
So let me get this straight! We’ve had two trans people in the penitentiaries get surgeries which cost how much? $500k a piece? Even if it’s a million, it’s an infinitesimal amount of money, compared to how much the government spends a day: $20 billion!

Trump alone, accounts for $42 billion in farming subsidies a year, just because of his boneheaded tariffs on China; destroying an entire agricultural export industry to China. And don’t get me started on the Wall that Mexico decided wasn’t in its interest to pay for.

And not to mention, it was Trump’s policy to begin with. I’ve never seen a guy who creates so many problems with his policies, yet, when he left office, decided he could easily place the blame on Biden and democrats, who are left to clean up the mess. And sadly, too many “rubes” buy this bull shit!

Personally, I don’t believe prison is a place for any type of elective surgery or procedures, since it’s not a healthcare facility. Inmates committed crimes and are now paying the price. Inmates should have access to decent healthcare, but not better than your average American, who didn’t commit a crime; especially an an elective operation that costs a lot of money. And even though trans issues are considered mental illness, it doesn’t change the fact that the taxpayer has to foot the bill.

Essentially, jail is not summer camp or a spa; it’s prison! Yet, I would never vote for a president based on their “pro or con” belief of the LGBTQ community.

That said, on a scale of issues, this is a nothing burger! Although, as the wise man once said. “never underestimate the stupidity of a certain segment of the US electorate; they never cease to amaze!”…:)

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It's closer to $50k than $500k.

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Most likely, his campaign operatives realize the more trump talks about the economy, the more voters he will turn off. He has no coherent (or even a solidly incoherent) economic plan except for his tariffs (the effect of which he doesn't understand).

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My family moved out of Florida in large part because of the governor's truly harmful policies in this area. I hope the trend (that these types of ads don't resonate) holds true. What's even more harmful is that if TFG is elected, lifesaving health care for the entire trans community is at high risk. That community runs from ages 5-99.

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That’s what I thought-another made up story to score points at the expense of others.

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The thing is, MAGA grifters can not talk about reality because they look like the crooks they are if they allow reality to come into play. All of it; abortion, immigration, trans, tariffs - these fucks care not one wit about any of that. They only care that enough voting folk get excited about it to be distracted while they rifle our pockets. All of the show is to make it easier to cut taxes on moneyed interests and vacuum up middle-class tax dollars by privatizing every conceivable function of government. Make no mistake, these people don't want the MOST money, they want ALL of the money. If they can figure out a way to get your labor for free, they'll gladly make you a slave.

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Rich Trump voters do so for their own self interest, AKA tax cuts. Poor Trump voters do so against their own self interest. They would all be better off with liberal policies in place. The problem is they are too stupid and influenced by fame to realize it. America is a broken country and will never recover from Trump.

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I get the pessimism. We have to believe in democracy. We have to have hearts like Ukrainians.

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I believe in democracy. I'm Canadian, so I actually get to see it in action. The US system is just bad. The electoral college and the senate were created on flawed ideas. There is a reason no other country in the world does it like you guys.

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Well, you and they had us as an example. We were largely winging it in 1787. While I believe we should honor the spirit and achievement of "the Framers," I always point out: *they knew* they weren't perfect, that their work was a kludgy compromise, and that revisions and adaptations would be called for over time. They would be surprised to know how *few* amendments we have made, from their time to this.

I will also note that our non-majoritarian structures do have parallels in supranational organizations like the UN and EU. Like US Senate seats, UN representation is fixed per member state, with no regard at all for population. Like US electoral votes, Members of the European Parliament are allocated degressively, so small countries like Malta and Luxembourg have fewer seats, but much more representation per citizen than big countries like Germany and France.

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The problem is it will never change. I can't imagine any amendment being passed. Life is too good in the USA for the revolution that is needed. Zombies on Smart Phones watching TicToc making 15 bucks an hour. The US is doomed. Got lucky for 200+ years and now you are fucked. Sucks for the world.

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I am still reeling from a conversation yesterday with a close friend in Florida who had previously purported to be an Independent voter.

Said he’s now supporting trump, DeSanitizus, et al because “the gays and transvestites are taking over”.

He’s age 65, college grad, highly intelligent.

Proving that propaganda works better than ever in this so called “Information Age”.

I am extremely worried that our Republic is at the precipice of failure.

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This is not hard to figure. It is shoring up religious right support that might be wavering a bit over abortion. If some portion of that block stayed home, it could prove the difference in swing states.

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Don't boo, vote!

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Quite the statement for the Trump pollster to say voters don’t like Kamala’s character when polling consistently shows she is viewed as more caring and trustworthy and has higher net approvals. It’s giving delusion.

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Trump and MAGA Republicans believe that ads which marginalize and diminish a certain minority group will solidify their base and win over new voters. That should sicken..and horrify..every American. We gotta stop this. Now!

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The only way to “stop this” is to marginalize trump and his glazed eyed followers with votes against them.

That is, assuming that our constitutional democracy survives.

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This looks like a polling mistake to me. They polled suburban women who have children, and found that those women overwhelming oppose trans athletes in sports, or surgeries for minors. But that doesn't mean that those women are willing to vote for Trump about it.

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The cruelty and meanness are so hard to witness. It is unconscionable.

I am wanting more empathy from the Dems all around. I keep wondering why there isn’t more strongly ethical statements about suffering. It would be very useful in the Middle East conversation and this one. Why don’t they say, “We stand against any and all hatred against any human being regardless of their religion, sexuality or color. The situation in the l Middle East is daily heart breaking. Innocent people being brutalized regardless of what country they live in or what religion they practice is something we stand against. Our administration will follow the law of the United States.”

Stop playing two sides against the middle and express real care and concern for everyone being harmed. I’m not sure how it’s politically useful to be so meely mouthed.

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Question: Is there any evidence of children receiving sex-change surgeries at or through their schools? I’m a public school teacher and this repeated comment really confounds me.

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That this question is valid proves the effectiveness of the MSM’s intentional effort to equate a legitimate presidential candidate with a convicted felon who fomented and led an insurrection against the USA.

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Hell no. They just make up what they want to.

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I've always found it interesting that anyone who is anti-trans focuses on trans women and pretty much ignores trans men. I believe this ties into the misogyny as they can't imagine anyone who is identified as a male at birth being a lesser human being, i.e., a woman. This is also another way to attack everyone else who is in the LGBTQ+ community. Just as Trump seems to be fixated on male genitals, Republicans are also focused on anything associated with sex - sexual identity, sexual gender - and they ignore the fact that most sexual crimes are committed by men. I think someone needs to remind men, especially young men, that Project 2025 wants to eliminate all birth control (including condoms) and do away with the entire porn industry.

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My daughter is 10 and has a non binary friend. As much as the parents try to shield them, it’s impossible to completely avoid these toxic ads. It’s doing real harm to real children.

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