Aloha, happy holidays! Eight years or so ago, a low rumble began to gather momentum in the press and pseudo-press as reality (Trump elected President) emerged in stark contrast (opposition) to the majority of survey findings suggesting a much different outcome! Surveys trended toward Clinton as victor in the General Election. Reality, however, differed remarkably, empirically, trending to what surveys had indicated. What, who was to blame? Sampling bias? Validity issues? Reliability? Somehow the surveys were biased? Not well developed? Wait! Then = unreliable findings from surveys (Trump no way would be elected as President) Now = surveys good. Please explain why survey data THEN was faulty, but NOW data from surveys = Reality! I find myself in a confused state of mind. Please, help. Mahalo!

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The American people have chosen to suffer the evils of a second Donald Trump presidency, as modern life make those evils eminently sufferable, rather than take up arms against him, which it is their right and duty to do, on the same grounds and for the same reasons as stated in the Declaration of Independence that it was the right and the duty of the Colonies to take up arms against the would be tyrant George III in 1776 and on the same grounds and for the same reasons as stated in Lincoln’s message to Congress that it was the right and the duty of the Union to take up arms against the would be tyrant Confederate nation in 1861.

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You had me at Cletus. That was the name of a beloved parakeet I had as a child! 👍

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This American isn't pretending that all is well. The next year and 3 months are going to be a very bumpy ride for our country. I hope we can avoid violence from the MAGA cult - but I'm not confident. Buckle up!

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Orange's base is at about 35%+

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I’m not pretending. But, as a practical matter, there’s virtually nothing I can do.

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We can keep talking to our fellow Americans and we can vote.

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This is my take as well. I am alarmed and concerned but am also frustrated by the fact that I don’t understand how I, as an average American, can influence change.

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I had a HVAC contractor come to my house, and on his van was a bumper sticker: "Fuck Biden". If Trump is re-elected, he will make us less free to sport a corresponding "Fuck Trump" sticker, even down, I fear, to the level of local police.

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I've received a suggestion about what we can do: Have two McDonald's double cheeseburgers delivered daily to Mar-a-lago.

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Even after he departs from this mortal coil, his poison will remain.

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Ever since trump landed on the political stage, I have wondered how so many people can support him. It boggles the mind. Why on earth would a woman support this man? Why on earth would honest people support him? Why would people who love this country and defend the Constitution support him? Too many people are choosing to rationalize his behavior. People who would discipline their children for lying and bullying otherwise defend him. I don't know if people are pretending it's normal, but they're certainly doing a heck of a lot of rationalizing to defend the indefensible.

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I ask myself these questions all the time. Historians will be analyzing this timeline for years - the period when America went mad.

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Again, this is the democrats bringing a gun to a knife fight. While Trump will use the justice department to go after his political enemies, Merrick Garland wasted two years going after those on the lower rungs before eventually appointing a special council. Is Garland & the Justice Dept. that incompetent that they couldn't get charges against Trump even though Jan 6th was on live TV?

The first chance that Trump would get to lock up Hunter Biden over Hunter's gun charge and his tax penalties (ironic, I know) he will immediately. Joe Biden won't even comment on the current cases against his 2024 challenger. The idea that Joe Biden is "weaponizing" the Justice Dept. is laughable. I wish that Joe Biden and his administration was more aggressive towards Trump and the fascist movement that he is quarterbacking. Sure, that responsibility should fall on Congress but we have seen twice that Republicans are too scared or too aligned to push back against Trump. Republican voters already think that Joe Biden is weaponizing the justice department. The rest of us would love to see Trump in jail for his multiple crimes before, during, and after his presidency.

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I was also frustrated with the delay by Garland, but I really do think that it was seeing so many people arrested, charged, found guilty, and locked up that has probably limited further concentrated violence. Watching the paint drying which is the act of bringing the ringleaders and enablers brought to justice is just painful. I'm still trying to understand why everyone was allowed to just wander home in the first place. (oh, wait, I forget who was in charge)

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I agree with both points. Garland did go after lower level people but they also seem to be the most physically violent and are probably the most likely to help trump again using violent tactics. They are facing the consequences for their actions. What is crazy is that even though they are in prison and Trump is living in a resort, his supporters think Trump is the Martyr. I guess they have hopes that Trump will pardon all of the J6 rioters.

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I'd like to see Trump made accoutable. I wonder though if the legal actions against him have strengthened him politically. Before the first indictment in New York, he seemed like he was weakening. Since then he's become unstoppable for the GOP nomination and looks like he has a more than even chance in the general as well. Trump plays the victim very well, and that made the indictments maybe a mistake.

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Yes, I agree. He is using these court cases like campaign rallies and stops. It's a double edged sword having his court cases on TV. On one hand, it will remind people what a dumb criminal he is as well as just a repetitive loser. On the other, it gives him free airwaves so he can go out and play martyr on national TV.

The day that the Senate didn't remove him from office, I knew that he would stay relevant and maintain a level of control over the GOP. I did not expect McCarthy going down to Florida, kiss the ring, and give nearly all the control back over to Trump. There isn't anyone with a back bone strong enough to take on trump and win within the GOP. Everyone that has tried has been kicked out - not Trump. It's a fools errand to try and take him down within the GOP now.

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Democrats do tend to play by gentleman's rules, but the Republican Party has let a bunch of traitorous thugs take over. But how to you combat the willful ignorance of people who support a criminal?

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That is a good question. I would ditch the strategy of getting as many people to vote as possible and replay Trump's most embarrassing and criminal moments on TV and social media every day until the election. Have good White House representatives go out on TV and convince the American public how insane the Republican Party is now - Pete Buttigieg or even AOC, a smooth and confident speaker to help Biden where he lacks. I hope that they are trying to get Liz Cheney to speak on their behalf even as unlikely as that seems. Dems need to get certain people, left and right, to vote in strategic areas. Finding those voters that live in reality and recognize the real threats that Trump possess and not some imaginary Qanon-like battle between Good (Trump) and Evil (Dems). Misinformed and ignorant people's votes count all the same. It is easier said than done considering Trump has a political floor of like 30% across the country.

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I think your approach is correct: Flood the zone with Trump until people can’t overlook or forget exactly who he is. Make it a nonstop Trump’s Greatest Hits campaign. There are so many to choose from. Repetition will help the cause, not hurt it.

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A vile and malignant strain of mischievous madness is afoot in our land. It being new and hence an unrecognizable form of decay, citizens are oblivious to it. They are too busy drinking from the Trump firehose of deceit. The rot has set in. Note the perverse operatic legal battles and indictments obscenely raging across four states. These symptoms confirm the tumor is successfully metastasizing. To deny, willfully or otherwise this glaring and omnipresent cancer on our nation is perhaps comparable only to Neville Chamberlain waving his signed letter from Adolph Hitler or George W. Bush ignoring the pre 9/11 intelligence data. The consequences will be dire.

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When Adolph overturned the Bundestag how big was his base? 20%? 35%? And the populace went along.

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It was the Reichstag at the time. The Nazi Party received 33.1% of the vote in Germany's last free election before taking over.

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Well here is a magazine that is trying to show people why they should care. If Trump Wins from the Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/01/donald-trump-second-term-policies/676176/

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You mention convincing others that Trump isn't the answer. I struggle with this myself. I served with a guy in the Army - to this day still one of my best friends. He has said that while he prefers DeSantis, if Trump is the Republican nominee, he will vote for Trump. We both took an oath to "...defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign, and domestic..." One that I feel was never relinquished. But there has been nothing I have been able to say or show that seems to even get him to consider an alternative.

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This would be an entirely different ballgame if someone like Michael Bloomberg offered himself as an alternative to DJT. Bloomberg has a track record of being able to work within rather than blowing up administrative systems. He has some global presence and would likely seek to solve national problems.

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I hear you, and JVL, Sarah, Bill, Charlie, Joe etc. Texts come weekly, sometimes twice a week to donate, and do when I can. When in a social group and I bring up any politics, shot down, they dont want to discuss. I can’t stand trump either never have, never would. Heard tonight Graham’s response to a Cheney interview…as far as I am concern he has his Lindsay sold his soul to the devil. At this point in this horrendous presidential election cycle (shouldn’t be 2 years long), Biden has to carry it. AnyONE with any brains has to know throwing a vote to anyone else is losing our democracy. There aren’t enough strong institutions to save this country should djt slime his way into the White House.

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