Trump pardoned a convicted murderer after his family went on Fox To plead his case. He was found guilty of terrible atrocities in Iraq if I remember correctly. Then Trump celebrated him at Mar-a-Lago. Democrats should be able to Willie Horton him to an even greater degree.

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Look how nasty you far left but bags are!! Look at all the vile and hate you spew over left wing b.s. propaganda articles.. Disgusting.. because of you nasty and I mean nasty people almost got a man killed and for anyone to say good. Than I think it's about time you have a look in the mirror of who really is the hateful racist person in reality. If your not open minded enough to do your research on both sides and read that this articles do not come from fact but opinion trying to look as fact. The racist tweet the Trump campaign put out, the Trump campaign wasn't even thinking about black or white when they put the tweet out but the real racist made it about black and white. Crazy to think that so many of you that got all vaccinated and boosted up came down worse with long covid and have lasting symptoms from the vaccine. I know first hand because of my mother but yet you still all blindlessly just follow the heard of sheeple.

Furthermore, about your new savor V.P. Kamala didn't just a month ago she was viewed and rated by that's right all you lefties as one of the worst V.P"s in history rated by you guys and had the lowest approval rate of any Vice President ever, but now she is your Top pick and you have Al the faith her now but literally a month ago her approval rating was the worst out of any VP ever!!! Crazy how you guys just follow the media like blind mindless sheeple. Wake the F up stop dividing and letting the media divide everything right and left wing or black and white it's not that simple we are all humans in this planet it's just how you want to live your life full of hate for MAGA which means make America great again. What a terrible saying but live your one life just hating everything Donald Trump and have TDS. Or wake up and so what if you don't agree with somethings that's good have your opinion and express it but when it's full of vile and hate it's disgusting and old makes you really wonder who the real racists are looking at everything so 2 sided black and white. It's time to wake up people and stop being left lunatics. Read every comment in here and it's disgusting the stuff you make up just further your agenda.

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Hmmm, go negative on Kamala’s record? MAGA world thinks people are stupid? Trump has the criminal record, not Harris!!! Trump has a judgement for fraud against him. He has a judgement against him re sexual assault and a further judgement redefinition. Bring it on Trumf!! Isn’t there a sense that people are trying to find a reason not to vote for him and the authoritarian Project 2025. What about him and Orban or Putin or Xi. Remind everyone what Trump represents. On top of it all what about JD Vance? A loose cannon bought and paid for by Theil. Trump has baggage aplenty!!

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Kamala Harris supported a fund to help folks without much cash to make bail on charges related to civil disobedience. Donald Trump, who has enough spare cash to make bail, has been living a free man on bail for about a year now on charges related to Jan 6, mishandling classified documents, obstruction of justice, and election interference. So, Donald Trump has a problem with bail now?

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Lets give credit where credit is due. In addition to being perhaps the nation's foremost authority/practitioner of being a deadbeat (That's right NATO, nobody can spot a deadbeat faster than DJT), Trump has emerged as a bail bondsman's wet dream. That doesn't mean he has actually posted any bail; however, obtaining the guarantor for the reduced, yes reduced obligation for his financial CRIMES, demonstrated that all criminals, large, small, and/or morbidly obese are entitled to bail, or in his case "bail-out"......

The massive financial penalty put Trump's prized properties at risk after defense lawyers warned that securing a $464 million bond was a "practical impossibility" -- but New York's Appellate Division granted a last-minute request to reduce the bond to $175 million, which Trump secured through a California underwriter...

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Good point. Still, he’s free on bail. I guess you could say he’s the beneficiary of a someone else funding his bail. I guess that’s ok if you’re wealthy; not ok if you’re not wealthy.

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Fasten your seatbelts, my friends/

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Everything the Republicans do or say is so vile, so stupid, so disgusting that all you can do is laugh. They have nothing but hate, hypocrisy and lies. ALL of them. It’s not enough to rid this country of trump….we need the Senate, the House, governorships, secretaries of state, legislatures and assemblies if we are going to clean up the damage Republican minority rule has inflicted on our country over the past 50 years.

And New York 21, please get rid of that succubus, Elise Stefanik….she’s even more reprehensible than Marjorie Traitor Trash. I know, hard to believe that’s possible, but she’s a female version of her buddy, Jim Jordan. Rid this nation of the morally, ethically and intellectually bankrupt Goons of Putin - they’re incapable of decency, truth and above all, governance.

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I would laugh if half the voters weren't addicted to this "drug." As for Stefanik, I read that, before her party became a cult, she received a poor rating as a "conservative," while Liz Cheney received a solid one. Now Stefanik is a cult darling and Cheney excommunicated for daring to put country above cult. Which is why I never use the word "conservative" or "right wing" to describe the rabidly AUTHORITARIAN GOP of the last 8 years.

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Harris can and should point out, as another commentator noted, that crime on her watch as DA, a G, and VP, and she should acknowledge that every instance in which a recidivist harms someone is painful for any prosecutor.

But she can also point out that she never called any of these people who assaulted or killed cops or anybody else "heroes" and "political prisoners," or promised to pardon them. She should challenge Trump to apologize to the families of the officers harmed on January 6. I think that will largely take care of the Willie Horton style nonsense.

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Expected shit. Shades of 2016 with a few more seasonings. What some douche bags on trumps team

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The irony of course is that Trump is a convicted felon and convicted sexual predator, and will be going to go after Madame Vice President for everything he holds dear ---- lax use of the judicial system.

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I read the list of things they are going to accuse her of and think "Is that all you've got?" A couple of things from 20 years ago? It's a pretty paltry list.

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He’s a F-E-L-O-N.

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What else would we expect from Donald Trump but the lowest in the gutter tactics--that's all he knows how to do--smear, insult, ad hominem attacks on his opponents.

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Let the slanderous slugfest between a Prosecutor and Convicted Criminal begin. I know who I will be voting for and it won't be the guy with 34 felony convictions.

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“…plans to focus on a Minnesota bail fund Harris supported while a presidential candidate during the George Floyd protests in 2020.” Trump and any number of elected republicans call the people who assaulted Capitol police officers and chanted “Hang Mike Pence” heroes! A bail fund vs. promises to pardon and a labeling as heroes.

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Trump derangement syndrome seems to have infected LaCivitta. If he thinks the 35 year old Willie Horton style campaign is going to scare anyone other than white MAGAs let him have at it. The Dems can counter with Jeffrey Epstein material. Sex trafficking still has salience.

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There are so many publicly available examples of trump's blatant racism that Harris can use against him. PolitiFact published five instances of trump denouncing the Central Park 5 after they had been exonerated: https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/jul/25/did-donald-trump-ever-apologize-central/

If I were trump, I'd be more concerned about the all-out attack ads Harris will be running. There's his race discrimination related to his apartments, too. The list is sadly endless. I want to see ads about his non-profit being shut down and trump university. Bring it, Kamala!!! Don't hold back.

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1. Harris needs to IMMEDIATELY point out that as DA, crime in SF went down; and that as AG, crime in CA went down. No prosecutor is perfect. But she kept California safe under her watch.

2. She needs to IMMEDIATELY point out all of Trump's crooked connections and crimes he's gotten away with/allowed others to get away with, including J6.

3. When Trump runs the Willie Horton ad, she should pounce on it as being racist and sexist. She needs to do #1 and #2 immediately, so that it'll give her credit when she needs to pounce on #3.

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