke for two hours and, among other things, said the US auto industry is on the verge of collapse and said that if Harris is elected the whole country will be a smoking hellhole like, well, like Detroit. The media simply can't figure out what to do. Why didn't NPR play a clip of the batshit crazy part? Why don't the national news shows do that? "Here, take a look, America. This is your Republican candidate for President. In other news, NYT columnist Bret Stephens said he could not support Kamala Harris because she reminds him too much of Salma Hayek and not enough of Friedrich Hayek, leaving open the possibility that he would prefer the decompensating lunatic you see in this clip from Detroit." As the wicked witch said, what a world! What a world!

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Part of the problem is that other leaders in the country don't know what to do about Trump. I am pretty certain that the mainstream media would headline the matter if it could print "President Biden calls Trump a G**damned Liar!!"

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Nothing wrong with Salma Hayik!

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JFC. The Bulwark competing with the NYT for the dumbest clickbait headlines. 🤦‍♂️ WTAF. American males en masse, regardless of race, are low EQ, emotionally stunted humans. We have a country of ‘grown’ men who act like middle schoolers. The masculinity crisis isn’t what Swishy Jesse Waters claims. It’s a country of men who are emotionally illiterate. 🥺

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A whole lot of white boys with daddy issues make up the trump base.

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Men who have “ no game” who prefer to sit in their parent’s basement playing video games than out working or going to school.

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Yes, and. These are men and young men who have never done any self exploration. I wrote a piece about this recently. https://open.substack.com/pub/dougsooley/p/a-farewell-to-kings?r=9ff0p&utm_medium=ios

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Please God - make him lose. Please, please. God. Make him lose then drop down with aphasia. I mean, he's nearly there already. I'm not asking for him to die, or even have a stroke. All I'm praying for is that you point that big ol' finger at him and make him STFU!!!!!

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Agree with Mike Lew: 10/10 today!

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