About that bucket of paint . . . Ha!

The GOP is the only side running a convicted felon facing jail time in September. The only side running an adjudicated rapist; the only side running a convicted fraudster; the only side running an insurrectionist; the only side running a candidate who believes that laws are for everyone but himself. Do they really think they can run a Willie Horton campaign when they are the only side running a criminal for president?

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He conquered, as always, with lies, more lies, empty promises and sheer gonbledeegook, with bizzaro-world talk of sharks and Hannibal Lecture.

This is a candidate, and a party, eating its own face.

It is a doubling- or tripling-down on a paranoid fantasyland looking to become a hellscape with no remorse or accountability.

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P. T. Barnum

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Not too long ago, people condemned religious fanaticism. Now, the GOP followers have become religious fanatics themselves.

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Who gave you that big glass of kool-aid? Jhc, you are one simple s.o.b.

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Trump may be as ambitious as Caesar, but Julius was a well educated and cultured man, as well as a great military general, which Trump is most definitely not. Of course, when Caesar crossed the Rubicon and (may have) said 'the die is cast'---thus initiating civil war---he knew it was an all or nothing shot. With Trump, Jan 6th was his 'die is cast' all or nothing moment, but inexplicably (?!!) we seem to be willing to give him a second roll of the dice. And if Trump is successful, I very much expect more of Sulla's proscription lists from him than Caesar's clementia.

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Vance is Brutus! This should be played up that he never liked Trump and now he is going for his job.

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Please make adds pitting Trump against Vance. Vance had a better book that was made into a movie by a major Hollywood director. He is younger and better looking with more hair. He also is a better golfer.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Wonder if Trump would really be comfortable being called a modern-day Caesar because, well... you know... current events, history rhyming, that kind of thing.

But never mind. He doesn't seem the type to have read much Shakespear. Or history.

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Tump came, saw and conquered - but what? The performance Hulk Hogan gave personified so many of trump's supporters - rabid, maniacal, elderly and religiously deranged.

A hall full of dementia sufferers - where were the adults in the room? - Ah - they were too embarrassed to show up.

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Where's the Ides of March when you really need it?

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Dude you need to fan yourself a bit! What exactly did he conquer? Oldest tale in human history: a lucky MF who’s never seen (real) consequence for any of his—innumerable—unethical and immoral actions. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and used the fruits of his daddy’s fortune to get a massive head start in life. All of this and his blatant willingness to grab every third rail at a time when the waning majority is looking to scapegoat the minority…

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We do not know if the shooting by the 20yr old w/easy access to a military style weapon was an “ assassination attempt” or just a shooting of opportunity b/c he lived near where there was going to be a large crowd &decided that day, that opportunity was the one he’d seize … for whatever reasons. So the violent rhetoric Republicans had a shooting at their rally … surprise surprise. They don’t care … they will still oppose common sense gun laws &bans on assault weapons &ammunition b/c they want the chaos, they need the fear. Scared ppl vote for authoritarian “strong men” … that’s the plan. Call them out on it … every day … call them out on their purposeful violent words &behaviors that influence vulnerable individuals to do their dirty work &keep the masses scared &willing to vote MAGA &Project2025.

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That convention wasn't in Milwaukee. It was in Jonestown.

Trump will lose if non-MAGA Americans turn out to vote. If they don't, Caesar will take the Oval. But just two months later Vice President Vance will walk into the room and Caesar Trump will utter the immortal words. . .

"Et tu, J.D.?"

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And what happened to Caesar in the end?

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Very very excellent article

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Were there people in Germany in 1932 who saw what was coming? Were there commentators and members of the general public who saw what Hitler was and thought he was insane? Were they all watching slack-jawed as their nation willingly gave itself to a monster? Because that sure is the way I feel now.

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