"the sort of clarifying moments that come with placing your face on a hot stove..." Hilariously apt! Everytime I see McCarthy or his looney "stars" in bonehead pontificating mode, I will think of this.

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Tons won't show up. It's why people are terrified of primaries since only the crazy makes an appearance. Even so, keep in mind that over 70% of republicans believe that Biden won the election. So, there's a lot of pre-certifiable. crazy people out there. Thir basic Choice? Trump or DeSantis? I actually think DeSantis is likely worse.

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Maybe DeSantis is trying to figure out whether it's worth trying to run in 2024, or whether it's better to wait for 2028.

If he runs now he faces the wrath of Trump who will not take easily to being scorned. Can he pick up enough voters to offset those Always Trumpers who he will lose? It might leave him in an unwinnable situation.

Maybe he's better off to wait for the next cycle when Trump, one way or another, will be out of the picture.

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Ron DeSantis seriously needs to go to charm school. Needs to hire very discreetly a life coach, male or female depending on who his people discreetly recommend. And he needs a chief of staff totally loyal type to find the person. Doesn’t have anybody that loyal? Then he’s toast.

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RE: "No, he’s not punching back"

I have to issue a rare departure from Mr. Sykes on this one. Mr. DeSantis' lack of a direct counter to DJT's infantile slurs is intelligently prudent and strategic. To respond to it would just engage Mr. DeSantis in a sandbox fight, at which Donald "the Duck" Trump excels. Further, it would signifying sinking to the low, providing fodder for Dems to say, "look! DeSantis is part of the argumentative clan that are the Reps." The best way to deal with a bully is to ignore them, and leave them alone to stamp their feet and cry by themselves. DeSantis would do best by not returning mud.

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"if DeSantis wants to win in 2024, he can’t keep ducking Trump’s barbs.” At some point, “you have to put up a fight.” I disagree. You can't beat Trump at his game. Many Rs have tried and failed. You can't meet him at the level he's at. You have to go up a level. He's a (short-fingered) vulgarian and a dim-wit. That's his level. Anybody who graduated from Harvard Law and practiced as a federal prosecutor should be able to figure this out. As I said earlier, his retort, "I got reelected" was perfect.

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Is it possible he expects the troll/grifters, like Bill Mitchell, to do the heavy lifting???

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So I just read that Larry Hogan basically admitted that he would support trump, if he gets the R nomination. And just about all the House Rs voted to remove Congresswoman Omar from House Foreign Affairs- so please tell me again where are these "moderate" Republicans? They cave to the extremists EVERY time.

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Really, Hogan said that? I’m so disappointed. The real RINO is Donald Trump. 

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More importantly in the last election in Florida Desantis had "coat tails" and carried more MAGA Republicans into Congress, the state legislature, school boards and county sherrifs departments etc.

This has to have a powerful impression on a party willing, if not able just now, to move on from Trump,the perennial loser and wanting to find a path to absolute power.

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Wish I could be his personal chef. Pancakes, cheeseburgers, fries, ice cream. Every day.

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At this point even an exorcism would do the GOP no good. The 'good Republicans' know full well what should have been done post J6; they know what needs to be done now. They simply refuse, following the advice often given regarding what to do if one becomes trapped in quicksand: don't struggle, remain calm, keep hands free to grab any rope or limb or anything else that may serve as a lifeline and effect a rescue.

Personally, though I have no great, unqualified love for the other side of the aisle, I hope all they get thrown is not a paltry brick, but a couple of concrete blocks lashed together with a length of heavy chain.

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"There could come a time when GOP voters view DeSantis’ refusal to defend himself and punch back as a sign of weakness."

In MAGA (aka GOP) weakness is a boat anchor. It's all about strength/masculinity/aggression/pain-dealing. Thus we have Putin. The president to wish for - as in totalitarian dictator/war criminal - in MAGA wet dreams. They adore the thug Putin is. And helps explain why MAGA is the enemy of Ukraine.

It is truly a pathetic world we now live in.

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MAGA also hates Ukraine because they would not heel for Leader Trump, would not throw Bidens under the bus. Thus MAGA, as standard procedure, seeks revenge. Against Ukraine.

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I honestly REALLY hope that the Republicans go all in on election denial and extreme anti-women anti-abortion laws. I'll take that fight any day; they're wrong, morally and politically, on both of those issues. Hopefully they'll look the RADICAL, dangerous extremists that they are.

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“The good thing is, is that the people are able to render a judgment on that whether they re-elect you or not. And I’m happy to say — you know in my case — not only did we win re-election, we won with the highest percentage of the vote that any Republican governor candidate has had in the history of the state of Florida. ... That verdict has been rendered by the people of the state of Florida.”

Sorry, Charlie, I disagree with your analysis. This may not be "punching back" in the way that "I got reelected and that loser Trump didn't" would be, but that's the clear message for anyone who isn't so sucked into the Big Lie that they assume DeSantis is talking about some hypothetical politician who didn't win their reelect, as opposed to politicians who supposedly did, like DeSantis and Trump. DeSantis seems to be walking the same line as Brian Kemp, which is what Republicans have to do these days to stay on the right side of the base. It's smart, not cowardly. (Well, ok, it's cowardly, but if your goal is to be President rather than brave, it's a fine strategy.)

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For now, DeSantis pointing to the scoreboard is hitting back. What he is actually saying is “hey, I won & you lost!” And we all know how much Trump hates to be a loser!

As for Trump’s new name, it’s absurd. DeSantis is hardly a RINO in any form. He is even more of a fascist than Trump was. But RINO will make his supporters squirm away and yet he has them anyway. As for the rest of the folks, they will see that whatever Trump wants to say about DeSantis, the RINO label just isn’t right --

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Just breaking news: Omar was ousted from the foreign affairs committee because payback.

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Just heard. I think she’s an antisemite but even as a Jew I’m no apologist for Israel and support a two-state solution. She should be on that committee because she knows her stuff.

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If knowing stuff was a prerequisite, Boebart, Greene, Gosar, Jordan, Gaetz - heck probably a majority of Rs have no business being on most House committees! Then again, sure wasn't a prerequisite when Trump was elected - didn't his staff constantly have to tell him how the real world worked?

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