I signed up for two tickets as nauseating as that act felt. If it screws with the campaign even a little, that will make my day.

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I’m beginning to think his campaign hired people to faint so they could get him off the stage early.

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I was bad. I used George Connally's link to sign up for two seats at MSG which will definitely be empty. And boy, did that feel great - even better than voting did!

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Whoops - no coffee yet. George Conway. And here is the link. https://www.rawstory.com/george-conway-2669393188/

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"AFTER A PERIOD of largely avoiding the press"

This isn't really true.

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I am sure that the MSG event will be a great MAGA rally. After seeing the DJ in chief playing his favorite discography, and happily dancing with the SD governor, it makes me wonder what happened to all the Republicans.

Certainly a cringeworthy town hall, but not because of the questions and answers.

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How do you not see what he is doing here? I can hear his bloviating now on November 6th: "They are STEALING this victory from you! I sold out Madison Square Garden in deep blue New York City! You think I DIDN'T win Pennsylvania?"

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Yeah, it’s a Nazi thing. Yikes.

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Marc, considering the dark tone of DJT's recent speeches - as commented on by your fellow Bulwark writers (JVL, Bill, Andrew), omitting the Bund rally of 1939 is glaring. Calling you out on this one and I think it deserves a follow up column comparing Trump's language to what was heard back then.

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Harris campaign should use its billion dollars to buy up half the tickets

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Bribe MSG to cancel trump for $2 million and schedule her instead!

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Caputo refers to “October 27, just nine days before voters head to the polls.”

Do Caputo and the crack editors at the Bulwark not understand that the polls are open now?

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I would love to see a breakdown of what the logistics would be if everyone voted on only one day, Nov. 5.

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Yes, they almost certainly do. As do most of us. I am sensing a "Gotcha!" vibe here.

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Does trump? He's the one paying for this.

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Har Har Har. He hasn’t been paying his rally bills for many months.

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Aware also. I'm getting a gotcha vibe from this whole comment tangent.

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You understand, don’t you, that voting is happening right now, correct. There’s no such thing as “election day“ any longer

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Thank you, sir. I'm well aware. Questions should be directed to the trump campaign, they're the one staging this.

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Caputo says it’s happening “nine days before voters got to the polls.” That is false. It is happening in the midst of voting. There is no “Election Day” any longer.

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. . . . . condemned to repeat it:


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That was my first thought...

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Has he paid the rental?

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I would expect NYC has enough experience with Trump so that they only do business on a cash in advance basis.

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Threats are also a form of currency

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Vanity, thy name is Donald Trump.

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Vanity, thy name has always been narcissism, so, of course, you are right.

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How many of those seats will be filled with paid actors directed to cheer & applaud when Trump spews implausible claims: he's the best, ever; they're eating dogs over there, FEMA gave all money to the illegal migrants (causing magas to riot against FEMA workers and cause injuries); etc. There is no bar for Trump. He's descended to territory never seen before in American history, sinking deeper and deeper into the muck. At this point, if he did shoot someone in the middle of anywhere, USA, his base would likely rejoice.

Then one mulls over the fact that Trump's base consists of his immediate family (who benefits along with him), his benefactors (who received promises & rewards for their support or money dumps), the Republican politicians and key Party members (who'd have no jobs or clout if they didn't go along - as Mitch McConnell and others learned when he confirmed Trump's treason, start & sustain of the insurrection (where people died), only to recant 2 days later when being told the facts of life and the loss of everything they hold dear if they did not recant! There's also the right-wing propaganda media (where many of those involved have skin in the game). Then, there are the magass, the subset of the Republican party. The ones who support Trump, no matter if she shoots some dude or female version of same at any time, & anywhere. They believe all that spews from his maw, no matter how implausible, illogical, inane, or provable to be the rantings of an apparent lunatic - it is.

It's apparent that decency, integrity, honesty, and adherence to U.S. laws have been vacated in favor of the Republican Party's winning at all costs Many might already acknowledge that Trump is in need of a mental health evaluation and just may be unfit to lead anything but a conga line, but he's a means to an end of the beginning of a Republican coup. The fact that he's ruthless, morally bankrupt, hungry for power, wealth & adulation makes him easily played. Putin and Jong-un, two inhumane despots Trump has admired discovered that less than a decade ago.

What will happen in November? A war if Trump win? A war if Trump loses?

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Abby, we all know he is so-o-o popular that he will not have to "pay" anyone, just give them a promise of a place of prominence behind him on the podium (then have the SS ban that for security reasons), or tell them that his merch will be 50% off for them (after jacking the price overnight by 60% - don't want to rip the rubes too bad), or guarantee them a personally signed autograph card, with a hint that he will hand it to them, but then give it to them at the door because that nasty SS detail said no dice to that idea, too.

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Remember two things (which may or may not be moot by the time this horrific event is over. 1) the time when one particular rally was at 1/4 capacity due to many reserving tix they never intended to use. It was an embarrassment for Trump & the Party. 2) MSG is a huge venue. I still believe they'd need help filling it up to capacity. We'll soon find out.

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People are trying to get that “reserve and then don’t show up” ploy again for MSG, but I don’t like it. It isn’t honest. I wouldn’t like it if they did that to us. “Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You”.-Jesus; “Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want done to you”- Rabbi Hillel. They’re the liars, not us. I’d rather see the place half-empty honestly, that would be more satisfying, anyway.

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Yes, I remember that snafu, but this time I doubt there will be reservations, just first come, first "seated".... and I would not put it past him and his team to remove many rows of seating so that they can "brag" about how people "stood for hours" just to see and hear His Orangness. But I concur 100% with your last sentence.

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I wouldn't be surprised if there are similarities between this rally and another one held in 1939 by American Nazis. Heavy on the scapegoating and a heaping dose of America First.

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Hopefully, then it will be just as successful in electing the host, whoever that was.

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You mean Half of America First.

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You forgot to mention the America First and American Nazi rallies in the early 1940’s.

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Hah! You got there before me :). Yeah, it's clear to me Trump has studied speeches by some of his favorite authoritarians, so there should be parallels.

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I don't think CFT has "studied" shit. He may have heard some of that crap and it stuck in his brain because he was so enamored by the idea of it.

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Miller writes most of his foul speeches.

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