There's an NBC poll that just came about that's making the absurd comment that Trump has a huge edge over Harris. Love to know who they're polling - the people who pick up landlines with no caller ID? All those pollsters should just put names in a hat and pick the "winner" of the day. BTW, just saw a Trump clip - low energy, the crowd behind him listless, and even the lines that got him cheers are met with silence.

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From Adweek - for September

Fox Entertainment - 2.5 million prime time viewers - 324,000 adults 25-54 demo

MSNBC - 1.4 million - 165,000 adults 25-54 demo

CNN - 853,000 - 180,000 adults 25-54 demo

Of the top 10, Fox held the top seven positions with the top four being The Five, Watters, Gutfeld and Hannity. MSNBC comes in at #8. CNN doesn't make the top 15.

Being worried is only rational.

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On that Trump story that's being shopped around…hopefully there will be no takers. Because whatever it is – whatever level of awfulness – it will not make the slightest difference to his supporters. Indeed, it might even energize the base and raise his turnout since awfulness seems for them to be a feature and not a bug. Ob the other hand, it would guaranteed to ignite outrage with his opponents and drain energy that could critically be put to good use elsewhere.

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That Tucker Carlson’s clip is so disgusting. Dad only has to spank his daughter? Really?

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The very fact that states are having to spend money increasing security for poll workers because of threats from Trump supporters is reason #37194 to vote for Harris.

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Maybe he will die on Halloween and Posobiec had a vision. JD could never win and all the RW trolls will claim the death is a hoax.

That would be an October surprise!

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The problem is the perception within the media that they have to cover the "real news" and so they often skip over or ignore the trump stuff completely. and i didn't make that up -- I heard it out of a reporters mouth on the bulwark podcast itself. he said something like "Well you see we have to get to the real news. Let's take the flattening of nc by milton... the real news was that, and the response. the trump stuff wasn't so we had to get that out the way [barely mention it] so we could to the real news..."

At this pt -- I don't think this is right. The first real news is an ex-president running again for office making up endless lies and bs about stuff -- start with that on every topic that this is true for, then go onto what most of us still think of as "real news" -- and you can don't have to have a panel of fact checkers at this pt either to rebut him. There should be a general trump-rebuttal in effect. Just tell it like it is -- one or so sentences top of the story and that's it. "Before we get today's real news story. The ex-president again has made numerous false claims about this real news story -- you shouldn't believe any of them. [optional sample here]. Now on to the real-news story... today <something, something, something>...".

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October surprise? Maybe we learn that Trump died from Covid in October 2020 and we've been dealing with his body double ever since.

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If he did die, I would hope that they would've had the good sense to destroy the mold.

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Funny - I didn't mention Lewinsky or impeachment, or anything to do with Clinton's performance as President. I was talking about the 1992 election, which I believe was the first modern election where voters (even in the primaries) indicated that they didn't care much about personal behavior. Frankly, I was one of them. My comments had only to do with his getting elected in the first place. Not a criticism, but my observation. Obviously, Trump's countless major offenses have made Clinton's romantic and business escapades look like mere peccadillos, but maybe 1992 was the start of a slippery slope.

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Republicans once claimed to be above accepting someone as morally vulgar as Clinton. Now they use the Clinton precedent to justify their embrace of someone who is ethically worse, besides being much stupider and far more erratic.

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1 hr ago·edited 59 mins ago

Let us face reality, folks. After all these years...far too many of MAGA cultural torture...nothing, nothing is going to move MAGA/GOP off the vector it now travels. I do wish those out there would refresh memories about the Weimar Republic. Then as now, nothing could stop the the cultural evil that enveloped Germany. Vile propaganda fertilizing hatred, revenge, violence, racism, anti-Semitism, and the rest of the hellacious stew became too much to derail by folks with sterling morals, religiosity, and souls. And so it is now. Fear is beginning to gnaw at the commonweal as November grows ever closer. The fear is that November, 2024 is the analog of August, 1934. God help us.

PS Doubt it? Our handsome governor with great teeth, Chris Sununu, as truly succumbed to the evil having poo-pooed The Atlantic's concrete reporting that Trump admires Hitler. This is how it happens, the elites [sic] seek to retain or gain even more wealth, power, and social standing by joining the evil. Re old GOP stalwarts, Los Angeles Times, Musk, Silicon Valley AI boys, CNN.....all lusting for power and the good graces of one, Donald Trump

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While I listened to the CNN folks critic Harris last night my jaw dropped. They sat there acting like she had just had the worst performance ever. She was great! She said so many great things! I think she addressed her changes in opinion in a way that’s refreshing and shows her open mind. How many times have we complained about division and minds being closed and her she is giving us exactly what we say we want and people are like “eh, she didn’t talk to the people in audience enough”. What? If I hear “word salad” in reference to Harris one more time I’m going lose it. She has had 3 months in this campaign and the leaps she’s made in her ability to communicate her ideas and values in an effective way is nothing short of staggering and compared to Trump? There is no comparison! I just don’t understand what is wrong with people.

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I stopped listening to Hacks on Tap because of Axelrod and in his interview with Tim a couple of weeks ago I wondered if he’d had a TIA, he was so halting.

They’re paid to talk so they have to say batshit stuff all of the time.

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34 mins ago·edited 33 mins ago

If I have to hear David Axelrod poo poo Harris anymore after haranguing Biden out of the race like he did I going to vomit.

Nothing is ever good enough for the Democratic candidate, nothing.

The MSM failed us long time ago by not treating tRump like a regular candidate running for office. He was treated differently because he came from TV, he was given leeway to be his horrible bad self. He was treated as an entertainer, not a serious candidate in 2016.

Fast forward almost 10 years and MSM has rolled over on its back and we are now looking down the barrel of a gun.

I hope the worst doesn’t happen. I do try to realistic about a worst case scenario too. I’m frightened by a very cruel world ahead too if he eeks out a win.

This really is the US holding up a mirror up to itself moment. I’m scared of the outcome, truth be told.

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The only October surprise that would change the outcome of the election is one that hits Harris. That’s the one that the MSM is waiting to pounce on. MSM wants a Tump Presidency so they can sit on the sidelines and report every time Trump says stupid shit while Pearl Clutching their way to more profits ( easy money) while our Democracy burns.

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This has occurred to me as well. All I know is that if Trump wins, I am shutting off the TV, dropping New York Times, and will become one of those voters who don't pay attention. If the Democracy is going to fall down around us, I won't be watching it blow-by-blow.

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Why isn’t anyone discussing National security right now and what a disaster a possible Trump Presidency would mean for us! Russia, Iran, North Korea, not to mention China are all OPENLY working together right now to plan our demise. North Korea is sending 4000 elite troops to Russia. In exchange Russia plans to help North Korea with their ballistic missile program. The October surprise may indeed prove to be attacking us directly or indirectly. All this talk about Trumps many & obvious flaws needs to focus on his so called friendship with all of these dictators and what it means to our National security…… We no longer have the geographic advantage when it comes to ballistic missiles & bombs, neither recognize borders. Divide and counter. That’s an actual strategy!

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Does a tree that falls in the woods actually make a sound if no one hears it ?

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The sound waves still exist, even if only the dirt "hears" it.

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On Tuesday some friends of mine and I rode our bikes to the Hamilton County, Ohio, BoE to vote. It was an unseasonably balmy 75 degrees under sunny skies.

Cincinnati and Hamilton County stand in defiance to the commonly accepted truth that Ohio is a Republican stronghold. (Although if Issue 1, the Citizens Not Politicians amendment passes, the results will be a more equitable distribution of votes -- enough to deny Republicans in the Statehouse the Supermajority they currently enjoy,)

The BoE was buzzing. No line out the door but every poll person at tables on both ends of the room had a steady stream of people, with a short wait. Many voting carrels were occupied so you had to scout for an empty one. Outside, the parking lot was packed and there was another steady stream of cars circling for a spot,. We were the only people on bikes :-)

I'm choosing to limit my exposure to many of the news analyses and all of the stories about polls. The one thing I could do to influence this election's outcome has been done.

While all of us wait for the results, there are lots of things I'm working on in this community where I live to make it better. That work will remain no matter what happens this November.

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Franklin (Columbus) is another county which gives the lie to OH as a bright red state. The BOE was buzzing on a Tuesday afternoon at 2, and they put up a tent with a dropbox in the parking lot so people like me could drop off absentee ballots.

I won’t even drive on Morse on early voting weekends. People were wrapped around the building (that’s about 400 people) for last year’s special election.

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I was listening to the criticism of Harris’s perfectly acceptable performance thinking it’s absurd when Trump answers nothing “well” and his “weave” is word salad.

Van Jones nailed it—they aren’t taking the same test. That preceded the “He gets to be lawless. She has to be flawless” quote.

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Agree our job - IF she wins and makes it to Inauguration Day - is to figure out what to do to heal our hopelessly divided people.

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