According to Project 2025 there will be a period of consolidation of power in the Executive Branch of the federal government during which loyalty to T. Rump will be tested and those found wanting will be discharged in order to be replaced by persons (qualified or not) who exhibit superior loyalty the President. The so-called fractures in the Republicrat ranks are simply the Project 2025 plan being implemented. Project 2025 - the gift that keeps on giving.

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Very interesting points from Cathy Young. Also, I read somewhere (WaPo)? a fairly long report on play by play of the conversations leading up to Musk's 100+ tweets trying to sabotage the CR bill. Including that Trump gave Musk the green light to do that. I expect for now it's just more trolling to get the "libs" and never Trumpers excited about the possibility of trouble in paradise.

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Even now and in this site where many reasonable people assemble, there is precious little about policies. And I bet if we asked the writers about the govt’s role they would fall back on small government. There is no recognition that we must allow our govt to do more of what peer nations do. Do we want housing to be affordable? Well the market will not do that. Builders prefer granite counters and other high end finishes to ramp up the price. And to car prices… well they prefer SUVs for the same reason. We are a silly people who are like teenagers who bristle at authority. And our govt is a joke.

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I know one place I will not be on January 20 and that is watching or listening to or reading any news stories about the trump inauguration. I will tune into the January 10 sentencing of the convicted criminal trump. And then I can look forward to trump opening his wallet for the sexual assault, defamation, and fraud liabilities. A couple days of partial justice intermingled with four years of crimes, incompetence, lies, hate, mismanagement, misinformation, embarrassment, cronyism and authoritarianism.. What fun!

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"with a massive media infrastructure behind him,"

yes, Fox News now has 56% market share, but that was only within cable news. 86% of us now get our news digitally and from social media. What does that mean for the future?

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Now begins the collapse. Trump and Trumpism will collapse in spectacular fashion as the US public recoil from Musk/Trump and what it transpires into as the wackos take charge. It is like the extremists who take over a school board and seek out the cat litter trays and demand kids avoid math books because they are woke and parents freak out because it is so nutty and it affects them personally.

The comments section is now governing America and America will react with horror, revulsion and a burning anger that will devour them because the wackos cannot moderate their views.

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Thanks for your observation that Musk has a "bully pulpit." But if it becomes irksome to Trump, Musk might find he's not getting the government largess to which he's accustomed.

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I suspect that the November 2024 election was much less an endorsement of The Oath-breaking SoB than a narrow victory for MAGA.

I suspect that Johnson's narrow and unenthusiastic reelection as Speaker of the House resulted from the wish not to repeat the McCarthy debacle, not The Oath-breaking SoB's endorsement.

I did not, could not, and will never vote for MAGA, The Oath-breaking SoB, or any of his sycophants.

So I'm not disappointed in any of his Cabinet nominations or with any postulations by anyone he nominates to any federal office - amazed and angered, yes. Disappointed: No.

But the cracks between MAGA and the government The Oath-breaking SoB intends to administer are becoming clear, even to those who voted him into office.

The Oath-breaking SoB wants to use the federal government to his legal and economic benefit; MAGA wants to completely break that government so that no one, including him, receives any selfishly self-aggrandizing or selfless benefit.

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If anyone can become a legend, through his anger, grief and bitterness it, may be Massie. I hope he champions his loss into a win for what people still call the Republican Party, but it's MAGA or Trump was always right.

Trump, I opine, is in no way the most consequential politician but he is the most consequential pathology devoid of all humanitarianism, so much so, that he was easily captured for sale.

When Musk bought Twitter I knew nothing and still don't but knew Musk was not some first amendment champion but something sinister.

I didn't really pay attention to that until the last few months of the election when I suggested, for democracy's sake, we "toll" the election until Trump gets into a courtroom, on Smith's indictments. That didn't go over well. Too bad it didn't.

We The People were not watching, yet voting for the entire future of this Republic, on a corrupt Robert's SCOTUS continuation of dereliction and interpretation, media that lost its soul, not reading, and being complicit by assuming it could never happen here, just another election interference case unfold.

Musk has an agenda very different from Trump. We can hope to appease Trump long enough but I dare say Russell Vought has already declared this a post-constitutional era.

The shocker is that a gay white male billionaire, a man who thought he was gay, pedophiles, a few Dan Brown type cults, a man using a pseudo-AKA-name and, along with Musk, wishes world dominance here, then on to MARS, to hook up brains to computers so people or atoms can exist in a controlled AI environment rather than one of misery, while wishing to blame immigrants, the non-productive and is preoccupied with controlling what neither can...the past and the future by ignoring the present through narrative that works until we stop allowing it to work.

They may re-write it which they are doing so already.

We only need to look to Hitler to know this is not a new concept, when Hitler praised Sparta, but rather one that's more realistic, currently, with the kind of money, technology, foreign power assistance and payback requirements, no different than Musk, in favor of Trump/Trumpism or just a techno-futuristic Trumpism, he'll unfortunately miss due to age, and allow all the rest of us degenerates to die of some illness brought back through MAGA indoctrination of VACCINES ARE BAD, clean water is bad, the courts know better, healthcare is bad and having the means to push out white babies, yet will be financially impossible, but required and biochemical weapons from Russia with Love! This all before the brains and computers on Mars thing-y. Democracy should be forgotten as liberalism. That ship has sailed although I refuse to concede that fact.

Sounds fun and insane. I wish it were. Here's to 2025 and beyond.....or hope Massie grows some balls, to take a stand and gather a coalition, his wife would be proud of from the beyond. Right?

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i 1

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In a nutshell with no sugar coating. This is America now:

"An utterly shameless demagogue at the head of an authoritarian movement in control of the executive branch and to a considerable degree Congress, with a massive media infrastructure behind him, oligarchs supporting him, and with a demoralized opposition trying to prop up unsteady guardrails."

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bill -

you forgot the supreme court, the judicial controlled by MAGA, and a Chief Justice who, like Elon, is telling dissenters to Fuck Off!

All great role models, if those still exist, for our kids and oh yeah, the World.

And Andrew, Trump is not in the drivers seat and does not know how to drive. Elon is and look where he is driving his Tesla, right through MAGA.

Peace and love to all in 2025.

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Looks like Johnson is getting punched in the face today? My sympathy well is dry. I will be pissed if Democrats do absolutely anything other than nominate and vote for Jeffries.

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Here is a question that I will pose without knowing the answer: is it being explained to high school students in particular and school students in general that so much of what our political "leaders" on the Republican side is demonstrably false, purely made-up stuff - in both the history and current affairs silos? Vance's crap about German and European history is WRONG and Johnson's statement on current events is just WRONG. Are our students being provided with BS filters?

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I don’t think Musk wants to lead a “global populist movement.” I think he wants to lead a right-wing autocratic movement run by those he sees as the elite (most prominently, of course, himself). For our New Year’s resolution, let’s all try to stop calling MAGA populist. It’s leaders are the furthest thing from populists.

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The shitshow that keeps getting renewed, though bashed by critics and ratings are frozen in the twin demographics of old, rural and dumb and young male and undateable. It’s pretty obvious Trump got what he really wanted: not going to jail and a boatload of musk bucks. My bet is he retires to the golf course and lets The Rat cosplay president. The Bot formerly known as JD Vance is just a stooge of Musk and Thiel but there is a reason tech bros don’t run for office. They are probably the most universally loathed creatures on gods green earth. Just riding on trumps old shirttails. When the cutting of govt services begin the tar and feathers come out.

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