Hells Bells! Trump thinks his legal problems are America's problems? Well, no! Trump's crimes are his alone. Also, he is very much a problem for our Democratic Republic. I do not believe the majority of US citizens will be willing to give up our freedoms and equality under the laws. Before the Constitution was ratified, our country tried the Confederation of sovereign states. It did not work, a nation must have a strong enough central government with checks and balances, free speech and free elections or the whole thing falls apart.
Keep up this critically important work to report what is never said on the nightly news. House Speaker Johnson might as well be wearing gold sneakers on the floor of Congress and has officially taken a knee and kissed Trump’s ring while Republicans in Congress with a soul resign and flee rather than stand up to the likes of Trump and Greene. Meanwhile the Alabama Supreme Court has held that frozen human embryos incapable of birth without 9 months in a mother’s womb are children and that anyone who destroys them can be prosecuted. My incredulous disbelief is morphing into real concern for our collective future. What kind of a world will our children and grandchildren inherit if Trump’s march to authoritarianism isn’t stopped in its tracks? The last bulwark appears to be responsible journalism, the American people and the courts. We all must pay attention and stand firm to make sure we all vote and most importantly, that our votes count.. Silence is acquiesence..
"We were slow in awakening to the threat of Putin. We have been sluggish in responding to that threat once awakened. But it is the most urgent foreign policy threat we face."
20 years ago I was convinced that Al Qaeda, Iraq - Islamo-fascists in general - were the biggest threat. While they would be considered hyper-religious, I also noticed a parallel to US evangelical Christians, despite radical differences in religion and use of violence (evil) to spread their word. In both cases they were authoritarians first, with religion just a means to justify it. I admit I had to google to see what Putin's religion was. Apparently Russian Orthodox. But as with Trump and his pretense at being a Christian, it's all part of the con. In terms of a moral code, both are as "secular" - and evil - as one can get.
I can only think of one source for Trump to raise the $500M needed in a short period time to post his appeal bond. Putin. Think about it, what bank or financial institution would loan money to a person facing the prospect of up to 4 felony convictions? Banks won’t touch him. He is barred from doing any banking with any bank in NY, which is basically every bank. You can only raise so much from the morons who send him money. He only has one place to turn. Putin. You heard it here first.
Comparing the bravery of Navalny and the cowardice of Trump/ Putin is mind boggling. Mtg, Jim Jordan, Carlson and so many more should spend some time in the gulag as “Putin’s guests.” That the smarmy Mike Johnson is holding us all hostage over the boarder and aide to Ukraine is beyond disgusting. And it has to be stopped by each and every one of us who believe in true freedom and democracy.
"We were slow in awakening to the threat of Putin."
We were slow in awakening to the threat of Hitler. And there were thousands on thousands of Hitler followers in the American Bundt. Now we have thousands upon thousand and thousands more of Putin followers in the MAGA GOP.
Danger was on the doorstep back then. Danger is clear and present, here and now. The danger? Putin. War criminal. Trump. Treasonous criminal. Both with salivating vengeance for to set upon Ukraine, Europe, and the Free World.
There has always been an ignorant, anti American segment of the US population. They supported Hitler, they support Putin now that the ex KGB agent has sworn off "Communism". Different economic system same totalitarian ruling system. They wrap themselves in the Flag while despising everything America is supposed to be about.
Not too long ago these same people supported slavery. My own father, a hopeless drunk, born and raised in Virginia, was a vicious, authoritarian racist. He would have loved Trump.
The loss of Navalny was a shock, but not surprising. He knew, and really the world knew that was his end, the end that Putin orchestrated. Putin is an abominable, horribly cruel and disgusting individual. He is so less of a person, as is his bff tump.
Reading the letters between Navalny and Sharansky, felt respectful and encouraging with black humor.
When I finished, I had to take a break, this Morning Shots was indeed dark. It could happen here; we could find ourselves in the second Civil War. As was noted could the loss of democracy happen without the bullets being spent. I can’t imagine the last 10-20 years of my life struggling for freedoms., living under authoritarian rule. I don’t think many of the 342M citizens have even thought of what it could be like.
Totally agree. It feels like Civil War is coming. We all know trump will not accept losing if he even actually loses. I am starting to wonder, especially with EVERYONE ganging up on Biden who has been a damn good president. If we could ALL get behind Biden we could possibly win. I feel like that is the only way and that is not happening. So depressing.
I agree Biden’s campaign team needs to get his administration’s accomplishment out. I found this from the WH - https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/. Scrolling down there have been major as well as some pointed accomplishments. I listened to Mitch Landrieu, who is WH Infrastructure Coordinator - spoke of some great things. I also believe those younger Democrats who may want to run in 2028 (if we aren’t under authoritarian rule) need to step up now to help Biden’s team, spread his accomplishments. People like Whitmer, Newsom, Buttigieg, Polis, Beshear, Shapiro. War is happening around the world, but we have to put our own boots on the ground to keep the WH and the Senate (if poss) and take back the House (after the horrible mess the Rs are doing.
You are 100 percent right. It burns me that even reasonable Republicans will support an idiot like Trump because he's their guy, while reasonable Democrats chew their fingernails and write apologies for Biden being old.
Yes, thank God he's old. Think of the experience he has, the even temperment, when the adolescent Republicans heckled him at the SOTU address he didn't even break a sweat. He went off script and laughed. He got the idiots to swear on national TV not to touch SS. He was masterful. Why? Because he's given 100's of speeches and faced many unfriendly audiences. Thats what you get from experience.
Except for the annoying and intrusive soundtrack, I recommend the documentary "Active Measures." It outlines all of the Trump-Russian Mob/Russian oligarch-Putin connections and will bring back memories of such early-on players like Paul Manafort and Carter Page. The rot goes so deep...spoiler alerts: who knew that billionaire Wilbur Ross was the president of The Bank of Cyprus before becoming Secretary of Commerce and the Rex Tillerson was a close friend of Putin? And, apparently, the 30 or so Trump Towers around the world are likely just Russian money laundromats. Mon Dieu!
Hells Bells! Trump thinks his legal problems are America's problems? Well, no! Trump's crimes are his alone. Also, he is very much a problem for our Democratic Republic. I do not believe the majority of US citizens will be willing to give up our freedoms and equality under the laws. Before the Constitution was ratified, our country tried the Confederation of sovereign states. It did not work, a nation must have a strong enough central government with checks and balances, free speech and free elections or the whole thing falls apart.
Keep up this work of truth-telling. Needed.
Keep up this critically important work to report what is never said on the nightly news. House Speaker Johnson might as well be wearing gold sneakers on the floor of Congress and has officially taken a knee and kissed Trump’s ring while Republicans in Congress with a soul resign and flee rather than stand up to the likes of Trump and Greene. Meanwhile the Alabama Supreme Court has held that frozen human embryos incapable of birth without 9 months in a mother’s womb are children and that anyone who destroys them can be prosecuted. My incredulous disbelief is morphing into real concern for our collective future. What kind of a world will our children and grandchildren inherit if Trump’s march to authoritarianism isn’t stopped in its tracks? The last bulwark appears to be responsible journalism, the American people and the courts. We all must pay attention and stand firm to make sure we all vote and most importantly, that our votes count.. Silence is acquiesence..
I couldn’t agree more. Bring on the postcards 😊❤️
"We were slow in awakening to the threat of Putin. We have been sluggish in responding to that threat once awakened. But it is the most urgent foreign policy threat we face."
20 years ago I was convinced that Al Qaeda, Iraq - Islamo-fascists in general - were the biggest threat. While they would be considered hyper-religious, I also noticed a parallel to US evangelical Christians, despite radical differences in religion and use of violence (evil) to spread their word. In both cases they were authoritarians first, with religion just a means to justify it. I admit I had to google to see what Putin's religion was. Apparently Russian Orthodox. But as with Trump and his pretense at being a Christian, it's all part of the con. In terms of a moral code, both are as "secular" - and evil - as one can get.
Bill Kristol: "We were slow in awakening to the threat of Putin."
George W Bush: “I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy.
I was able to get a sense of his soul.”
Republicans always want to re-write history.
...So yeah, we were slow in awakening to the threat of Putin.
I can only think of one source for Trump to raise the $500M needed in a short period time to post his appeal bond. Putin. Think about it, what bank or financial institution would loan money to a person facing the prospect of up to 4 felony convictions? Banks won’t touch him. He is barred from doing any banking with any bank in NY, which is basically every bank. You can only raise so much from the morons who send him money. He only has one place to turn. Putin. You heard it here first.
Comparing the bravery of Navalny and the cowardice of Trump/ Putin is mind boggling. Mtg, Jim Jordan, Carlson and so many more should spend some time in the gulag as “Putin’s guests.” That the smarmy Mike Johnson is holding us all hostage over the boarder and aide to Ukraine is beyond disgusting. And it has to be stopped by each and every one of us who believe in true freedom and democracy.
Lets remember ALL congressional seats are on the ballott this fall. Time to send them all home for good.
Trump’s comments about Navalny absolutely sicken me.
"We were slow in awakening to the threat of Putin."
We were slow in awakening to the threat of Hitler. And there were thousands on thousands of Hitler followers in the American Bundt. Now we have thousands upon thousand and thousands more of Putin followers in the MAGA GOP.
Danger was on the doorstep back then. Danger is clear and present, here and now. The danger? Putin. War criminal. Trump. Treasonous criminal. Both with salivating vengeance for to set upon Ukraine, Europe, and the Free World.
There has always been an ignorant, anti American segment of the US population. They supported Hitler, they support Putin now that the ex KGB agent has sworn off "Communism". Different economic system same totalitarian ruling system. They wrap themselves in the Flag while despising everything America is supposed to be about.
Not too long ago these same people supported slavery. My own father, a hopeless drunk, born and raised in Virginia, was a vicious, authoritarian racist. He would have loved Trump.
The loss of Navalny was a shock, but not surprising. He knew, and really the world knew that was his end, the end that Putin orchestrated. Putin is an abominable, horribly cruel and disgusting individual. He is so less of a person, as is his bff tump.
Reading the letters between Navalny and Sharansky, felt respectful and encouraging with black humor.
When I finished, I had to take a break, this Morning Shots was indeed dark. It could happen here; we could find ourselves in the second Civil War. As was noted could the loss of democracy happen without the bullets being spent. I can’t imagine the last 10-20 years of my life struggling for freedoms., living under authoritarian rule. I don’t think many of the 342M citizens have even thought of what it could be like.
Totally agree. It feels like Civil War is coming. We all know trump will not accept losing if he even actually loses. I am starting to wonder, especially with EVERYONE ganging up on Biden who has been a damn good president. If we could ALL get behind Biden we could possibly win. I feel like that is the only way and that is not happening. So depressing.
I agree Biden’s campaign team needs to get his administration’s accomplishment out. I found this from the WH - https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/. Scrolling down there have been major as well as some pointed accomplishments. I listened to Mitch Landrieu, who is WH Infrastructure Coordinator - spoke of some great things. I also believe those younger Democrats who may want to run in 2028 (if we aren’t under authoritarian rule) need to step up now to help Biden’s team, spread his accomplishments. People like Whitmer, Newsom, Buttigieg, Polis, Beshear, Shapiro. War is happening around the world, but we have to put our own boots on the ground to keep the WH and the Senate (if poss) and take back the House (after the horrible mess the Rs are doing.
You are 100 percent right. It burns me that even reasonable Republicans will support an idiot like Trump because he's their guy, while reasonable Democrats chew their fingernails and write apologies for Biden being old.
Yes, thank God he's old. Think of the experience he has, the even temperment, when the adolescent Republicans heckled him at the SOTU address he didn't even break a sweat. He went off script and laughed. He got the idiots to swear on national TV not to touch SS. He was masterful. Why? Because he's given 100's of speeches and faced many unfriendly audiences. Thats what you get from experience.
Except for the annoying and intrusive soundtrack, I recommend the documentary "Active Measures." It outlines all of the Trump-Russian Mob/Russian oligarch-Putin connections and will bring back memories of such early-on players like Paul Manafort and Carter Page. The rot goes so deep...spoiler alerts: who knew that billionaire Wilbur Ross was the president of The Bank of Cyprus before becoming Secretary of Commerce and the Rex Tillerson was a close friend of Putin? And, apparently, the 30 or so Trump Towers around the world are likely just Russian money laundromats. Mon Dieu!
I know. And when Russia forecloses on the US debt, we can laugh at the people who think Biden being old is worse than Trump being a traitor.
"A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin.' Yes, it is. I remember when he was considered a Commie!
Really, Putin is a war criminal.His tactics in Ukraine
are KGB heinous.Why the Right won't support
Ukraine escapes me.All genuine Repulicans loathe
I am a coward. If I were outside Russia, I'd stay out.
But Navalny came back and 'kept his inner freedom'.
That would be great! I wish I had the skills!
Thank you both for a great post and some excellent comments, especially @M. Trosino's opening.
I like it!