“It’s time to unite around strong leadership and policies that grow our great nation,” he tweeted, “not four more years of President Biden.”

They're all lying when they say that Trump has "strong leadership and policies" and that Biden is a disaster.....and the really sad thing is that they know they're lying.

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Yep, she even showed up wearing the MAGA clown costume. Biden laughed at her. ( I idoubt that was the effect she thought she would have).

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Why can't I read comments in my Chrome

site anymore. Comments go to substack sute.

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““Many of these numbers are dismaying,” Will writes.” - I shouldn’t laugh but that has got to be the understatement of the year!

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The excerpts are here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/03/07/excerpts-from-president-bidens-state-of-the-union-address-as-prepared-for-delivery-3/

"My lifetime has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy. A future based on the core values that have defined America: honesty, decency, dignity, equality. To respect everyone. To give everyone a fair shot. To give hate no safe harbor. Now some other people my age see a different story: an American story of resentment, revenge, and retribution. That’s not me."

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Question: Is the money that the campaign or RNC use to pay Trump's legal bills income to him? Doesn't he have to pay taxes on it? No way is it a campaign expense. He would otherwise have to pay it out of his personal funds.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Excerpts of Biden's speech are starting to leak out. Politicususa has part of it in their daily newsletter. A fantastic presidential speech. They're also reporting that Marjorie will be her usual charming self and heckling the President. Try doing that at TFG's rallies, and see what happens to you, Marjorie. Georgia should be ashamed of the child that gets off showing pictures of the President's son's genitals IN CONGRESS.

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I may have missed it, but I'm getting emails from several sites saying they're doing an open thread of the SOFTU. Is Bulwark doing one?

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I really hate it when trolls take over the comments of this site.

The faux outrage over Katie Porter's tweet is really silly

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We rarely have real trolls here...what we do have and some people don't like, is people with opinions different than their own.

I am one who thinks she should have never said that, it looks bad and makes her look like a whiner and also sets her up for blowback from the right

And I am no where near a troll

Trolls are a much different beast

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I went to the Nikki Haley rally in Portland, Maine Sunday night. My observations: She attacked Trump more often and in more detail than she attacked Biden. She got more claps and cheers attacking Trump. The jabs at Biden didn’t land nearly as well. Silence sometimes, and sometimes a few polite claps. The biggest crowd reaction was when she said “if we elect Biden, be prepared for Kamala Harris to finish the term.” That was by far the biggest agreement with her the crowd seemed to have regarding Biden. There were two Trump supporters in the crowd who disrupted her speech by shouting pro-Trump slogans, one holding up a Trump flag. The crowd quickly and enthusiastically turned on them. Lots of loud boos and hisses. These tough guys were quickly escorted out by the female crowd control staff (skirt and heels). Haley’s response was great. She brought her message back around to Trump’s poor treatment of veterans by reminding the crowd that her husband and other military personnel protect their right to do that every day. Based on that, I’m encouraged that most Haley supporters will now vote for Biden. But to be persuaded it’s clear some need to make peace with the fact that Harris may indeed have to finish his term. Is it an ideal scenario? Of course not. None of this is. But it’s our best option.

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Did anyone wonder about the VP taking over when Ike was running AFTER his second heart attack? Or even when Reagan was shot? From what I remember Reagan's VP (Bush) was nearly invisible during that time.

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Katie Porter should know better.

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Katie porter as a democrat I am ashamed of you for using the term rigged

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This contagion is aptly described in Tim Alberta's "The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory". Mr. Alberta's past includes growing up in an evangelist family, attending the church pastored by his father and understanding with clarity and tracing the changes which transfigured Christianity in America. Jesus Christ and his teachings have been supplanted by a new idol, Donald Trump. Idolatry now extends beyond church attendees and dominionists who want a theocratic state. Idolatry now reigns supreme in the entire Republican Party. Idolatry is on full display in real time.

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Maybe I just like the critique of the current version of the GOP and their supporters, but I enjoyed this column. I skipped the Biden paragraphs for fear of more suggestions to drop out. But the best message is to the rump of the GOP that is still holding out hope that Trump will change for the better and Reagan policies will once more prevail.(see Eric Levine and Nikki both not voting for Biden) and that message is from Tim. Shout on repeat!!!!!

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"President Biden will give his third State of the Union address this evening at 9 p.m. EST. As he heads into his now-inevitable rematch with Donald Trump, it’ll be an opportunity for him to remind voters of his administration’s accomplishments and a preview of his vision for a second term."

This assumes that Pres Biden will be able to give his address as planned. Sen Joni Ernst (R-Wack) and a few other MAGAdroids have stated that they plan on trying to stop Biden's SOTU address. IMO, they're scared shirtless that Mr Biden can, and will, make a solid argument for reelecting him over the Mango Malignancy, that the only reasons that the Fulvous Flatulence wants to be returned to the Oval Office [turns head and spits three times between index and middle fingers] is so he can quash the DOJ cases against him in order to keep his sorry ass out of prison (preferably ADX Florence) and to further line his, and his family and friends, pockets with bribes... sorry, donations... from foreign governments and actors, in a continuation of the most corrupt administration in US history. (If the latter sounds familiar, it should. This is the accusation that the MAGAdroid leadership in the Psychiatric Facility Escapee Caucus is trying to project onto Pres Biden to take the heat off of the MAGA oberste Fuhrer.)


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Johnson supposedly has told the children to behave themselves and act like adults during the speech. Like they're going to listen.

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True, the Psychiatric Facility Escapee Caucus doesn't understand the word "decorum," or "respect," "honor," "public service/servants," "bipartisanship..." and, like you, I fully expect to see MTG in full throat, along with the other usual suspects. The threats, though, are coming from the Senate MAGAdroids with Joni Ernst having taken point.


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Re: donor faceplants, yet one more piece evidence: the US has a voter problem.

For those holding out hope that the GOP could be exorcised, the primary (and exit polling data) are another stake through the heart.

It can't be avoided: a large segment of our fellow citizens *want* the awful.

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A large segment of our fellow citizens despise America. I really don’t want to say that but truth is truth

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