"We've got all the votes." It sounds to me that Trump has been sipping his own KoolAid and has begun to believe that he won in a landslide when he's consistently lost the popular vote by millions.

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Let’s simplify this. The MAGA party is in full reverse after the 2020 fiasco. They have no ground game. Trump has told his MAGA followers to stay home; and now his campaign is realizing that “well that dog ain’t going to hunt.” So MAGA will start to seed the field with confusion, obstruction and miss information to ensure that voters going to the poll are either prepped to vote for their candidate, or make it hard for others to vote. Trump is setting this up for a MMA fight to the death.

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My head hurt reading this. It's all about selling, selling, selling. Well, Trump "sold" me decades ago that he was unfit for any public office. And in the last 8 years his enablers and protectors "sold" me that they were not just unfit, but dangerous to the Republic, now that they found their perfect "useful idiot." Every cent spent on campaigning during my half century of voting was wasted on me, because I look for results, not sales pitches. And in this age where cold hard facts, not cherry-picked or made up to "sell" a candidate, are just a few clicks away, it's easier than ever. No, I don't like most of what I see about the D party either, but they have my vote, straight blue for at least this year. And they didn't have to spend a cent to get it. The MAGA cult did it for them.

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No political party is perfect and there is never 100% agreement on everything it does, but the Democrats these days come pretty close.

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Out driving around my Palm Beach County neighborhood yesterday and saw my first Trump yard sign. It was not and never will be in my yard. I am a 42 year Florida registered Republican who is a fan of Jeb Bush and never voted for Trump.

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My PB County neighborhood is lousy w/Trump signs and flags. Of course our HOA prohibits signs and flags (other than state of Florida or United States flag) but is that enforced? No. For Trump flags/signs anyway.

Well we were told we were violating when my daughter raised a Black Lives Matter flag in the summer of 20. I wanted to sue for viewpoint discrimination (Fla. Statutes restrict HOA from prohibiting US and Florida State flags but can prohibit others). But I didn’t.

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Welcome to America. The shining cesspool in the ditch at the bottom of the hill.

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I hope you will at least write a letter or email your local rep. It's a good time to "flag" the discrimination issue with the Alito's right wing flag flying issue fresh in people's minds.

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It's a good thing Trump is such a loser, or we would really be in trouble.

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Does anyone remember DeSantis doing this (without legal cover in Iowa) and getting like 5 votes per million dollars?

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Hopefully Trump uses as many grifting groups as possible that are all looking to pocket as much money without caring about the work. Democrats have a lot of problems in this election, but organization & turn out the vote will not be one of them. Win or lose, they have showed outstanding prowess in this particular aspect of elections. Even in 2010 midterms when they got destroyed they banked as much early vote as possible and did the door-knocking and field work.

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I love the fact that they think they don't need to solicit any more votes. Couldn't agree more; spend it all on legal expenses or whatever.

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"You need an organizational structure—whether it’s the party, candidate, or outside groups—to make this work. You need offices, you need a management structure, you need policies, you need detailed protocols for how to collect data and prevent people from goofing off on the job. It is really hard, labor-intensive work."

As a Democratic volunteer canvasser/phone banker/postcard writer for the last 7 years, I can confirm that truer words were never spoken. Organizations like that aren't built in a day and require a ton of ongoing coordination. Plus, getting a bunch of separate non-profit groups on the same page really IS hard and labor intensive. Trust me, I've seen it.

Not saying the Republican arrangement won't work, but I think it will be an uphill battle. Plus, I LOVE Trump saying "we don't need votes." More of that, please!

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Trump’s scientific poll is yard signs and how many people show up to be entertained at his speeches? And this is the dumb stuff he says in public. I cannot imagine all of the pearls of wisdom his staff has to endure day in and day out. It must be mind blowing.

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I was in Florida yesterday—every house has a Trump sign. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. - sounds like a house of mirrors to me.

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In other words, Trump is running this campaign the way he ran his casinos, university & businesses? Someone else gives him an idea which he screws up while draining the coffers. Combined with his increased forgetfulness, erratic thinking & legal fees, this seems an impending big win for democracy. The fittest survive. He seems unfit in every way.

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And in this biosphere the prokaryotes (bacteria, etc.) are the fittest. They will outlive us mere eukaryotes, even though we arrived much later and are much more biologically complex. In our big-brained species Trump is not a producer of goods and services, or even a "hunter-gatherer," but a parasite. His shamelessly opportunistic helpers and addicted fan base always bail him out.

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Important time to remember his campaign is cheap and stuck with a bad candidate, not innovative. When they try to sound innovate to reporters it's usually because of their short comings.

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Excellent if alarming piece. Thank you.

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Long May They Fail.

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The MAGA zeigeist is rebellion, cooperating across multiple groups is going to prove difficult. I predict a lot of in-fighting.

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Got my popcorn ready.

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