Any American citizen taken by ICE needs to sue the agents that took them as well as ICE itself

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Is that really such a bad idea?

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The Republicrats have already admitted that their policies will inflict pain - they just do not care as Melania so famously said during T. Rump 1.0 and indeed, the pain is the point with them. People who are afraid are more likely to be compliant, even with illegal detainment, searches, and seizures. In my opinion the only recourse is to organize and oppose the illegal operations being carried out by the duly elected government of the United States.

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If ICE was, in fact, targeting criminals, then why the raids of Puerto Rican-owned businesses? Why the detainment of people speaking Spanish? This. Is. Profiling.

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Before the inauguration I advised my longtime college friend—a US citizen who happens to be Puerto Rican/Dominican—to carry her papers everywhere in NYC because Eric Adams is a disgusting untrustworthy snake and these agents do not care.

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Any Puerto Rican who's 35 or older meets the conditions to become President of the United States, something that Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, for all their money, can never do.

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Never say never....

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And don't they both resent it!

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Unfortunately, we knew where this was headed. Homan even told us so. 'Collateral damage' just 'has to' be accepted. To me, even worse, since for Trump it's all about appearance and the numbers, those are far more important than prioritizing violent undocumented immigrants who really are threats to Americans and their fellow undocumented immigrants.

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It's interesting and the height of hypocrisy that DJT's administration is suing cities and states for allegedly obstructing enforcement efforts of DJT's deportation order. During the Biden administration, "Red states",Texas, for example, constantly interferred with the federal government's border enforcement activities.

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That this 'policy' was problematic has been self-evident forever. Only our current crop of hyper vigilant fools could fail to see the huge potential for 'collateral' damage. Hispanic settlement from the Spanish Land grant era, Puerto Rico, the histories of the Mexican-American and Spanish- American wars all argue against this madness. And to top it all we go from welcoming immigrants (albeit, some of us grudgingly, albeit many illegal) to targeting them in a hysterical faux Nativism driven purge. It was always impossible to do this in a judicious manner. That some persons do not recognize this is appalling.

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Again. Why aren’t the red states upset with trump and ice for going after Chicago’s and New York’s undocumented immigrants when they voted for him to take care of the immigrant problems they say existed in their states?

If it’s that they really think they’re “owning the libs”.. that’s just sad

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Somebody should show Trump a map and where Puerto Rico is. Tell him he's even been there. Remember the paper towels so essential after hurricanes? It's a shame he doesn't know an illegal from a legal. Hell, I doubt he knows his left from his right or his ass from his elbow.

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He thinks Puerto Ricans aren't white, and that all he needs to know.

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Tell that to the Latinos who voted for him and helped bring on this nightmare.

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That is what surprised me when I saw the stats for voting. I'm not sure the translator of those Spanish channels spoke the truth.

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That's interesting!

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Republicans did this under Gov Jan Brewer in 2010 in Arizona. The bill allowed agents to question people they suspected to be illegal. It was full-on racial profiling where something as simple as having 6 people in a car was considered suspicious.

But they learned back then, unfortunately, that Americans as a whole don’t care because a majority of them don’t have to share in the worry that the targeted communities do. And that apathy has only magnified the last 15 years. It’s sad but not enough people care to stop this practice because of popular moral outrage.

The only way to legitimately fight back is for the lawyers to file so many lawsuits that it overwhelms the legal system. It’s a shame this hasn’t already been done. Trump doesn’t have enough legal minds to fight his battles if they are constantly on the defensive.

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Some weeks ago I had discussion with several folks on Bulwark Comments, including Adrian's articles, in which I said we could expect American citizens & lawful residents to have their civil rights abused, disrespected, infringed, ignored. Apparently some felt it couldn't happen here. Some opined that it was no big deal, cuz us "legals" would be let go (eventually, after whatever process, inconvenience, hardship, disruption of daily life & bodily autonomy, cost in lost wages & attorney fees, etc.). Or that we could sue for damages, as if that's quick/easy/affordable and actually resolves the injuries of false arrest/jailing.

I DO NOT accept the proposition that we are to accept government agents grabbing us from home, work, shopping, church, school, public spaces... ok, anywhere! ...over their mistaken impression that one might be violating some immigration regulation - with the burden of proof on the victim of that suspicion rather than on the State to demonstrate a probable cause.

There's no and there's hell no. This is the 2nd

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Anyone Brown is fair game. And it's absolutely racial profiling, no mask on it.

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from 40+ years ago: THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT... with guitars 🎸🎼


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Be careful who you vote for.

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