The new logo? Uh, no. Lol. But I bet some cravens would nod yes. I see that fpotus is going to sue the living daylights of anyone whom he wants to make an example of. Use a word he doesn't like, any criticism at all, even a pollster posting a poll he doesn't like? His goal is obviously to bankrupt anyone he wants to attack. This is going to be a really hideous next few years. I am trying to be hopeful, but.... And yes, major media has enabled a monster. We need the alternative, such as writers on Substack, to keep us sane and informed about what's really happening. I just hope fpotus minions don't disable this platform. We may need an underground news coalition to resist the rank authoritarianism we are about to experience full bore.

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Taking the interpretation of Hamilton's idea of energetic/unity, to assume criminal immunity, as a necessity, in Fed 70, as CJ John Roberts did, incorrectly, maliciously, and intentionally in granting Trump immunity, it should be in the same energetic reasoning, but legal, framework to protect the press from Trump, as POTUS, especially as things relate to past issues when not POTUS.

When he becomes "the Executive", the press may need immunity to energetically have debate on public issues that are Uninhibited, Robust and Wide Open so We The People know without censorship for something not protected, such as one's ego, before the escalation continues. The threats continue, to many more than just then just the press, and as such may need preemptive decisions, in this novel time, to avoid what we know is coming.

This should apply for those in pressrooms, also, being told to censor negative items as this is workplace restrictions/censorship, if speaking to, about, opinion content, for any protected class, of employee or item to be censored, as discriminatory, if applicable. It's not insanity it is pathology.

This said, is he establishing the intimidation, as a citizen, in advance, due to now being in Vought's "post-constitutional era" before he takes the Executive, or when he is the Executive? The "press", even those who refuse truth and transparency, mere indecency, should look to define this type of intimidation/suppression, in some legalese of Prior Restraint, on perceived unfairness, which I do not believe is constitutionally protected or a class to which should be facing fraud, malice, or some BS, for pissing off dear child leader, to spell out immunity. It should be absolute or with definitions/limitations for these attacks and suits baselessly brought, frivolously, so they be contained, regardless of what Disney just did.

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There is no bridge too far for DT.....He is our real pandemic and we don't know the cure.....yet.

Keep fighting

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I've never seen such whiny, bitchy, moany winners of an election, sport, or contest of any sort before Trump and company. 🙄

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Everybody keep your hats on. And your pea coats close.

I am going to tell a tale of Paddington.

No, no… I am not. Instead,

Read the books, find the movies….

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We should just rebrand all our anti Trump stuff really boring things so only we know about it

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I have grown weary of all this blathering bs. The polio vaccine was one of the triumphs of the 20th Century. To have folks of extreme privilege debunking it is yet again a despicable slap in the face to medical science, intelligence, and the common good. It is also a kick in the teeth to so many in the healthcare field who have heroically overcome ignorance to try to make a healthier society. I don’t get it. Maybe the blessed billionaires are afraid that paying for vaccines and vaccinations might eat into their profits.

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I think the reason Trump et.al. are pandering to the anti-vaxers is that they have become a significant part of the Trump voter coalition. The probable and possible side-effects of vaccines have been receiving maximum publicity, while the people who did NOT get polio, measles, COVID etc. are not overly grateful for not getting sick, especially if their arm was sore for a day after the shot. (After all, no Americans get polio or diphtheria anymore!) Primarily (liberal) medical elites are concerned about community immunity, and Trumpers love to own the libs!

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There needs to be a real cost imposed on Trump for filing these suits. How about treble damages for the costs of defending against meritless libel suits plus punitive damages for attempting to infringe on core constitutional freedoms?

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Bill says: "Trump is of the buffoonish species of the genus authoritarian, so one’s often inclined not to take the extent of his authoritarian ambitions seriously. And it’s true that he may not have fully worked out what he’s doing. He seems to have more the cunning instinct of the bully than the planned calculation of the despot."

It was often said about Trump that he went the direction of the last voice he heard in his ear. I can't help but worry that, at critical times, Victor Orban might be one of the main voices Trump hears. I can't ignore the fact that Trump touted Orban's endorsement during the one debate with Harris. Nor can I ignore Harris's accurate assessment that Trump is easily manipulated by dictators. There is no doubt that either Orban or Putin can provide all the planned calculation Trump needs.

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I predict a trickle-down effect from ABC's capitulation. Independent local newspapers and news sites will be harassed by local officals and agencies. I'm expecting the Trumpian mayor of my town to find some BS excuse to sue the local newspaper I work for because we have not shy about reporting on her mandacity and bad policy.

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Carolyn - I can't say that won't happen. But from my observations in Arizona, where there have been right wing-nut extremists before I was born, it's difficult to run the Trump playbook at local levels. Exhibit A: Kari Lake, a down-market media celebrity (in her mind) akin to any local used car dealer or plumber who makes their own commercials for late night TV. Cheap, lightweight, silly, but thinking they're both tough, and effective communicators. The majority of people either laugh at them or just find them annoying.

Local politicos generally don't have Trump's financial resources nor the clout that comes from the power & celebrity he's built up & knows how to exploit to get people to go along. Courts are less awed by such small-time imitation characters, especially once you get to a level above the local old boys (and it usually is literally boys) network.

That being said (a phrase required in every Bulwark podcast/article, per style manual), I don't deny the stress and costs associated with standing up to bullies. I've donated to GoFundMe for Olivia Troye's and Fred Wellman's defenses against MAGA related lawfare. I believe there are good readers here at The Bulwark who will stand up with you too in this tangible way to show our support for you and other principled journalists caught up in these crazy times.

You're strong & you're NOT alone!

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Good points! Thanks for the encouragement:)

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I hope the judge whose court Trump's asinine lawsuit lands in has the balls (or the female counterpart, which I guess is ovaries, just to cover all the bases) to tell Trump in the most elegant legalese possible to shove this piece of shit back up his ass, from whence he fished it out.

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Is there a non-profit wing of the Bulwark? It would be nice to get a tax deduction and company match for supporting the free press. It's such an important cause and I would probably give more.

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It could be the equivalent of a funded insurance policy. Perhaps there already are policies of this kind.

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Agreed -- it seems to me that the antidote to intimidation-by-frivolous-lawsuit would be organizations that gather contributions to help fund the legal defense, reducing its silencing effect. Because, people/orgs could know someone has their backs, and could therefore be more bold in defying the regime. Are there any organizations doing this?

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Pretty soon we won’t have to be worrying over Trump’s lawsuits. They won’t be needed once the press starts self-censoring any content that isn’t pro Trump.

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The logo sucks. Reds aren't red enough, blues aren't blue enough, whites arent WHITE enough...

I'm calling Bannon.

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It was a second grade Teacher.

" Police responded to a 911 call placed by a 2nd grader—yes, a 2nd grader

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I’m not sure “spare us” means what you think it means.

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