Conservatives? This ideology has been so twisted from its original concept I doubt many really understand the original conservative. Let's be really frank.
Fascism has found its way into our
House and the houses of other,
once democratic governments.
I never thought I would ever see
a president of our country, try to
overthrow the very g…
Conservatives? This ideology has been so twisted from its original concept I doubt many really understand the original conservative. Let's be really frank.
Fascism has found its way into our
House and the houses of other,
once democratic governments.
I never thought I would ever see
a president of our country, try to
overthrow the very government
he was supposed to protect. To
To see 20 malcontent fascists hold
our House of Representatives hostage, while they bickered over
over a "secret" agreement with a
weak man chosen to be the speaker
of OUR house. My father fought Nazis and fascists in WWII. Why
Conservatives? This ideology has been so twisted from its original concept I doubt many really understand the original conservative. Let's be really frank.
Fascism has found its way into our
House and the houses of other,
once democratic governments.
I never thought I would ever see
a president of our country, try to
overthrow the very government
he was supposed to protect. To
To see 20 malcontent fascists hold
our House of Representatives hostage, while they bickered over
over a "secret" agreement with a
weak man chosen to be the speaker
of OUR house. My father fought Nazis and fascists in WWII. Why
are we still fighting them, and in
our own country!?