Jr. in his op-ed in Fox Noise made a big deal about vaccination being just a choice that was as good as any other. So is letting your kid play football on the Interstate instead of in the park, but it isn't the kind of choice that will get you any commendations. Instead it will get you a visit from the CPS. The same with vaccinations vs. cod liver oil.

What was interesting is that Fox took the sentence praising vaccination out of where Jr. had buried it way at the end of his article and put it as a sub headline. Then they played an interview of a real doctor who was adamant about vaccinations being the only rational way to deal with measles. It didn't make Jr. look good.

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The reaction is confusing: I read Bill Kristol's piece about how the Trump speech cheered him up because it was so bad, and then I saw the CBS poll showing that 78% of those who watched liked it. And then l heard Mark Halperin read an email on his Two-Way Show (on YouTube) from a Biden voter saying that the D's acted disgracefully -- sullen and stone-faced, holding silly little signs, and unwilling to even stand for the young cancer survivor, and that -- while no Trump fan -- she just could no longer support people who would act like that. It was almost incomprehensible to her. "Who would not stand and cheer for that little guy who has been through so much in his short life?" she said.

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This is a credible guy? “In response to more than a dozen allegations of workplace sexual harassment and sexual assault at his prior position at ABC News, Halperin was fired by both Showtime Networks and NBC News towards the end of October 2017.”

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The events he was accused of (no civil or criminal charges ever brought) occurred more than a dozen years ago. He paid a big price for his behavior, as he should have. And, yes, I find him credible. But that's all a distraction from my point; the substance of my reference was not about him but about the email from the Biden voter. You should check out Two-Way. One of three co-hosts is the much-respected Democratic strategist, Dan Turrentine.

That you don't understand why the behavior of the D's last night appeared to be part of a continuing suicide march is a problem. Again, I would say Rahm Emanuel (chief of staff to Obama, in case you don't know him) would bring much-needed leadership to the D Party.

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One email supposedly received by Halperin is hardly the views of the majority of Dems.

Nothing wrong with any behavior of Dems last night, in my opinion. Emanuel should be put out to pasture along with Axelrod and Carville.

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Who do you think watched it? I sure didn’t. Neither did my husband. 78% of who? Did you watch it?

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From CBS: 78% of: 47% Independent or Democrat, 51% R's ///. Rahm needs to be head of the Party.

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Nope, 20 percent identified as Dems.

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Yes, the combination of D's(20%) and I's (27%) = 47%. And there are other polls and focus groups out there that reflect substantial majority approval of speech. But I've wasted enough time on this. I wish you the best.

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The D's should have interrupted The Don one by one and get tossed from the speech. JD and The Don were ready to jump into the crowd after Al Green called them out.

That would have been quite entertaining and the Redhats might of realized what dangerous people the Prez and VP really are behind the makeup.


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I can’t take it anymore. My husband and I were discussing what we would do if all of our retirement accounts bottomed out, and MAGA came for his pension. We have already given up on ever collecting Social Security. None of it was pretty.

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Honestly, I think the d’s would’ve been better off going to a DC Pub, calling the media, and playing a 🍻🥂 game where everyone takes a drink when 🍊 lies or says a certain word. Would’ve driven them nuts that they couldn’t put the 🪛🔩 to them.

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I love Major Dickason's Blend as well. Great way to start the day.

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This narcissistic megalomaniac saying his first weeks in office were better than George Washington's!!! How can any sane person, or non-sycophant, listen to such utter craziness and not immediately wonder where the men in white coats are? He spouts constant brain dead rubbish, yet corporate media treats it like he's normal. It is not normal, just like the sign said. The US is fast becoming a satellite to Russia, and the price of eggs is still a topic. We have a seriously wrong nation. The world will never respect the USA ever again. Never.

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Yes, that was one more truly notable thing about the speech. According to Trump, his ever-present, ever-anonymous "many people say" that he's accomplished more in his first 43 days than any other President." As he rambled and riffed, he admitted that "George Washington may have come in second". I suppose because in his mind, creating and organizing a government is so much easier than tearing one down?

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I think that's too deep for him, but nice analysis from you. He probably just wanted to brag about doing better than our first president, a very famous man.

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Most likely, congressman Cox was inebriated. I've seen drunks act like this in other public gatherings.

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Yes, watched. Listened to Sam, Sarah, and Lauren’s analysis this morning and felt a bit better. The inconsistency of the Trump moves are giving me whiplash though! Fire everyone…hire them back; hit ‘em with tariffs…pull ‘em back; withdraw aid…change his mind. Of course I want him to aid Ukraine! But there is a sadistic quality to these methods that scares me.

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Last nights lie-a-thon highlighted Trump's vulnerability, but also Dems faulty strategy.

Trump's true superpower is his ability to lie with impunity, that is ineffectively countered, if countered at all. His lies are key, as they form the predicate for his stupid actions. The 'right' pride themselves on their 'common sense' as compared to the 'left's' impracticable ideas. Since his so-called common sense solutions are based upon lies, what they really are is ill-informed 'common nonsense'. Because of this, he may be able to avoid self-destruction as he will lie his way into blaming someone else. The way to resist is to counter his lies with the facts. The truth will set us free of Trumpism ... eventually. The key is to correct his lies as often as he tells them.

An example of his lies is with Ukraine. He constantly lies and says that we provided $350B in aid, while Europe has only provided $100B, which was all in guaranteed loans. When people believe this, then they will agree that the US is being ripped off and we are justified in extorting Ukraine. The oval office mugging (instigated by Vance, with Trump just a unwitting patsy) in order to frame Zelenskyy as an ungrateful war monger who disrespects America. The combination of all of this lies is to turn the nation against Ukraine so that when we abandon Ukraine, Trump will not suffer the consequences. We can't let those lies go unchallenged. (The truth is that we have provided only about $120B, while Europe had provided $140B. 35% of Europe's aid had been in loans, while about 20% of ours has been in loans. The reason is that more of our aid have been in weapons. The money for those weapons goes back into our economy as we replace our stockpile with more modern versions).

We need to have Pete B. do daily TikTok videos pointing our and corrected these lies. Pete is the guy to do this as he can do this in a calm and common sense manner. He should also go on Joe Rogan to not only give the "resistance" case in a common sense manner, but also create awareness of his TikTok videos. The truth will spread on social media to read those who don't use TikTok. Maybe he can also out these out on youtube as well.

This will have no impact on MAGA, but it will with swing voters. Even Trump supporting republicans who are not MAGA, may change if they learn the truth.

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The other thing to do is to sideline Musk and Vance. Convince Trump that they are the cause of his declining approval ratings. Trump is stupid and reactive, while Vance is evil and strategic, a much bigger danger

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Does your approval rating actually matter much if you control the guns? If people, especially in the media and in politics, are willing to put up with it or even support it? If it will cost you what you think is too much to resist? How low a disapproval rating is low enough to trigger something?

I mean, at 63, I am not sure that I am willing to pay that price, TBH. especially if I can escape to Canada. Just being honest about it.

How many people are REALLY ready to pay the price of resistance? Right now, you can't seemingly count many Democratic politicians among that number... or many billionaires. Of course, if things get too bad, the billionaires can just sail off in their megayachts. They are, in reality, the citizens of nowhere, unless there is some advantage for them.

Here is one of the things that irks me...

The rich or well-to-do people complaining about poor people not having skin in the game. Mostly because what they REALLY mean, is not having money at risk or not paying as much in taxes. because obviously the money is worth more than the lives of these people and should carry more political weight.

The poor are the people who have the MOST skin in the game, often their actual skin. The game can literally cost them their lives--because of lack of services or social support. It even now costs many of these people their lives--and will continue to do so.

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This Administration and the GOP in Congress keep doubling down on very unpopular policies, at least to 60+ percent of the country. They are acting like they don't have to worry about electoral consequences down the road. Do they know something we don't know?

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Yes, they know that any minute now, Trump is going to declare a national emergency and suspend all elections. What does he have to lose?

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I’m vibing w Bill more on the regular, first he’s a BritBox fan and today I learn he is also a Peet’s coffee connoisseur like me.

Appreciate his choice to read the tirade/transcript today instead of allowing himself to be vexed and having to sleep on it.

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Elissa Slotkin was ok last night and I'm confident that she'll be a great senator, but the Dems need to throw away the old playbook to respond a lot better to Trump.

People who can bring the fight to him in real time, like Pete Buttegeig, Adam Schiff, and Jamie Raskin should be ready to speak live and extemporaneously after every Trump effusion, responding directly to the things he says.

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Democrats have alienated a lot of voters. We are a damaged party. We’ve got to reestablish our reputation with the American people AND provide a formidable offense against the Trump machine. We’ve got our work cut out for us. I thought Slotkin hit the right balance, as well as anyone in that position could.

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PREACH. I thought Slotkin’s response was too rehearsed and definitely too tame.

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When are all you talking heads going to stop digesting what vlad-the-impaler SAYS, and start offering ideas on how we move to a better place? The whining about what he said on any day is useless drivel. And yes, Dems, time to stand up - not with paddles, but shouts! Al Green made a bigger impression than trump could, especially when the johnson ordered him outta the house! The supine MAGA-GOP - how proud they must be of themselves!

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