Is Trump wanting to use firing squads on drug dealers or drug smugglers? Aren't the dealers under state jurisdiction? Is he planning to violate the constitution?

And Yes Charlie, Wisconsin Repulicans are showing their rabid side.

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I doubt Trump would be bothered by violating the constitution.

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Hearing a clip from Nikki Haley's launch speech today on the radio and something stuck out to me like a sore thumb. Her "age competency test pledge" disappoints on many levels. It's obvious red meat tossed out to the fools who believe Sleepy Joe drools into his tapioca every day, so I get that angle. But from someone who is supposedly a rational adult (mostly?) non MAGA or at least MAGA-skeptic, if you dive into it a minute it becomes even more ludicrous. For starters, short of adopting a Constitutional Amendment requiring this sort of slectively-applied "mental test" which is laughable, both houses of Congress (which still has its fair share of aging gasbags like Grassley in it) would have to adopt it into rules, which would be temporary anyway. But let's say they were to happen to get something like this thru Congress. Who, exactly, would do such testing and who would even set the parameters as to what is mentally competent and what isn't? Does "politician" apply to Congress only, or to the POTUS and VPOTUS? Or Cabinet members? Or SCOTUS justices and the federal judiciary? You see the silly slippery slope here. It's one of the dumbest things I've heard a so-called serious politician propose since Trump occupied 1600 Pennsylvania.

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In the second between when I read "graduates of the same low ranked law school" and when my browser loaded the link I thought, "this is going to be Regent, isn't it".

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Another great piece by Amanda Carpenter, from which I learned that Chris Miller is even worse and more dangerous than I remembered, and in his own words!

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Charlie, as I sit just to the south of you, I have to say in regards to the Wisconsin Court election: I do love it when they turn on their own. We've had our share of food fights in the D party down here, but usually not when it's quite so consequential. When's election night -- I want to have my popcorn ready.

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I saw the Morning Joe interview with Christopher Miller and remember thinking it was a train wreck!

He was defensive and kind of squirmy. Right from the outset, he said something like "...no, I'm not going to give you the talking points you're looking for." Okaaaaaay.

As the interview went on and he was questioned by everyone on set, his answers demonstrated that he's learned nothing in the two years since Jan 6, 2021. Amazingly, he said that on that day, "he never once thought that the President would try to stay in power beyond inauguration day."

Mika followed up by asking if, looking back now, could he see that maybe Trump was trying to stay in power? His answer? "No." What???

In this way, he is true MAGA! Doesn't learn anything and really doesn't want to.

One more thing he said: the president told him he would have whatever military support he needed to "protect the demonstrators." Wow! The whole interview was a real head-scratcher.

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Charlie, thanks for filling in the blanks on the Wisconsin Supreme Court race. (Another line that I never expected to write in my life!) Of the four, who do you think would actually be the best Justice? That part wasn't apparent.

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The stupidity at high levels with international situations thinking that force can change anything is disturbing. Those who have fought wars know the horror. But at DOD we need someone who can put aside personal anger at bad decisions, and protect our civilian elected officials, including the Commander and Chief, from any group of citizens who try to harm them, especially when they are trying to do work at the Capitol ( and are not busy fund raising for their perpetuity.)

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The Wisconsin Supreme Court race is becoming an exact repeat of the GOP Governor’s primary where it’s an eat your own mentality to outflank the right. Kelly is a horrible candidate and he’s living up to all of his horrible antics. I can’t blame the Democrats for going against Dorow she’s got huge name recognition in a very complex case involving the Waukesha Christmas parade. Kelly winning the primary is almost an automatic win for the Democrats especially if Protasiewicz wins. Buckle up, it’s going to be a wild ride!

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We had our chance to make US history by electing a woman to the WH and we blew it (or maybe she did). I'd still like to see it happen in my lifetime, but Nikki, nor any female Republican I can think of for that matter, isn't the one.

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Miller seems like the sort of guy who is fine running his division, but you hope he never moves beyond that, because he never seemed to grasp that the guy he hates for being a swamp thing is using exactly the same justification for wrangling and skullduggery that Miller himself uses for his own.

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It seems crazy that choices for the Wisconsin state court boil down to graduates of the same #142 (ABA) law school--Regent University was originally named "Christian Broadcasting University" by its founder, Pat Robertson, only changing its name in 1990--and "progressives." Would it have been so hard to have a moderate of either Left of Right in the mix?

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Janet Protasiewicz is a non ideological jurist. She agrees with most Wisconsinites that our gerrymandering is not legal and the primitive 1849 abortion law is legally problematic. The progressive label seems unfortunate and inaccurate. She is widely respected in our state.

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Regarding Nikki Haley, whether or not there is a lane, at least it is an indication others are willing to challenge Trump and DeSantis. If people aren’t willing to do least that, then how will things ever change? I get the points that are being made, but just as Haley can’t wave a wand and change her situation, the Republican Party isn’t going to suddenly change course either. But I appreciate anyone willing to push back against the MAGA machine. Complain about Trump, then talk about how helpless it is when people put themselves forward as a nominee. Great.

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Now DeSantis has to actually have firing squads to match Trump's fantasy. It's a sadism contest. DeSantis holds office and doesn't have firing squads? What a wimp.

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I am a life-long Badger and a lawyer with 30 years of practice. It bothers me greatly that we elect ALL our judges at every level from municipal judge to the Supremes. We would be far better off if there were a process which would reflect merit and expertise rather than political cronyism and big-money campaigns. But making such a change would require amending our state Constitution, which isn't going to happen. The fight over that would be nothing compared to the status quo.

Which is why I think it is critical that one of the non-MAGA-- oops, I meant GOP-backed-- candidates wins. The only way we will get a chance at not having the most gerrymandered districts in the country is if we change the composition of the court. The only way we get rid of forced-birth laws is if we change the court's composition. The only way we get reasonable modifications to ACT 10 (I know Charlie doesn't think there is any such thing.) is if we change the composition of the court.

In other words, since we get our justices via an overtly political process the only way we can have policies and laws that more accurately reflect the views of the people in this very purple state is if we have a Supreme Court that will allow such reflection to occur.,

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It’s fitting that Grogan would be the destructive force here. She is a lightweight who was elected as an Uber right wing warrior against Jeffery Davis, a competent conservative recast as a Rino I guess. Worth reading about. Also the coverage of Dorow’s opiate dealing son is worth reading about. He likely killed someone and has not faced the consequences. At a minimum, he should reveal his sources to prevent more fentanyl deaths. I cannot believe she is running with the ongoing tragedy with her child. Anyone can have a troubled child, but parents should not shield them from the consequences of their actions.

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