Elon Musk and Trump should be dealt with. What was done by Elon, on behalf of Trump. was absolutely illegal and most like is a felony.

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The Trump-Bannon call was amusing but the one thing that kept popping into mind was Trump that can't speak that coherently. He can't speak in full sentences, let alone a complex sentence or use multi-syllabic words. And he wouldn't be able to stay on topic that long. Enjoyed it none the less.

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While the Trump-Bannon phone call satire was amusing, is Steve Bannon even relevant anymore? He wasn't at Trump's inauguration. He has no place in Trump's new administration. He's been reduced to whining about Elon Musk on his podcast like a jilted ex. If he's not a has-been, he's rapidly approaching that status.

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Tim’s recent podcast with Michael Steele was cathartic, but more importantly, finally articulated the message that ALL who oppose Trump should be sending. Trump is trying to dismantle the government so there is money to extend his tax cuts for the super wealthy. Those cuts end in March. The only way they get extended is through reconciliation, and reconciliation only works if the money is there. That’s why they are trying to get some percentage of 2 million federal workers to quit, and why they eliminated USAID. A money surplus caused by gutting critical agencies goes into the pockets of billionaires. THAT’S THE MESSAGE.

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Cute satirical piece. A+

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Hey guys. Do you know whose having THE TIME of his life right now? PUTIN. His dream of destroying America from within is coming true.

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Not surprised this conversation was leaked. That Cone of Silence never worked.

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This made me giggle, thanks

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Hey, I posted about that same Machiavelli anecdote last night on Bluesky! I guess I’m not the only one who thought it was relevant. It’s always easier to make the evil advisor take the fall..,

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To add an historically important patina on the above dialog, read NatGeo's Dec. 2012 article, "The Tunnels of Gaza". I myself did not know this until I read it recently, catching up on my NatGeo collection. I can probably guarantee neither of these individuals have. Well, maybe Bannon might have.

What struck me about the article is that the plethora and effect of tunnels on the borders of Gaza/Egypt/Israel boggle the imagination. Gaza and that area south and east of it are Swiss cheese. And that was, what, 13 years ago. Guess what it's like in 2025? D'ya think either one of the above conversation participants were NatGeo readers?

Disclaimer: I am pointing this out because I was amazed at what I learned there, not because there was furtive hiding national secrets in disclosing something that people would already know if they took the time to research.

Read it and then think about the autocratic claim that President Trump would do whatever he would do, what, turn it into a paradise?

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Who is going to tell Bannon he’s today’s Ernst Röhm or Gregor Strasser?

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There is no classification called "super secret". The whole article is flagrant bullshit.

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It's a joke, satire in other words

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Uh, it is satire.

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Isn't that why we come here; to read satire?

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That's just Bill making it obvious that the "call" was a product of his imagination.

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Along with the intercept of the late Bannon night call, have you seen the memo titled 10 easy steps to becoming a forever king? Step 1: Distract everyone with bait (threaten to invade Panama/Greenland/Canada, promise to build resorts in Gaza, blame DEI/incite general bigotry); Step 2: Dismantle as much of government as possible, starting with soft targets (USAID, Dept of Ed) and be sure to allow the people some wins here and there so that they stay busy and hopeful; Step 3: take control of the US financial apparatus- treasury/central bank and then create a parallel financial system called TrumpCoin and X payments; Step 4: take control of the US military, law enforcement and obtain allegiance of Paramilitary groups; Step 5: Appease potential opposition (promise Wall St, billionaires and Tech bros tax cuts and special access); Step 6: empower sociopaths to do the dirty work with the promise of glory and pardons-leaving deniability and the option to outsource blame and abandon them if they become a liability; Step 7: intimidate/paralyze Congress and Supreme Court with the promise of an ugly confrontation that they are afraid to lose; Step 8: Manufacture a crisis that demands suspension of the constitution and delivery of unchecked power to the executive branch. If anyone resists, use brute force, financial levers or deportation apparatus to remove them; Step 9-Profit! It turns out that it only takes 9 steps, even better news for our hard working leader who may not be super great at counting anyway.

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"The Cone of Silence", "The Little Prince". Bill, I've said it before and I'll say it again, 'You're a treasure'. I spontaneously smiled and followed that with a little chuckle. Thanks so much!

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I had to read "The Little Prince" in my 4th year French class...it was a fun read

I have to remember now not to confuse it with "The Prince"...

That Cone of SIlence thing always makes me think of the Disney animated movie UP...

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'UP'; I love that movie but funnily enough don't remember 'the Cone'... My recollection is from the 60s comedy spoof 'Get Smart' when Agent 86 (Maxwell Smart), and The Chief used the 'Cone' to discuss highly confidential events - if you're not familiar with it maybe try to find it on YouTube - its priceless. A good laugh in these dark times.

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Yeah, I was alive then...lol...I saw it, it was hilarious

In Up it is the "cone of shame" around the one doggies neck...

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Oh, right! I have totally got the see that movie again, toot-da-sweet!

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Thank you, Bill. This was a welcome timeout. But some days I don't know whether to laugh or cry. And I don't know what it says about you that you can nail Donald so well. 🙃

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Great trump/bannon conversation. I needed the laugh. The DOGE Deranged Oligarchs Grabbing Everything boys will not end well for musk or the young engineers he has groomed in his drug addled image. trump will pay a price at the polls, which is the only thing that matters to him. musk and trump are not going to hit record approval ratings after the carnage they produce. Not that things will immediately get better but they may have to start eating each other in order to survive, which will be a show worth the price of admission, almost...

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Can't even read Bill's fake convo... the first half dozen were terrible give it up Bill you're brain doesn't operate on that wave length, maybe Tim, def not Bill...

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