
❤️ the Comedy of Errors--i.e., the polling margins of error!

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Three comments on polling:

1. I wish news organizations would stick to reporting news, rather than creating them by paying for their own polls, on which then to breathlessly report on.

2. The NYTimes especially appears to have a vested interest in keeping the horse-race scenario alive.

3. With polls that wildly at odds, none of them are relevant - which sends us back to 1.

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Once again I am reminded of Tim Miller’s comment on MSNBC this past weekend that in the Republican Party, people like Mark Robinson is all they have left. Dispiriting.

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Aloha: question: Mark Robinson is currently the Lt. Gov. of NC. When he ran for that position, was his rhetoric as ‘dark’ as it is in his current campaign as Governor?

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Times/Siena shows Harris +5 in AZ before the debate, Trump +5 after. Who knew that Harris did so badly in the debate and Trump did so well?

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Aloha, Bill. Loved the interplay of Shakespeare and Polls. I have but one reply: “…out, out, damn spot.”

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22 mins ago·edited 22 mins ago

Trump appealed to a large group of people conditioned to believe that the mainstream media always lie, that Democrats always cheat in elections, and that the institutions are all biased against them - even though our political institutions are actually stacked in favor of conservatives. He amped up the persecution complex with his sociopathic view that whatever goes against his will is unfair and wrong - or his selfish habit of claiming it is, whether or not he really believes it.

As a consequence, the MAGA base - and most of the GOP political structure and right-wing media complex - reject the legitimacy of whatever goes against their (or Trump's) wishes, and they disparage the motives of all former allies who oppose him. Having internalized his profoundly self-centered ethics, MAGA-world is hostile to most of the U.S. justice system, intel agencies, the entire non-MAGA bureaucracy, even the military leadership and national security establishment. But they ostentatiously wear the flag and call themselves "patriots."

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Hmmm. You'd figure with the economy doing so badly - I hear that all the time from boat owners - that people wouldn't have the disposable income to be purchasing some worthless Franklin Mint-knockoff coins...

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Just read in Politico that Dem super PACs aren’t attacking Trump. They’re promoting Kamala. I think this may be a mistake. Dems need to remind/inform people of all the reasons why Trump was/is/will be bad for the economy.

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I pray at long last my state will see what the Republican Party has become and vote to break free of this tyranny of a corrupt minority. Not just robinson but every Republican state candidate that supports him. That includes Virginia Foxx who has been an embarrassment to our state and nation for years

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Do not start shooting yourself with bleach. Do not be confused. Harris leads. The NY Times poll was conducted with an estimated 700 voters in each state. A very small sample. Harris has a large lead with African Americans, Hispanics and women. She has closed the gap on the economy, immigration, and inflation. The news outlets use whatever polls create conflict, leading to more viewership and readers.

Trump's ceiling is 45-46%. That ceiling shrinks with only the MAGA base. I suspect that ceiling will continue to drop. He needs to "pay the piper." Win or lose, White supremacy wants their message heard. The news media treat this as a sport not an election.

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Doesn’t mean he can’t still win. It’s going to take every democrat, independent and a few decent republicans to give Harris the win

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Why Trump endorsed Robinson:

"Let me, uh, no maybe, think, what should I say about this black candidate for governor, one of my blacks, after all, so maybe I should say something that, you know, will make the blacks in the crowd vote for me more for endorsing, what's his name? Robeson? Wasn't Robeson a commie or something? No, Robinson? Doesn't matter. I'll compare him to MLK. Every black person loves MLK, so I'll say Robbieson is even better than MLK was. But not just BETTER, but REALLY BETTER. Is he really better than MLK was? Why not? MLK wasn't that great, was he? What did he ever do for me? The FBI hounded him, too. That much we have in common. So, that needs, I need to work on it some more, because this black guy, Rubbleson, is a lot heavier than MLK was, so maybe I should say, because it works and people will love it, like, he's MARTIN LUTHER KING ON STEROIDS BETTER!

No, if I think about it, if he was on steroids, he'd be muscular, wouldn't he? Like my wrestler, the Hulk, what's his last name? It doesn't matter, he had that good stunt tearing off his shirt at the convention. No, not steroids, because this black candidate for governor isn't muscular, he's just large, a large black man, doesn't look very appealing, but still he's my black man, even says he would like to own slaves, which I kind of agree with, so I don't see a problem with that and only the Marxist, socialist, commie libs would, anyway.

No, I'll just say he's TWO TIMES BETTER THAN MARTIN LUTHER KING, because, he really is about two times bigger than MLK was, and I'd like to see the fake news claim they fact checked me on that."

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

I never was a fan of rollercoasters, Merry-Go-Rounds, or ferris wheels. They quickly made me dizzy and sick. The current political rollercoaster is producing the same stomach-churning feeling. The only difference is I can't escape it. And we learn another potential hurricane will probably hit the west coast of Florida where I live. Shakespeare should have written a play "Ignorance is Bliss." I could use some of that these waning days until Nov. 5 (and the predicted end of hurricane season).

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We may not be able to escape all of this, but we do have some choice on how we respond to it. I think a big part of what the other side is hoping for is that people get exhausted and tune out or give up. Whatever it takes to not get exhausted is worth considering. For example, ignoring the polls. Good luck with the hurricane!

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You know Bill, even if Kamala wins we are in for a four year ride into a Trump whirlwind. He will never let any of it go until he is gone.

This has to be a Landslide and the media including pundits need to put out an APB for door knockers, writers and such to knock this out of the park.

I will take up pen and submit to many major papers to inform the fence sitters where this is all headed if they don't act.

Keep up your ads brother!

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The founders had concerns about giving everyman the vote. Responsible citizenship requires consideration of fact, and anticipation of the potential consequences. Fact and truth have been cast aside in the quest for power and as a result the foundations of the union are crumbling. Trump has stated that if he is re-elected "you won't have to vote anymore" and to the ladies has said "you won't think about abortion anymore". If everyman votes for Trump there will be neither voting or thinking in the future. Perhaps the founders were right.

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To get off the emotional rollercoaster, I'd recommend subscribing to adding the Hopium Chronicles and "That Trippi Show" to one's listening/reading pleasure. Bottom line, there are a lot of screwy polls out there and it helps to understand which ones are problematic and why. And I particularly appreciate the Hopium Chronicles for its emphasis on doing rather than observing/worrying. We will win this thing.

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And before the switch Simon Rosenberg was also saying Biden would win big. That may be comfort food, but doesn't make it any more accurate.

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