
Once again, this is THE BEST product on The Bukwark. Eric and Eliot are national treasures. Your erudition and common sense produce unique content that is somehow scary and comforting at the same time. If you want to see how a politician remains a thorn in Trump’s side in spite of death threats, read this LA Times piece on California Congressman Eric Swalwell (Apple News Plus link):


Swalwell has small children. His daughter’s drawing of a family outing had too many adults in it. When he asked her who the extra stick people were, it turned out to be their bodyguards. The Swalwell family private security detail now seems like part of the furniture to his preschooler. This security detail has cost Swalwell over a million dollars so far.

I agree that GOP Congressmen and Senators should either hire security or quit their jobs if they’re not willing to do them, but here’s the reality they face. Fwiw, I’ve never heard of Eric Swalwell before today.

As for the Canadians, a friend of ours just came back from a cruise with a lot of Canadians as well as Americans. The Canadians on the ship apparently made a point of yelling at the Americans they met with pointed insults before refusing to speak to them again. The hatred was palpable, according to our friend. And for what?

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I'm so thankful to have the perspective and knowledge of Cohen and Edelman--they are my go-to for understanding and evaluating news. Eliot, thank you for shedding tears with us all over the vulgar, reprehensible and ignorant treatment of President Zelensky. And Eric, please don't despair (too much)--the ability of committed and dedicated people to repair, restore, and improve our democracy might seem unattainable, but we can be a nation of miracles if we can turn public opinion. Although this may be a Carville time of "let them knock down their own house," Democrats need to be neutral educators countering each dismantling action with reason. I hope they don't make past galvinizing, overly progressive mistakes. Love the suggestion of a New Democratic party name.

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Probably the New Democracy Party to be a neutral platform for moderates.

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“overly progressive mistakes” - that’s exactly why we’re in this mess. Thank you.

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The situation at the Defense Department is similar to what is happening to our health care system. Research has stopped. You cannot restart a research protocol in medicine. Many people receiving Chemo for cancer treatment lose there treatment because they are part of continuous ongoing research. Not only does this endanger the lives of people benefiting from treatment, Many of the physicians and researchers will look outside the US. Major brain drain. In the future we will all suffer from the lack of knowledge this generates.

Not to mention antivaxers, and RFK jr, Measles Bird Flu. BTW Bird Flu scares the shit out of me. It has had over an 80% death rate in humans who get it from bird. This has been going on for over 20 years. As a former Nurse Practitioner I read many articles about how we were overdue for a Pandemic. Since the year 2000 I read several articles a year about this topic. Stock up on Tamiflu. I always have a supply. If a virulent strain of Avian flu starts spreading human to human it won't have as high a death rate, but Covid will pale in comparison.

I could go on with many stories i have heard (I listen to Infectious Disease, and Medical updates for sanity. You know science, data, well designed studies, reliable statistics.)but will stop here, I do understand your dismay over the idiotic methods used to make cuts without thought.

Eliot I share your upset. I was in Australia and was so relieved to see you and Eric did that day. It helped to hear your outrage and upset, but also brought me to tears. My father was in WWII commanding troupes on convoy ships being shot at the whole time then worked 30 years in Social Security. I am 65 and probably one of the youngest to have parents who lived through the depression and WWII. That had such an impact on them and on our upbringing that is absent in younger generations. We have to educate them about the sacrifices struggle to get that 80 years of relative peace, and prosperity at least for some that would have been beyond most 1940's Americans. This was not an accident. There were sacrifices by many and large amounts money invested internationally. That is is what makes us a super power. I know you know this but am amazed how many are ignorant of American history.

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I love learning from and listening to these two guys. So much experience, knowledge, and wisdom. What a waste that our current administration doesn't utilize people like this in all they're doing. // I have a proposal: what if we change the name of the "Democratic Party" to the "New Democratic Party" and invite centrists, independents, progressives, traditional dems and traditional repubs. Work within that broad group to build an America that works for everyone. Appeal to all constituents. I think it could work.

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Medicaid covers over 40% of births in the U.S., including nearly 50% of births in rural communities. It is also a vital source of prenatal and postpartum care for women across the country....it's not the Government that MAGA is at war with. It's the people that happened to wind up poor.

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This has become my favourite Bulwark podcast. I find it both very depressing and strangely soothing. The sadness and moral disgust both men feel, is what I feel.

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Me too. I enjoy hearing sane mature voices from the "old" Republican party. As a lifelong Democrat I don't always agree, but am always anxious to hear their opinions, and sometimes I adjust my how I view various topics.

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"Is an invasion of Canada conceivable?"

It's inconceivable, but there's a chance it could happen.

OK, a very, very small chance, but the joke stands!

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Like Eliot, I also blame the people around Trump and the people who know better for the decay in our institutions. I was just having this conversation with my husband. Why are we allowing Republican congressional reps and senators to abdicate their responsibilities and authority because they are getting death threats? Buck up buttercups! Stop arguing that if you get out the Republicans will nominate more right wing MAGA candidates and things will be worse. It’s going to get worse whether you stay or go. Do your jobs. Please.

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The other thing that could be a check is if Democrats really go out and campaign now. A good opponent showing up way early in a district Republicans think they should have can put the fear of voters into them. That could make even Republicans in the House start to rethink Trump.

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Really, I would not be surprised to see the Europeans move troops into Ukraine as soon as there is a cease fire, regardless of what the U.S. wants or thinks. Once they are in there, it is a fait accompli. The Russians can’t attack them. Europe is vastly more powerful than Russia, even if the Russians think they have a great military. And Europe needs to settle the war on their terms, because if Russia takes over Ukraine, they are next in line. So, their incentive is to shore up Ukraine and stop Russia right there.

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If Russia has not been able to defeat Ukraine in three years, how could it hope to beat France or the UK?

One possible answer: Russia is being supplied by China, Iran, and North Korea. Only the US can match their combined military industrial output in the short term.

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As far as I can tell, the goal of Donald Trump is to tear down enough of the federal government that our country can be controlled by the oligarchs. But the problem is that it also makes it possible for our country to be controlled or taken over by a foreign power. So far, he’s corrupted the courts and neutered Congress. He’s eliminated professionalism in the DOJ and all other parts of government that could possibly push back against corruption by him and his people.

The Democratic Party needs to think about this in terms of raw power, not how to govern. They should all be campaigning right now for House and Senate seats, because campaigning is the only thing that will force Republicans to put restraints on the fascists in the Executive.

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Jean Chrétien says he is considering nominating the current POTUS for the Order of Canada...

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Well done.

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At this pace, after 4 years there will be nothing left of America but rubble. “An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over its ashes”. Sun Tzu

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Is it really going to take four years for revulsion to set in for some people? How CAN you not feel revulsion already? What on earth kind of conversation are Republicans in Congress having in their own heads that can possibly feel anything but revulsion?

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Between Elon Musk's money and the Proud Boys' guns, they have even more reason for fear than for revulsion.

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Listening to you both is a strange combination of intellectually stimulating edification, and emotional heartbreak. I want to celebrate your erudition and weep at the subject matter. Thank you so much for all that you do to put this present horror show into historical context.

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