I think Ken Paxton deserves a prominent spot on the list

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When do we start charging the election deniers in Congress as traitors?

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Are we really going to allow these traitorous bastards to emply our own system to dismantle it?

They have no boundaries, why do we?

With what little power we have remaining, Biden should declare martial law in defense of Ukraine, Israel, the USA and Western civilization writ large.

They are planning to kill us all


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I find Charlie and Mona’s argument dismissing the very real structures of oppression disingenuous.

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Steve bannon has to be on deplorable list because he’s encouraging bad people to get active at local level, to disrupt voting, school boards, town assemblies. Very bad guy!

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Marjorie Taylor Green deserves to be Worst Person of the Year for three reasons: she foments violence; she is anti democracy; and she is a fellow Georgian which embarrasses particularly when I travel.

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Kim Wehle points out that Trump’s continued defamation and public ridicule against Ms Freeman and Ms Moss should shame anyone from voting for him. It’s such a simple but powerful point. Look at what he did to two innocent, private citizens. No act is beneath him when he’s vengeful. How can that not be enough on its own? It really still astounds me.

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John, my apologies. Were my mother alive and had seen this, your gentlemanly remonstrance pales next to the ear-blistering I would have received from her. I can and will do better. Thank you --and I mean this-- for calling me out. Glen

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Charlie, what I am wondering is, when Santa comes to deliver, if he could also, perhaps one or two days prior to Christmas, send down a few of his magical elves. Instructing them to collect the entire Republican Party, since they all have now become walking, talking, preaching villains of infamy. Then, with each collection, in order to save time and put these rather dark figures to work in a useful manner, have the elves change them all to lumps of coal and put them in the sleigh for the return trip to the North Pole!

Also, if I may, I would like to ask the following question: After Trump his supporters are done forever and the members of the Republican Party that remain, are allowed to rebuild their party, is this is even possible, given all that has happened, what would this rebuild look like? Or is the Republican Party truly dead forever and a new party, with a new name and new plank of conservative ideals, be required to have a viable two party system, again?

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'Trump promised a religious test for immigrants and asserted that if anyone doesn’t “like our religion,” then he doesn’t want them in America.' Then he is the first to go...he doesn't like any religion, nor has he ever. He doesn't go to church except for funerals and weddings and then he hopes (not prays) the church isn't destroyed by lightening while he is in it. He quotes his favorite scripture...after much prodding as 2 Chorinthians...not 2nd Corinthians...2 Chorintians. The man is atheist. If anything he's 'Trumpist' but refuses to admit it in fear of losing the evangelical hypocrite vote.

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To suggest that he is an atheist is to imply that he comprehends some sort of philosophy.

I suspect he has given it very little consideration.

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I whole heartedly agree, he lacks the ability to comprehend ANY philosophy, ideology or theology. However his actions demonstrate the beliefs of Biblical atheist who believed that God takes no notice of humans actions and neither rewards nor punishes them. i.e. he doesn't act like he has any concern about being punished for his evil ways. Which makes the evangelical hypocrites worship of his evil ways even more interesting.

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Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me

-- DJT

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What ever happened to right and wrong?

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It literally sickens me to hear how much opposition there is in the US to assisting Ukraine's (and the West's) battle for survival. It literally sickens me.

The short-sightedness! The wilful ignorance! The dissemination of false information. Sickening.

I'm from Canada.

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I am a devout, Bible-believing, Revelation-reading Christian. I understand that when the world has ripened in iniquity, Jesus will come again. Is advocating for and allowing that evil to advance what passes for stewardship in the MAGA and evangelical positions?

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Dec 14, 2023
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People have the right to believe what they want. Dumping on someone for simply stating their belief is - rude. It shuts down any chance of discussion. Defeating Trumpism is going to take every single vote possible. That starts with basic courtesy. Speaking for myself, the answer to Beri's question is - yes.

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Well, those A$$holes did it. There are zero, none, sane Rs in the House. Cowards, liars, seditionists, every single one of them.

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"former presidents are above the law and immune from any accountability for their violations of federal criminal law while in office"

According to the Amber Australopithecus this is a truism beyond debate or judicial review. An authoritarian answers to no one but her/his god, and it was through divine intervention that she/he and the membership of the "Association of Autocrats, Despots, Tyrants and Dictators" were placed in a positions of control to usher in the new world order of an international cabal of "benevolent" rulers with unquestioned and unlimited power. With this understanding they believe that local, state, national and international laws apply to everyone except them. For all intents and purposes these fine folk don't see themselves as above the law, they *are* the law.


"No officer of the law may set that law at defiance with impunity. All the officers of the government, from the highest to the lowest, are creatures of the law, and are bound to obey it."

Try and convince the Psychiatric Facility Escapee Caucus members, and MAGAdroids in general, the reality of Judge Chutkan's pronouncement. Since Jan 2017 the Apricot Arthropod and the New GOP have consistently thumbed their collective noses at our laws and Constitution. With the exception of one or two people (and the "J6 Hostages") any ally of TFG has received either a presidential pardon or had the bomb throwers in Congress running interference for them (e.g. Roger Stone, Michael Flynn and Stephen Bannon pardoned, Rudy Giuliani being at least partially protected by Congresspeople like Karen Graham, or the New GOP lining up behind Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito to block corruption investigations). The Amber Australopithecus has made it clear that he, and a select few in his innermost circle, are not bound by the laws of the land, nor are they constrained by the Constitution, if they don't fit into the New GOP's plans. The first piece of evidence of this is TFG's idea to place the military into major cities (which, coincidentally, most of them trend blue) to prevent protests to his reign.


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No shortage of deplorables but a thumbs down to Charlie for not agreeing with Time Magazines Person of the Year! We can put Jack Smith on the cover when he gets a conviction and jail time for DT.

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