Mainstream political journalism in the US is way too deferential to political candidates. Only in the US is it optional whether a candidate chooses to discuss his past actions and his proposed policies. You need a bit of British and Aussie in your press corp, trump wouldn’t know what fucking hit him.

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Keep asking Trump how he'll vote on Amendment 4. Keep asking pro-life activists their reaction to Trump's post that he'll be great for "women's reproductive rights."

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It's the dishonest comments from people like Frank Pavone that worry me. They believe they have Trump in their pocket and just get him elected so they can move to a more draconian policy. This is maddness!!!! Trump needs to lay out his policy toward abortion so the voters will know. People like Frank Pavone don't believe in democracy and only want to trick people. Is this guy really a priest?

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I struggle to think of an American who has, this decade, done more to damage the pro-life movement. As Bill likes to say, Republicans caught the car.

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Trump has no real position on anything except his own well-being and getting rich doing it. All the rest is superficial fluff.

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It's been known for decades that "pro-life" advocates are all incapable of honesty and only cared about their own political power.

Not surprising they are fine with trump not bringing up the subject b/c they think he will still be with them if he wins. Clowns.

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I said this yesterday and I'll say it again: I am 100% certain that Trump has pressured and paid for at least one woman to have an abortion in his life, and probably more than one. There is no way with his lifestyle that he hasn't accidentally knocked someone up at least once. It is beyond ludicrous to me how willingly the pro-life movement sold their souls to this false messiah.

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What's good for he is not good for ye.

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Possible. But no way he paid for it.

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I'm sure he did pay for it, but proving that is probably impossible. Doesn't change the fact that Donald is not only pro-choice, he has definitely partaken in abortion.

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The logical conclusions from the way pro-life activists behave:

1. Draconian abortion laws = women only have sex in marriage. Their lives don’t matter.

2. No support for single mothers or welfare initiatives = only traditional families wanted

3. No support for gov funded pre-K = women should be stay home moms

4. No support for parental leave = look at #3

5. Lambasting sexual mores and playing footsie with anti contraceptive pill measures = unmarried ladies keep your legs shut.

6. No support for age appropriate sex education and public messaging on sex = no sex outside marriage.

If this is so important to them, they should support family planning and women in every way they can. But no. Their brilliant “solution” is pro life clinics masquerading as care facilities where they waste a woman’s precious time and offer to help sign her up for public benefits that the GOP tries to take away. Send her away with a pack of diapers and an ultrasound image. It’s disgusting and unethical.

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The Harris campaign should show women in handmaids outfits ala The Handmaid's Tale.

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Trump never had the foresight to understand that overturning Roe would blow up into a major situation that can't be parsed and mollified. He (and his campaign) have backed themselves into a losing political corner. To not have to be confronted about abortion in a national debate, I bet he backs out.

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Trump is trying to have his cake and eat it too in regard to abortion. I hope he realizes that he looks like an absolute fool.

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Their naivete is mind blowing.

“I believe he’s pro-life. He’s proven that. "

All that trump has proven is that he's pro-winning.

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But only if the "winner" is DonOLD.

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"...the ex-president saying in an August 8 press conference that he would give his position “in the near future.”

If "the near future" does not show up between now and 10 September, I doubt he will be able to "bob and weave" around the issue at ABC's debate, assuming he does not develop those nasty bone spurs on his tonsils on the evening of the 9th.

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That's the great thing about the Florida amendment, it allows so little room for normal political ducking and weaving. The question "how did you, Citizen of Florida Donald Trump, vote on this issue?" has a simple yes or no answer. So even if he refuses to answer that will tell us a lot because this has nothing to do with "needing to wait until my team releases our policy papers" or anything like that. The only reason he would refuse to say how he voted (and he will refuse) is because he knows that pro-lifers will not like his answer. I can't wait to see him wriggling like a worm on this hook.

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"Michael R. Caputo,¹ a theology student at Ave Maria University in Florida"

FWIW, Ave Maria University is the catholic equivalent of Liberty University. It was started by the original owner of Domino's Pizza to push his extremist rightwing religious dogma.

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Just wondering if these two institutes of dire education even offer majors in math, physics, and related sciences, or even award bachelor of science degrees? If they do, why? On the diploma, are there quotation marks bracketing the word "Science?"

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The only major they offer is poly sci, so that all those religious nutjobs can work on Trump-approved staffs.

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" lamented that the anti-abortion movement did too little to push pro-family policies outside of abortion"

That's because the anti-abortion movement doesn't give a flip about pro-family policies. They aren't concerned about the well-being of a fertilized zygote at any stage of its career. All they care about is controlling women and making them into second class human beings with nothing to say about their lives. Their idea of making America Great is to go back to the time last century when women couldn't vote, couldn't own property, couldn't study beyond high school (with some exceptions), were chattels of their husbands/fathers, etc. The "pro-family" movement isn't about to spend a nickel of taxpayer money on feeding children, educating children, giving medical care to children, housing children, ... All they are is anti-abortion, not pro-family.

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It's telling that 'trad wives' is the new fetishist popping up everywhere.

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Trump's words have the same value as his wedding vows.

We all understand Trump values only himself, it is sad that anti-abortion politics have led so many who claim to be morally superior to embrace his lying to serve themselves.

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Morally superior people vote for an adulterous, thrice-married man, known for lying and cheating and verbally abusing people? I don't get it.

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They are not morally superior.

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Speaking about drumpf's wedding vows, did you catch the comment in the last speech of the convention where the speaker said words to the effect that drumpf would lose so badly in Nov that he would understand what it meant to be left for a younger woman?

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Were the last speakers at DNC convention Maya and then Kamala Harris?

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The last one was a comedian. Hughly? or something like that.

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I, for one, did not catch it, so thanks very much for keeping me up on things.🍻

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[H]e has also pledged to veto any new abortion restrictions, [and] vowed not to restrict access to abortion pills if re-elected."

Sure. . . . Trump pledged and vowed to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, too. We know how that turned out. Trump would ban abortion nationwide the minute he got the chance to keep the forced-birth PAC money rolling in. No one is deceived by trump anymore except his most brain-dead idolators.

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