What a terrific community! If you are still taking donations, please let me know how I can help.

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I'm honored to be a part of the Bulwark community. So helps to read and respond to sane commentary, and to see such well-reasoned responses. I need the Bulwark for multiple reasons.

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Huge huge kudos and gratitude to Will and team for getting in this interpretor and navigating the whole process. When I deployed to Iraq my interpreters were my lifeline. Not all were good but all risked their lives to help us. It’s been a great shame on our country to not do more to protect our allies in the countries we serve in. But where the government falls short the strength and hearts in our people and service men/women shine. Bravo Will. Thanks for being the best of us.

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"Speaker Mike Johnson deserves a great deal of credit for putting his country ahead of his party and his career." Are you kidding me? Since when do we give elected officials credit for doing their jobs: being faithful to their constitutional duty and putting the national interest ahead of their own political interests? Mike Johnson's dithering for months while he kowtowed to Trump cost untold Ukrainian lives, and he shouldn't be lionized for finally growing a pair and doing the right thing.

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I’m in happy tears for the first time in a long time. Thank you to JVL for your words and thank you to everyone for this small but world changing gesture. We are like a family and I love it. I just wish I was still young enough to learn how to drive Substack.

Just know that this old leftie woman loves you all even though I don’t say much. I hope one day you’ll come DownUnder where I’m living. I’ll even find a comfy bed for any of you.

I could show you kangaroos, wombats and even lyrebirds.

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This photo of Ahmadullah and his family with Will is one of the few undiluted "goods" I've experienced in a while. It was the right thing to do, and people got it done. I'm glad I got to be a part of it in a small way.

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Absolutely wonderful to read about Will’s interpreter. I trust you and he will continue to let us know how we can help.

I totally disagree with you about Johnson. He held up critical aid to Ukraine for over 6 months. He’s a right wing fanatic and a bad guy. Gotta stop slobbering all over these people when they finally resolve a problem of their own making.

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Thanks for sharing this. You guys rock. It's awesome seeing an Afghan who so faithfully served our troops being brought here.

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My conversion actually got underway when I was a kid ….at 75

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the men celebrate, the woman looks scared

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Ahmadullah: We all know why this story, and the way we contributed to getting Ahmadullah and his family safely out of harm's way after dedicated service to our military members, makes us all smile. He and his family are safe from those who would harm him because he helped us Americans; because we followed through on our promises and commitments as a nation and as individual citizens of that nation to do the right thing; we mutually supported heroes from among us and thereby enabled the support of heroes who are not from among us. As a group of Americans we exercised good character and we did the right thing. Ain't it awesome when that happens?!

I think this basis of good character is why all of us here at The Bulwark feel like a family...we are on a mission to interact with and understand one another so that it is possible for us, and for our country, to do the right thing; its why we are all so opposed to the people and the forces that would wrest that good character away from us and our fellow citizens. It's not that we want others in the world to see us as that shining beacon on the hill...it's that WE want to BE that shining beacon on the hill for our families, for our communities and country, and for all those Ahmadullahs out there.

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Welcome Ahmadullah, wife, and little one! So excited to have 3 more patriotic Americans to join our ranks—the worthiest among us. ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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That is great news about Ahmadullah and his family. Welcome to the USA and thank you for your service!

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Jvl, if you can direct to a place to donate money for others who need extraction, that would great. And to a fund to help support afghans who need help once they arrive…

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A promise is a promise.

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Thanks JVL and Bulwark!

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