Having just witnessed the US government take Putin’s side in the despicable war against Ukraine, to now see them start an economic war against Canada. I think Ukraine and Canada are becoming the two ends of the ‘Hinge of Fate’ that the future of the Democratic World hang on. For three years, Putins murderous crimes were treated too often , as a situation to be managed, instead of a war that must be won. Now that Trump has revealed his evil preference for Putin, he is turning towards his designs on annexing Canada.
I don’t think it has escaped anyone’s notice that Trump speaks of Canada in the same terms that Putin uses for Ukraine.
Canadians have certainly noticed! While Ukraine has suffered full scale war for three years and lower level siege for ten, Canada is just now about to undergo a terrible trial. The economic warfare meant to break us won’t, but don’t think trump will not stop there. In his lizard brain, I believe, he knows he must break us or lose his game of global domination . He cannot have a free people on his door-step or his days as confederate king will be numbered. How much longer do you think it will be before he says something to the effect of, “we may have to go up there and straighten them out”, the dictator’s time worn warning of coming invasion. When that happens you will see the same people who been ‘sane-washing’ him for years pretend they didn’t hear or suggest he was just joking.
When will the American people wake up to the fact that THEY are about to become the villains of history. Americans have never seen themselves as the bad guys. It will be quite an epiphany, if it happens.
North of the border, we feel, that we are seeing our peril clearly for the first time. This is a time for courage and to raise the two strongest symbols of the fight for
democracy, the flags of Canada and Ukraine. Stand with Canada! Stand with Ukraine! This is not the world we wanted to leave to our children and grandchildren but if we grasp the challenge now, it can still all be saved.
If you did not hear Trudeau's speech you need to. And reprint it here word for word. He states, in plain language, what has happened and what it means for average Americans. Both economically and the reality that the President of the United States is openly supporting Putin. A great speech. One that I wish had been given by a member of Congress, that feckless and silent group of collaborators.
Chrystia Freeland said that if she is elected, she will impose targeted retaliatory tariffs against red states, eg Florida citrus products. (Made me smile.)
Back yard chickens are a great idea if you can afford to keep them. Chicken feed can be costly. Coops must be built for egg laying and nighttime safety. Predator control is a must if you want to keep them alive. It's usually a short-lived hobby for those who think it's a breeze.
If the Canadian government REALLY wants to hurt Donald Trump and I were the PM, then I would do the following--
--Bar US-owned, US-operated, US-registered aircraft (to include US government aircraft) from Canadian airspace. The reason I say that is that the only way realistically to fly from the United States to western Europe is over Atlantic Canada. If you think I am making that up, go look at any flight tracking website. Look at all the little plane icons over Newfoundland, Labrador, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. If you live in Detroit and want to fly to Paris, you gotta fly over Montreal to do it. Here's a dirty secret--the majority of big US airlines make their money on transatlantic flights, and much less on transpacific, and on domestic flights, they roughly break even.
--Close the Welland Canal and the St Lawrence Seaway as a whole to ships departing from or travelling to US ports. I think somewhere between 20 and 23 billion USD in goods used the Seaway. This will be the equivalent of a neutron bomb on Midwestern manufacturers and farmers...and it can be traced back to Donald Trump.
I am a US native born citizen. I am a 17 year Army veteran. I am disgraced by what my government has done to a country that has generally supported us for decades, and has done nothing to deserve having thousands of their citizens forced into unemployment because of a senile senior citizen. In this fight, I am unapologetically Team Canada.
Kaine comments that Congress is "left in the dark". What part of Project 2025 doesn't he get??? I is a roadmap for undermining our current form of government and installing a white nationalist dictatorship. Project 2025 calls for destroying current government functions.
I just have a problem with our leaders behaving as if the current administration and it's actions are business as usual, and not anticipating the destructive actions they are taking. And even worse, the consultants like James Carville suggesting that our leaders just "play dead".
Stupidity, failure to grasp the moment is what got us here, in this horrible moment. Did our Democrat leaders warn the public about Project 2025? NO. Have they been doing all they can to block and disrupt in loyal opposition??? NO. Damn the centrists who try to silence progressives who are trying to make a difference, both for the people and also against this horror.
The Dem party just had a series of discussion forums before electing a new chair. There was a lot of important discussion about need for change, to stop using $$ to pay consultants, to establish messaging capacity, to realign party goals with DFR politics. So....... what is the plan? I have no idea... no one is talking.
Re: Marc Solomon's piece, I'm flabbergasted by the sordid irony of an executive order signed by Trump alleging that a trans person in uniform “conflicts with a soldier’s commitment to an honorable, truthful, and disciplined lifestyle” and is “not consistent with the humility and selflessness required of a service member.”
Honorable, truthful, disciplined, humble, selfless --all things that Donald Trump manifestly is not. Of course, he did not write the EO, but whoever did write it is someone who enthusiastically supports Trump and yet has the temerity to claim a commitment to honor, truthfulness, discipline, humility, selflessness.
It's one more of the multitudinous examples of hypocrisy lying at the foundation of Trumpism.
Having just witnessed the US government take Putin’s side in the despicable war against Ukraine, to now see them start an economic war against Canada. I think Ukraine and Canada are becoming the two ends of the ‘Hinge of Fate’ that the future of the Democratic World hang on. For three years, Putins murderous crimes were treated too often , as a situation to be managed, instead of a war that must be won. Now that Trump has revealed his evil preference for Putin, he is turning towards his designs on annexing Canada.
I don’t think it has escaped anyone’s notice that Trump speaks of Canada in the same terms that Putin uses for Ukraine.
Canadians certainly have noticed- AnalysisTrump's talk about Canada parrots Putin's claims on UkraineDecember 31, 1969
While Ukraine has suffered full scale war for three years and lower level siege for ten, Canada is just now about to undergo a terrible trial. The economic warfare meant to break us won’t, but don’t think trump will not stop there. In his lizard brain, I believe, he knows he must break us or lose his game of global domination . He cannot have a free people on his door-step or his days as confederate king will be numbered. How much longer do you think it will be before he says something to the effect of, “we may have to go up there and straighten them out”, the dictator’s time worn warning of coming invasion. When that happens you will see the same people who been ‘sane-washing’ him for years pretend they didn’t hear or suggest he was just joking.
When will the American people wake up to the fact that THEY are about to become the villains of history. Americans have never seen themselves as the bad guys. It will be quite an epiphany, if it happens.
North of the border, we feel, that we are seeing our peril clearly for the first time. This is a time for courage and to raise the two strongest symbols of the fight for
democracy, the flags of Canada and Ukraine. Stand with Canada! Stand with Ukraine! This is not the world we wanted to leave to our children and grandchildren but if we grasp the challenge now, it can still all be saved.
You'd think that the Trump Administration would hesitate to eff over veterans, given that many of them own guns and they ALL have been trained how to shoot!
I believe we are starting to find out, how the swinging dick politics of Trump, w his threatening even allies w tariffs, playground insults about 51st states, Trump’s mini-me in Vance casting aspersions on our allies’ military readiness, etc., can backfire.
Trump and Vance (not to mention Musk) are turning all our main allies against us, w both strategic and economic negatives to follow.
Everything Trump has done since starting this second disastrous term, has led to the U.S. becoming more isolated and weaker. Drastically weaker.
Already, we are no longer by any stretch leader of the free world.
In the end, Trump doesn’t care, bc his goal is not for U.S. to be leader of the free world.
It is for him to be the absolute and permanent leader of the U.S., with sway over various vassal states, while Putin does the same in Russia, and Xi in China.
Absolutely. And he’d coast on the hard-won reputation of America as the shining city of freedom on a hill, even though his America would not actually be that anymore.
Regarding Americans buying and tending to egg laying chickens in their backyards en masse as a "solution" to the egg crisis wouldn't these backyard birds be just as susceptible to avian flu as ones in chicken farms? Am I missing something here?
You're missing that millions of backyard chickens also massively increases the risk that the avian influenza virus will repeatedly jump into people and eventually become human-to-human transmissible.
Having just witnessed the US government take Putin’s side in the despicable war against Ukraine, to now see them start an economic war against Canada. I think Ukraine and Canada are becoming the two ends of the ‘Hinge of Fate’ that the future of the Democratic World hang on. For three years, Putins murderous crimes were treated too often , as a situation to be managed, instead of a war that must be won. Now that Trump has revealed his evil preference for Putin, he is turning towards his designs on annexing Canada.
I don’t think it has escaped anyone’s notice that Trump speaks of Canada in the same terms that Putin uses for Ukraine.
Canadians have certainly noticed! While Ukraine has suffered full scale war for three years and lower level siege for ten, Canada is just now about to undergo a terrible trial. The economic warfare meant to break us won’t, but don’t think trump will not stop there. In his lizard brain, I believe, he knows he must break us or lose his game of global domination . He cannot have a free people on his door-step or his days as confederate king will be numbered. How much longer do you think it will be before he says something to the effect of, “we may have to go up there and straighten them out”, the dictator’s time worn warning of coming invasion. When that happens you will see the same people who been ‘sane-washing’ him for years pretend they didn’t hear or suggest he was just joking.
When will the American people wake up to the fact that THEY are about to become the villains of history. Americans have never seen themselves as the bad guys. It will be quite an epiphany, if it happens.
North of the border, we feel, that we are seeing our peril clearly for the first time. This is a time for courage and to raise the two strongest symbols of the fight for
democracy, the flags of Canada and Ukraine. Stand with Canada! Stand with Ukraine! This is not the world we wanted to leave to our children and grandchildren but if we grasp the challenge now, it can still all be saved.
True. North. Strong.Free!
If you did not hear Trudeau's speech you need to. And reprint it here word for word. He states, in plain language, what has happened and what it means for average Americans. Both economically and the reality that the President of the United States is openly supporting Putin. A great speech. One that I wish had been given by a member of Congress, that feckless and silent group of collaborators.
Need good suggestions for my weekly clink-a-drink call.... Canadian or Mexican???
Your heading is, literally, what I ask myself every day.
I hope Doug Ford was serious.
Not 'Whoa, Canada": I say "GO, CANADA!!!!!!!!! GO, GO, GO,GO, GO!" Trump wants economic pain, well give him as much as he can handle.
Chrystia Freeland said that if she is elected, she will impose targeted retaliatory tariffs against red states, eg Florida citrus products. (Made me smile.)
Its like living a very bad nightmare
Ha we specifically cannot have chickens in our backyards per city rules. Good solution.
Back yard chickens are a great idea if you can afford to keep them. Chicken feed can be costly. Coops must be built for egg laying and nighttime safety. Predator control is a must if you want to keep them alive. It's usually a short-lived hobby for those who think it's a breeze.
If the Canadian government REALLY wants to hurt Donald Trump and I were the PM, then I would do the following--
--Bar US-owned, US-operated, US-registered aircraft (to include US government aircraft) from Canadian airspace. The reason I say that is that the only way realistically to fly from the United States to western Europe is over Atlantic Canada. If you think I am making that up, go look at any flight tracking website. Look at all the little plane icons over Newfoundland, Labrador, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. If you live in Detroit and want to fly to Paris, you gotta fly over Montreal to do it. Here's a dirty secret--the majority of big US airlines make their money on transatlantic flights, and much less on transpacific, and on domestic flights, they roughly break even.
--Close the Welland Canal and the St Lawrence Seaway as a whole to ships departing from or travelling to US ports. I think somewhere between 20 and 23 billion USD in goods used the Seaway. This will be the equivalent of a neutron bomb on Midwestern manufacturers and farmers...and it can be traced back to Donald Trump.
I am a US native born citizen. I am a 17 year Army veteran. I am disgraced by what my government has done to a country that has generally supported us for decades, and has done nothing to deserve having thousands of their citizens forced into unemployment because of a senile senior citizen. In this fight, I am unapologetically Team Canada.
Kaine comments that Congress is "left in the dark". What part of Project 2025 doesn't he get??? I is a roadmap for undermining our current form of government and installing a white nationalist dictatorship. Project 2025 calls for destroying current government functions.
I just have a problem with our leaders behaving as if the current administration and it's actions are business as usual, and not anticipating the destructive actions they are taking. And even worse, the consultants like James Carville suggesting that our leaders just "play dead".
Stupidity, failure to grasp the moment is what got us here, in this horrible moment. Did our Democrat leaders warn the public about Project 2025? NO. Have they been doing all they can to block and disrupt in loyal opposition??? NO. Damn the centrists who try to silence progressives who are trying to make a difference, both for the people and also against this horror.
The Dem party just had a series of discussion forums before electing a new chair. There was a lot of important discussion about need for change, to stop using $$ to pay consultants, to establish messaging capacity, to realign party goals with DFR politics. So....... what is the plan? I have no idea... no one is talking.
Re: Marc Solomon's piece, I'm flabbergasted by the sordid irony of an executive order signed by Trump alleging that a trans person in uniform “conflicts with a soldier’s commitment to an honorable, truthful, and disciplined lifestyle” and is “not consistent with the humility and selflessness required of a service member.”
Honorable, truthful, disciplined, humble, selfless --all things that Donald Trump manifestly is not. Of course, he did not write the EO, but whoever did write it is someone who enthusiastically supports Trump and yet has the temerity to claim a commitment to honor, truthfulness, discipline, humility, selflessness.
It's one more of the multitudinous examples of hypocrisy lying at the foundation of Trumpism.
Having just witnessed the US government take Putin’s side in the despicable war against Ukraine, to now see them start an economic war against Canada. I think Ukraine and Canada are becoming the two ends of the ‘Hinge of Fate’ that the future of the Democratic World hang on. For three years, Putins murderous crimes were treated too often , as a situation to be managed, instead of a war that must be won. Now that Trump has revealed his evil preference for Putin, he is turning towards his designs on annexing Canada.
I don’t think it has escaped anyone’s notice that Trump speaks of Canada in the same terms that Putin uses for Ukraine.
Canadians certainly have noticed- AnalysisTrump's talk about Canada parrots Putin's claims on UkraineDecember 31, 1969
While Ukraine has suffered full scale war for three years and lower level siege for ten, Canada is just now about to undergo a terrible trial. The economic warfare meant to break us won’t, but don’t think trump will not stop there. In his lizard brain, I believe, he knows he must break us or lose his game of global domination . He cannot have a free people on his door-step or his days as confederate king will be numbered. How much longer do you think it will be before he says something to the effect of, “we may have to go up there and straighten them out”, the dictator’s time worn warning of coming invasion. When that happens you will see the same people who been ‘sane-washing’ him for years pretend they didn’t hear or suggest he was just joking.
When will the American people wake up to the fact that THEY are about to become the villains of history. Americans have never seen themselves as the bad guys. It will be quite an epiphany, if it happens.
North of the border, we feel, that we are seeing our peril clearly for the first time. This is a time for courage and to raise the two strongest symbols of the fight for
democracy, the flags of Canada and Ukraine. Stand with Canada! Stand with Ukraine! This is not the world we wanted to leave to our children and grandchildren but if we grasp the challenge now, it can still all be saved.
True. North. Strong.Free!
You'd think that the Trump Administration would hesitate to eff over veterans, given that many of them own guns and they ALL have been trained how to shoot!
I believe we are starting to find out, how the swinging dick politics of Trump, w his threatening even allies w tariffs, playground insults about 51st states, Trump’s mini-me in Vance casting aspersions on our allies’ military readiness, etc., can backfire.
Trump and Vance (not to mention Musk) are turning all our main allies against us, w both strategic and economic negatives to follow.
Everything Trump has done since starting this second disastrous term, has led to the U.S. becoming more isolated and weaker. Drastically weaker.
Already, we are no longer by any stretch leader of the free world.
In the end, Trump doesn’t care, bc his goal is not for U.S. to be leader of the free world.
It is for him to be the absolute and permanent leader of the U.S., with sway over various vassal states, while Putin does the same in Russia, and Xi in China.
He would rather be the unchallenged emperor of a weak nation than the constitutional executive of a strong one.
Absolutely. And he’d coast on the hard-won reputation of America as the shining city of freedom on a hill, even though his America would not actually be that anymore.
Regarding Americans buying and tending to egg laying chickens in their backyards en masse as a "solution" to the egg crisis wouldn't these backyard birds be just as susceptible to avian flu as ones in chicken farms? Am I missing something here?
You're missing that millions of backyard chickens also massively increases the risk that the avian influenza virus will repeatedly jump into people and eventually become human-to-human transmissible.
I think that's exactly the point that Badger was making.