Yes, now how. I'm not as flip as I might seem. It would be great if everyone was pulling in the same direction, which...Democrats.

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Well, one good thing. Bill will FINALLY stop his anti-Biden creed. Unless he, like Johnson, wants Biden to resign immediately. And Johnson is already making noises about keeping Kamala off state ballots. Check out articles on Alternet, Newsweek and the Hill and others.

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I’ve been worried about the maga response to a Trump loss all along. No matter what actually happens in the election, Trump is going to claim he won. The best outcome for democracy is not only a Democratic Party win, but a decisive, big win that may help lay to rest some of the Trump lies coming our way.

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Wake up! It’s time to start bashing Kamala…

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Yup. And calls for Biden to resign now.

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And Trump's response" "Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve - And never was ..... "

Always a class act.

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Yup, there's the new and improved trump. Thank god (small g intended) he was spared the assassin's bullet so he could come back and become more Christ-like.

Here's the really really outstanding news; This pompous, egotistical, arrogant asshole will implode as he has to face Harris and not come across as a bigoted female hating, black woman hating jack ass who wanted so badly to just be able to stand on the stage and hurl insults at Joe.

Between him and his cretin vp pick, they will most assuredly alienate the vast majority of middle of the road voters. They don't know any other way than to insult their way into office. We'll see how well that works out for them?

On the other side of the fence will be a coalition of democrats, republicans and independents who will love the idea they have a choice between an aging white guy who did a good job and an aging orange guy who lives for his narcissism.

Thank you God (big G intended).

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Grateful and proud.

Biden on X:

“My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.”

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Biden just withdrew. JVL you were right again. Now let’s get to work!!!

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"I fear for what a Trump administration would do if he wins. But I also fear for what this Republican party will do if he loses. Because they have moved past electoral politics and into the realm of messianic prophecy."

I completely agree with your fear. It is one of mine too. They keep saying that " the system is rigged " and if Trump loses it is again a Fraud on a National scale. A recipe for violence and upheaval. How does one grapple with thousands of Crazies who feed off each others' anger and resentment.

This is the Worst election ever!!

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With all due respect C, our greatest hope is we get to find out exactly how they will react. That means we won. I used to worry about their reaction...now i am praying to find out what it is.

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As usual a compelling JVL analysis of Republican thinking and opportunities for Democrats. Also the last Secret Pod was a banger! You and Sarah are great! You are right about the potential for Republican acting out. One soft spot we saw in the last presidential election was the certification of the votes at the county level. Republicans could just refuse to certify at numerous or even just one county certification meeting. All counties have to certify before the governor’s office can certify for the state. I don’t know if the legislation passed last year to strengthen the electoral counting process guards against this type of interference. Anyway just one nonviolent scenario for interference. Lots of violent ones as well e.g. intimidating election officials as they count the votes. Sigh!

I appreciate your writing. So clear and compelling. I don’t feel hopeless after reading your work. I feel I understand the situation better and a path to address it. I also appreciate that you don’t sugar coat but are realistic. Anyway just saying thanks for what you are doing here.

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It's extremely rare that I have any occasion to praise Trump, so I'm going to take it purely for the novelty value. He took the shooting like a champ, and he's behaved comparatively well in the aftermath as JVL points out. He spends a lot of his regular life screaming that people are being so unfair to him, claiming that he's a victim and a martyr and so on, so it's good to see him respond to an instance in which he really is the intended victim of such an appalling action as a shooting attack with some level of grace and even courage.

If only he comported himself with this level of dignity all the time. Maybe then the threat of political violence would be such an imminent concern for all Americans.

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It’s like you are in my brain, JVL! Right now, not a fun place. I see the same things and suffer the same anxieties.

The right way to understand what you are articulating is to see January 6th as the birth of a new way of seeing the world, first in a few, now in many. The GOP, under Trump, has purged the RINO’s and the Never Trumper’s and put all those non-believers whose self interest keeps them in the fold, to sleep (ie. Haley and Desantis)

The DOJ and the incoming (please, Democratic, administration) better be prepared for what’s coming. The fight will not be a small thing.

I have been following your writing and podcasts closely and believe you are correct about just about everything. I agree that the D party will expel Joe no matter what he thinks, but they need to hurry.

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"What I saw was opportunity." Outstanding point. I totally agree.

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History is repeating itself. When Bernie Sanders lost the nomination to Clinton, too many of his supporters did not vote in protest. We all saw what happened. The conman, the liar, the cheat, the thief, the rapist, the fraudster and the rest of his criminal gang got to the WhiteHouse.

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When will democrats realize that a vote for Joe is not a vote for Joe. It is a vote against the wannabe tyrant.

Dems could have a pig with lipstick for nominee, and they all should vote for it.

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Even if 100% of Democrats did realize this, that doesn't win the election.

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Really nice post re tfg. Republicans do seem way overconfident. A new, strong Democratic ticket will reverse the polls and send them into a tailspin.

Time for Democrats to prepare to deal with Republican election denial just like they are.

With a strong ticket Democrats could run the tables, take everything, just as we did in 2022.

Don't stop thinking about tomorrow.

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Biden is not stepping aside. The race will, nonetheless, be very close. I don't know any Republican who thinks this is in the bag. What you saw at the convention was unity and joy not overconfidence.

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