I don't know, it seems to me that his loony-tunes clowniness gives us a secret weapon against him and his cronies. What if the whole nation started laughing and mocking him for not only being an absolute clown and idiot, but for the idea that he could get away with anything without a voting mandate (or even last until the midterms, for that matter)? What if one day all the Dems in Congress just rose up laughing and heckling the Republicans for their utter, utter foolishness? The media attention would explode!

Anyway, just a thought.

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Egger doesn’t like Hamilton? I am going to try real hard to forget that.

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Sorry to hear that you don't like "Hamilton". Some people don't like chocolate, either. I would wonder what this world is coming to, but I see that we have bigger problems. Hopefully, Trump won't declare "Hamilton: An American Musical" illegal.

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Yes, the Kennedy Center could be for democracy and our institutions what companion plants are for valuable crops: they distract and attract the noxious insect pests so that they don't do as much damage to the more important plantings. No, the protection isn't complete and a lot of damage will still be done, but I agree: the more time Trump spends micromanaging Kennedy Center, the better for the country.

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How about someone finds a way to attach a golf course to the back entrance? Eminent domain knock down of a few adjacent buildings for "Trump Golf at Kennedy" would be of great service to the nation. If it kept him there for even a day or two of each week. ⛳️

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1. Indispensable ruler

2. Supremacy of the Nation

3. Scapegoats to unify the masses

4. Fear Mongering

5. Military strength and supremacy

6. Misogyny and Sexism

7. Denigrating the Media

8. The Nation Surrounded by enemies

9. Primacy of Corporate Power

10. Cronyism

11. False accusationbs of fraudulent elections

12. Contempt for institutions

13. Religion in the Public Square

14. Personal attacks on rival elites

15. Law and Order as political weapon

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Canadian, here. I'm not going to make any feeble complaints about Trump's plan to annex my great country. This is a plea, however. I'd like Bill, Tim, JVL, Sarah et al to lead Dems down the path of creating a Project 2029. Of course it will have a new name. But it's power, its focus, its vision should parallel the experiences of the Heritage's Project 2025. There's lots of leftover money in Dem Pacs to do this. Not a single issue listmaking exercise, or a whining screed, but a BLUEPRINT for a NEW AMERICA. Anyhow, it might just keep our southern neighbour off our backs! HAHA

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I’d like to see an anonymous survey of people who had seen Hamilton. What did they honestly think of it?

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Chat GPT has an opinion. Who knew?

Chat GPT said:

A critique of Hamilton from a non-"woke" perspective would focus on its historical accuracy, ideological messaging, and cultural impact. Here are some key points of criticism:

1. Historical Revisionism and Whitewashing of the Founders

While Hamilton has been praised for bringing history to life, it takes significant liberties with the facts. The musical presents Alexander Hamilton as a forward-thinking abolitionist, yet his actual record on slavery is more complicated. The show largely ignores his role in maintaining economic systems that benefited from slavery and downplays the Founders' broader compromises on the issue. Meanwhile, figures like Thomas Jefferson and James Madison are villainized in ways that align with modern political narratives rather than historical accuracy.

2. Casting Choices and Racial Identity Politics

The musical's decision to cast non-white actors as the Founding Fathers is often framed as an artistic statement, but some critics argue that it is an ideological move that distorts history. While proponents see it as an inclusive reimagining, others see it as an unnecessary racial overlay that prioritizes modern diversity quotas over historical fidelity. The Founding Fathers were white men, and recasting them in a way that erases that reality can be seen as misleading rather than meaningful.

3. Politicization and Progressive Messaging

Many elements of Hamilton reinforce progressive ideals, from its portrayal of immigration as inherently virtuous (e.g., "Immigrants, we get the job done") to its emphasis on democratic activism and challenging authority figures. Some critics argue that Hamilton promotes a sanitized, left-leaning version of American history that aligns with modern social justice movements rather than presenting a balanced view of the period.

4. The Hero Worship of Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton is depicted as a scrappy underdog and the ultimate "self-made man," which appeals to American ideals of ambition and perseverance. However, this portrayal glosses over his elitist tendencies, support for centralized government, and disdain for popular democracy. His push for a strong federal government often put him at odds with those advocating for states' rights and personal liberties—concepts that are crucial to traditional conservative thought.

5. The Downplaying of Other Important Historical Figures

While the musical elevates Hamilton, it diminishes other key figures, particularly Thomas Jefferson. The musical portrays Jefferson as a flamboyant, almost cartoonish antagonist, ignoring his major contributions to the founding of the United States, such as the Declaration of Independence and his advocacy for individual liberty. The rivalry between Jefferson and Hamilton is reduced to a simplistic ideological battle where Hamilton is the hero, and Jefferson is the out-of-touch villain.

6. Cultural Hype vs. Substance

While Hamilton has been lauded as groundbreaking, some argue that its success is due more to its timing and political climate than its actual artistic merit. The fusion of hip-hop and Broadway was innovative, but whether the music itself stands the test of time remains to be seen. Some critics feel that its rapid-fire lyrics and modern slang sacrifice depth for style, making it more of a trendy spectacle than a timeless masterpiece.


Hamilton is undeniably an impressive theatrical achievement, but from a non-"woke" perspective, it can be seen as an ideologically driven work that prioritizes modern political narratives over historical accuracy. Its progressive casting choices, hero-worship of Hamilton, and oversimplification of key historical figures make it more of a cultural statement than a neutral retelling of history. While its entertainment value is high, its revisionist tendencies and political messaging warrant a more critical view.

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Sheesh. I’d simply say that I didn’t like the music. (Since it’s a musical, I was screwed.)

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Joe McCarthy tried, but was not able, to throw out our Constitution. However:

Project 2025, authored by the Heritage Foundation and led by The Oath-Breaking SoB and his MAGA Mites, is eradicating our Constitution in favor of one-man, one-party rule on the order of Nazi Germany, Italian Fascism, Soviet Russia, Russian Czarism, the PRC, and North Korea.

Everyone who believes in our Constitution must must directly face and resist Project 2025 at every level rather than hold back by doubt and fear.


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Hey, Bulwark guys and Dem libs: it's time to stop bashing Schumer for voting for the continuing budget resolution. Your own article here shows why: without it, the dismantling of the government would have proceeded faster, just as Schumer said: "Tim Meisburger, the head of USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, recently briefed staff about plans and pegged a final day for the agency’s existence at September 30, 2025 (notably, when the just-struck government funding deal runs out)."

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Trump's hostile takeover of the Kennedy Center is a microcosm of the hostile takeover of our country, as well as a test case for the takeover of other nonpolitical sectors such as higher education.

As someone who has enjoyed the NSO over the years, I am personally affected, to be sure. I was there on Saturday to listen to Gianandrea Noseda conduct Shostakovich’s Violin Concerto No. 1 featuring Greek violinist Leonidas Kavakos. That was two nights after JD Vance and his wife got booed and two days before Trump showed up for a tour, board meeting, and the unveiling of his portrait, along with those of Melania, JD, and Usha, in the Hall of Nations. Aside from the bronze bust of JFK, presidential portraits have never been displayed there to the best of my knowledge, certainly not recently.

The concert, which I am viewing as a swan song for the Center, was one of the best I've ever attended. Kavakos was spectacular. One peculiarity was the lack of any verbal address by Noseda, something he is known for. The two men arrived on stage, with the orchestra already seated, and immediately started to play.

At intermission everyone around us was talking about the situation, both at the KC and more generally, and whether they would renew their season tickets for the next year. Most were saying "no." These interactions were also unusual. People are usually pleasant but not chatty with the strangers sitting next to them.

Trump's complaints about the Center are characteristically crude and false. There were loud accusations of filth, rats, and the smell of vomit. Speaking as something of a neat freak, I have no idea what the man is talking about. But then he doesn't either. It's all just defamation. Like Haitians eating pets.

The takedown of the KC is less important than other Trump tragedies. But it's still a tragedy. And a sign of other things to come, I fear.

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I'm afraid after the hostile takeover, we may be be getting less of our wonderful KC, and more of something that looks, sounds (and maybe even smells!?) like KFC. Under Maestro Donald's curatorship.

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Maybe wrestling?

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I expect that the song YMCA will become the unofficial logo for the Kennedy Center. Somehow no one has told Mr. T. that the song is about gay men having sex at the YMCA. He still performs it from the waist up at friendly venues. What in the world does he think this song is about?

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Mr. Egger. Dipshit in Chief had just the right balance of respect and accuracy.

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Kristol is right about the Trumpist goals for an "authoritarian society," and he didn't even mention the Christian nationalists that are energizing the troops. Where is this headed? A "social credit system" using AI and govt data to provide a "social credit score" for every American. Need a knee replacement? Let's see your score. Think I'm bonkers? Google "social credit system." Read how it's beginning to be used in China.

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I work in Big Law. The federal investigators are going to be very disappointed to find that the results of their DEI investigations will be ...... Big Law is still heavily, heavily, skewed white male. Sad trombone sound.

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Well, IDK. Isn't that demographic their preferred one, for any enterprise which has power, means and "juice"? Maybe finding very little DEI among the firms would be just great.

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Good description of Trump: His heart is dark and his soul is damaged. But the reason he prevails is because his supporters also have dark hearts and damaged souls. See "The 'Shared Psychosis' of Donald Trump and His Loyalists" [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/psych-unseen/202404/why-do-people-choose-authoritarianism-over-democracy?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email].

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Shouldn't they be the ones with "Trump Derangement Syndrome? I've always thought that was backwards!

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Yes! I've thought that too.

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A friend recently called Trump a "defective human being." It was the most succinctly accurate description I've heard yet.

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Talk about an understatement.

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“Every firm is scared to sign on [to the amicus brief]”

"But Columbia’s peers haven’t risen in loud protest."

You know, there once was a time--with dangers only abstract, theoretical--when people would recite the first few lines of "First They Came" with the implication that they were ready to stand up, speak out, take a risk in the face of targeted oppression, should it arise.

If institutions as powerful as a bloc of elite academic institutions, or the 20 richest corporate law firms in America, cannot take a stand in solidarity, I guess the authoritarian right has called our bluff on "virtue signaling."

Or maybe that term was imprecise to begin with: it was no signal at all, merely noise approximating virtue.

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Well, it certainly wasn't virtuous.

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The Kennedy Center is wonderful but if it becomes home for Cats, Kid Rock and religious passion plays then attendance and membership will dry up. The metro DC/Northern VA/Southern MD area is heavily Democratic. These folks live closest to the center and are most likely to go. I guess Kennedy Center can try to appeal only to tourists. That’s possible. In any case, the institution will die as a main arts center in DC. We have Strathmore and smaller places but nothing like Kennedy.

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How about a musical version of the LEFT BEHIND series by Jerry Kenkins and Tim LaHaye?

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The majority of the Center's funding comes from ticket sales and private funding. Federal funding partially covers building expenses. It cannot be used for programming.

Under the ousted president, Deborah Rutter, for whom running the KC was a full-time job, fundraising was robust. Her staff plus most of the development staff has been fired. The ousted chairman personally contributed $111 million. Trump doesn't give anything. The new president, Richard Grenell, has no experience in this field and is not treating this as a primary, full-time job. Ticket sales are now down 50%.

One doesn't have to be a financial genius to see this is a disaster.

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I'm hearing the chorus from Rick Wilson's book "Everything Trump Touches Dies" in your predictions. This is a musical I hope never gets made, however.

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Prime real estate. Could there by a Trump Tower rising from the ruins of the Kennedy Center once it is condemned because of all the rats, as Trump said?

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I think it will become a performative way for, say MAGA congressmen to show fealty. And they will LOVE the Kid Rock shows.

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