I'm ba-ack! So this is going to be a semi-rant.

Two weeks ago to the day, my hard drive started making not happy noises. And like an idiot, I didn't back it up immediately. My really bad move for the year. Got a new computer today, as they spent a week trying to fix the old one and trying to retrieve some files off the old hard drive. And I'm being driven crazy by Windows 11 that won't let me do anything (almost) that I want! GRRRR! I'm hoping I can find a way to get back to some of the classic Windows layout. How on earth it was supposed to be an improvement is beyond my feeble brain!

Which meant I was watching, sort of, 2 weeks of CNN, MSNBC, and just mock reading bits of Fox. DirectTV has a News Mix that shows all 3 of them on the screen, so I've been hopping between them when I decided I wanted to get more depressed. My verdict - CNN was the worst of the two (Fox is dead last no matter what). More Trumpish than MSNBC, and they insisted on having Trump Pets on nearly every show. MSNBC at least didn't do that. And they did some good. One show Velshi? has been going through Project 2025 daily and breaking it down. Could he do better? Yes. But at least he's doing it.

Can we go back to one-hour or two at most news shows, and just dump the rest of the day? They keep repeating their shows several times a day, at least MSNBC does. And it looks like CNN does as well. They have the same spots, the same comments regardless of show or channel. What kills me is that they keep harping on Harris not doing interviews for them, though McDonnell (I think!) did an excellent piece on why should she given what they failing to do anyway. I guess he went on vacation or something because he's only been seen once since the computer crashed 2 weeks ago. Ditto Rachel Maddow, who didn't impress me at all. She was on maybe twice that I saw, and the first time, she basically laughed through a good part of her show and didn't say much of anything. I guess she's waiting for the DNC to start. Fox and CNN are running nearly nonstop segments likening what's going on with the pro-Palestine protestors (Genocide Joe don't you know) and 1968. They're practically salivating over the riots they expect to see. MSNBC at least has been running clips of Trump's latest inanities, but they just running them without any real context. But that's a bit more than CNN. I keep hearing on both channels that Rs are begging Trump to talk policy and not insults. But nobody's making any comments on what his policies actually are. Especially on Fox, which was practically salivating over his "press conference" with a show-and-tell and his 2 rallies.

I thought about reading the newsletters and comments of the last 2 weeks, but I'm depressed enough right now, and life is too short, so I won't. But in between cursing Windows 11 and trying to download my games and other programs, I'll get around to reading Bulwark and a few other sites. They and Bulwark at least have real news and not repeats of the same material 3 or 4 times a day! So, for now, pleasant dreams everyone!

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Glad you’re back!

I don’t have or want a tv so I get my news from podcasts and the selection offered through google news. I’ve given up on most US news for the reasons you stated. I prefer BBC for world and US news.

I anticipate the DNC convention to be fun, sad, and everything in between. The predominant feeling will be based on what news I listen, or watch live streams. And the Bulwark will likely cover the whole range, but it’s always my first choice.

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Re: Cheap Shots

What may be a key factor in saving American democracy is the fact that, unlike Hitler or Mussolini who were effective orators, Trump is just some dumb putz who rambles on incoherently.

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Aug 18·edited Aug 18

I have some encouraging news...I live in a lean Red County in OH...On facebook, I belong to a group of people I graduated High School with...most were conservative...and I am sure some voted for him in 2016 at least...at least they posted pro Trump stuff then ...though we all got along fine in HS and are close are a graduating class

One of our class members thoug his conspiracy theory, drank the kool aid , lost her mind ( and she is a smart and fun person, who was well liked)..the last few days she started posting pro Turmp and right wing influencer memes, ... I blocked them from showing on my feed, but, I went to her profile and she has posted a lot of them, and not one comment or like...so there is hope people have changed their minds and are going to not vote for Trump

I do feel bad for her, we were pretty close at one time and I tried to talk her down, but, I couldn't get through to her

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I have relatives in Ohio and was very surprised that their voter registration was readily available public information. They’re Democrats in a very red area, but they’ve told me they’ve never been harassed.

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Me either, we actually don't have that kind of thing happen here, even though we have different views, which is good...it might be because we used to be swing

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Q. How stupid does Trump think his voters are?

A. To borrow from Spock in the Wrath of Khan Star Trek movie - "You proceed from a false assumption". The 40+ percent of adult Americans that have been absorbed into the MAGA propaganda cult no longer have the ability to "think". They are unable to receive, let alone process, any information that is not delivered by Das Fuhrer.

I liken it to the Brain Slugs on Futurama: https://i.imgflip.com/90hm54.jpg

That's why we can't have another 2020 win-by-a-hair election in 2024. It needs to be a blowout victory for Harris with at least a one hundred point spread in the Electoral College (319 - 219). That won't deter the stop-the-steal agenda, but might reduce the legitimacy of their allegations.

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Exactly. And also why people in even red states should get out and vote for Harris/Walz to run the popular vote up up up to the moon. For reduced legitimacy.

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It was an absolute gut-wrench to hear what Trump had to say about Congressional Medal of Honour recipients; further, it was harrowing when you sit for a moment and contemplate the sacrifices made by those awarded such recogition and consider this man Trump is a 50/50 chance to be the next president of the U.S. That fact remains one that defies explanation. Can someone PLEASE explain to me how it is that Chris LaCivita, (who one assumes is a proud veteran) can work so assiduously to re-elect Donald Trump to be the Commander in Chief of the US military as the POTUS. It is truly baffling.

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Like usual, both Bill and Andrew are spot on. In order to emerge victorious in this year’s presidential election, the Harris-Walz campaign and Democrats must continue to pummel Trump and Vance for being the creeps, freaks, jerks, and bigots they are, as well as continue to hammer them for the fascist and horrific Project 2025 agenda they conceived of are now attempting to run and hide from. This, along with them making their positive policy proposals and uplifting vision abundantly clear to the American people. They’ve already started doing this and must keep at it.

J. D. Vance’s Blue Falcon attacks on Governor Tim Walz’s distinguished military service have backfired and he only digging the political hole he is in deeper. The Harris campaign and Democrats need to point out that he is one of only a few Senators, on the far-left and far -right, who voted against the bipartisan 2024 Defense Budget. And that both he and Trump opposed the bipartisan foreign aid bill Congress passed in April that allocates billions of dollars worth of weapons to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. Not to mention, they are hostile to NATO, supportive of Putin, and oppose sending any military or financial assistance to Ukraine.

And Trump insulting military service members and veterans again and again, the latest episode being last night, is just another reasons why he is completely unfit for any public office, particularly the presidency. He has zero appreciation for the sacrifices that service personnel make and veterans have made, and he makes no attempt to pretend otherwise.

Also, it needs to keep being pointing out that Trump is a transactional figure who would turn his back on Israel in a ‘New York Minute’ if he thought it would benefit him in some way. And that he keeps saying Jewish Americans who support Vice President Harris are disloyal to Israel and stupid is deeply insulting. This is part of the reason why most American Jews hate his guts.

Finally, it is essential for VP Harris and Governor Walz keep a good distance from certain elements of the “Progressive Movement.” This is due to them being virulently antisemitic, in certain instances, while at other times it is because their policy proposals are wrongheaded and ill-conceived, despite them having the best of intentions. And sometimes, while their policy proposals are morally correct, these policies are politically untenable for a candidate seeking the presidency to espouse.

I am not saying that critics of President Biden’s Israel-Palestine policy should always be ignored. That would just as politically toxic and morally wrong as pandering to their every whim. But it will not be possible for VP Harris to placate all of President Biden’s critics on this issue, and she should not try.

Kol Tuv,

David Hurwitz

Chicago, IL

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From the NYTimes: “Brian Hughes, a Trump campaign spokesman, said that Mr. Trump’s comments referred to “how it can be an emotionally difficult experience to give the Congressional Medal of Honor to veterans who have been wounded or tragically killed defending our country, as he proudly did when he was commander in chief.”

We’re to have empathy for DJT because honoring veterans was “emotionally difficult” for HIM? If this is the campaign’s idea of clean up they are in worse shape than we even thought.

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There will be protests at the Dem convention about Gaza. If even 20 or 30 protesters, that will be MSM focus. The convention will be an afterthought.

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Sad but true. And if even one of them happens to light up a blunt and is caught on camera, for the rest of the week it will be all about how the "rioters" tried to "burn Chicago down". Every day that Harris continues to hold MSM at arm's length, I think more and more of her smarts.

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If you have any curiosity regarding Project 2025 check out their website at Project2025.org and see for yourself - it is both worse than you think and later than you think.

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I believe Trump suffers from a 3 I problem; he is Ignorant, Incoherent and Incompetent.

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Project 2025 is a despicable document and plan for America. It must be understood and denounced by those who wish to live in a free and open society, not in some fantasy relic of the past. Do not for one moment be duped into believing fanatics and spin doctors aren’t serious. These are not funny people.

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Andrew asks us, "How stupid does Trump think his voters are . . .?"

Pretty stupid, I'd say.

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I had a slightly different reaction....

Oh Andrew, you poor poor dear, wherever have you been these last few years?

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Thanks for this, Team Harris/Walz, now is the time to work harder than we ever have for an election: donate to keep their cash advantage strong, postcard (check out Postcards to Swing States or Active America, do it with a group of friends, snacks, and music, it's fun), and phonebank (also do with a group of friends, easier and more rewarding than you think it's going to be). Also highly recommend taking part is Field Team 6's textbanking to register Dems in swing states. It's addictive once you start and we're collectively sending hundreds of thousands of texts every week!!!

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The Medal of Honor stories are amazing and can help restore your sense of perspective (https://www.cmohs.org/recipients/overview); thanks again to Bill for providing the link. As to that other guy pfffft.

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Not only is Trump a “thoughtless, vulgar, and awful man,” he is also very stupid. Doesn’t he get it that it’s not ok to denigrate military service members in this culture (and most other cultures)? Even if one really feels the way that Trump feels, it would be exceedingly prudent to conceal one’s true opinion…especially if one were running for President!

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Especially as one who dodged military service and instead decided to battle STDs.

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I really wish some veteran’s group would weigh in on this.

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But aren’t we glad he doesn’t seem to have an unuttered thought!

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Ms Adelson, who runs a gambling joint, gets the Medal of Freedom for the heroic act of giving lots of money to Trump? If we can devalue awards like this or military service our country is toast if we elect this cheap grifter to high office. Will he emulate Caligula, who made his horse Consul with the cheapening of honorifics like this

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Rush Limbaugh won it too. All he did was sit on his butt, talk into a microphone and cash checks.

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And preached misogyny, racism, homophobia and xenophobia. Trump gave out medals and pardons, only, to people who could help him with money or alibis. Not a one of them, did any public service.

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