He said "...fair or fowl..."

heh heh

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Wake up, libbies. Illegal aliens are absolutely eating cats. I just saw a documentary about this on Nick at Night - it was called "Alf," and all true patriots should see it for themselves!

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A responsible person who was told that someone was catching and eating pets would report this to police. Vance and Rufo didn't do this.

I assume it is a crime to steal someone's pet.

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Actually, they came during the TRUMP administration. I think it was because of a natural disaster that I don’t remember.

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To help Kamala win, we need to encourage millions of moderate and undecided people to register and vote Blue. Some voters in battleground states have had their registrations illegally cancelled– extremists are submitting fake death certificates! So even voters who have registered/voted in the past now need to check their status.

Registration deadlines vary: in Georgia it’s Oct. 7, but check your state. I don’t text or phone bank because these days, so few people answer a phone number they don’t recognize – it’s a waste of time. So I’m sending postcards to voters in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and North Carolina. Postcards with the voterizer.org/ QR code lets people quickly learn if they’re (still) registered, they can easily register if needed, and request an absentee/mail-in ballot. Absentee voting is important because many people won’t feel safe going to vote in person, with the unrest we are bracing for.

Postcarding purists entirely hand-write each card for a personal touch. But how many cards can you send that way? If you order pre-printed cards you can add a sentence to personalize the card. You can download addresses by state - it comes in an Excel file, you can do a mail merge and print stick-on labels at home. Doing it this way enables me to mail hundreds of postcards!

If you buy cards that don’t have the printed voterizer QR code, you can print it yourself on a sticky label and affix it to the card. Or write this web address - “Can I vote?” https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote

You can buy pre-printed cards from either of the following:




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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Someone on another Bulwark thread made the point that needs to be repeated. Normally when you have a problem in your community, you go to the media to get some attention, in the hopes that a politician will take up the cause and help do something about the issue. If you are really successful, you get one your Senators to take up the cause, because they are two of the most influential people in the country. I can see Tim Walz at the VP debate, making that very point. "If there were a problem in my state, I wouldn't be complaining to the media that no one is paying attention, I would be there to determine if there is a problem and if so, roll up my sleeves and figure out how best to address it. What is the point of you being a Senator from Ohio, if they can't count on you to help. But since you have already admitted that you made up the whole thing, I think we have our answer." Governor Walz is going to eviscerate JD Vance at the debate. Between the potential fact checking by CBS and the common sense practical responses from Walz, the debate could be almost as much fun as the Harris/Trump debate. (Edit: I just finished reading JVL's post today, apparently it was JVL himself that was making the case that JD Vance should be solving the crisis in Ohio. Not asking the Media to do it.)

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J.D. Vance said it was ok to make up the lie that Haitians were eating cats and dogs to get the media to focus on the larger immigration issue. So it is ok if some people are demonized and terrorized as long as the bigger issue get attention. An approach that hurts just some people apparently is ok as the end justifies the means. That is not only wrong but immoral!!!! This is not my former Republican Party of Ronald Reagan!

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Not unlike making up a story that Jews are drinking the blood of babies to get the media to pay attention to Jews' domination of world finance???

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Don’t you mean “the end justifies the memes”? Sorry, I just couldn’t resist.

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There is a philosophical position that basically alludes that, if your goal is good, then any means are justifiable. That includes lying, cheating and even sacrificing lives. The problem is that the “goal” is somewhere out in the future and left up to Trump’s acolytes to define. It can be Christian domination (predicted in their Bible), Apocalypse (also Biblical), Rapture (ditto), White Supremacy (Mein Kampf), or Dictatorship (supposedly beneficent, at least for the Chosen). With these various goals, setting aside criminality, felony, and even disgust is amazingly easy. “Just let Trump be Trump”. The trick is getting them to state (and confront) their ulterior motives. Good luck with that.

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Stalin had nothing but good in his heart when he ordered the starvation of millions of peasants in order to collectivize agriculture...

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Lying for the Lord.

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I’m questioning the wording of Kamala’s immigration policies. Isn’t anything happening now due to Biden’s policies? Does Kamala as VP set any policies at all? If I’m right in my thinking, I think it would be appropriate to edit this article to say that.

This hate that has been thrust upon us by these lies about these legal migrants is so hurtful. As well as the use of that poor child’s name who’s father put out a statement that in part said he wished the accident/ not murder that killed his child was done by a 60 yr old white man. So his story wouldn’t be used by the republicans, as they continue to do. I intentionally left out the child and father’s name out , out of respect for the family. It’s disgusting politics have reached this low. Now another attempt on DJT life , maybe the focus will change to the banning of assault rifles ( not happening, I know) .

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Harris said she would sign the bi-partisan immigration bill that Trump killed day #1. If you are not familiar with what all it provides, please have a look.

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Despicable! When Harris/Walz win, Trump should go to prison and Vance should never again be elected to public office. Maybe he could get a job as Springfield’s animal control worker.

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I was thinking more the guy who shovels up road kill.

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Apparently, there aren't any REAL problems cause by immigrants, so they have to make up something. Pretty much proves that immigration isn't really a problem, right?

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There are real problems caused by immigration. The Springfield City Manager has said as much--his city has increased in population by a third over a relatively short period of time. But eating pets isn't one of them,and crime isn't one of them. Haitians are here in Temporary Protective Status, and immigration category created in 1990. In the case of Haitians, temporary has been looking more long term as calamity after calamity has struck Haiti.

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Right, either they don't know that, or they decided to keep up the narrative that they know is BS and has been shown to the entire country to be BS. Why not focus on any actual, real problems, then? Because they want the lies and the hype and the misdirected hatred. If they the slightest modicum of interest in solving the problem, they'd find one that, you know, exists.

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In any of the interviews Vance did on Sunday, did any of the interviewers point out that the Haitian workers were legal immigrants? If not, how absolutely pathetic.

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Seriously. And if I'm not wrong, the law creating Temporary Protective Status was signed by George HW Bush, not Kamala Harris.

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Re: "...the suffering of the American people..."

I do wish the mainsteam media -- like CNN -- would go to Springfield and show what a dystopian hellpit it's become. They'll probably have to look hard because I suspect it's a pretty nice place, with lots of good people, many of them Haitian. Talk to the people who employ the Haitians. I suspect they'll say they're great people. Talk to the people who live in their neighborhoods. I'm guessing they'll say they're great.

Are there struggles? I suspect there are. You can't bring that many kids into a school district without some growing pains. And I'd guess the load on the emergency rooms and other medical services, which were built to support a population 30% smaller are also strained. So talk about that. But this notion that Springfield is on fire and destroyed and all the pets are disappearing is so awful it just needs some actual reporting. I've yet to see anything other than statements from the City Manager and Mike DeWine about it on CNN.

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“I didn’t create 20,000 illegal migrants coming into Springfield thanks to Kamala Harris’s policies. Her policies did that,” he said, eliding that the Haitians are legally there.

He didn’t eliding that fact, he lied about it.

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e-lied is when the internet is involved.

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“If I have to create stories ..."

“I didn’t create 20,000 illegal migrants..."

You just did.

Right out of thin air.

They're not illegal.

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I wrote my comment before I read yours. Yours is better!

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The point that they are legal, and in fact, invited—to fill manufacturing jobs—cannot be made too frequently.

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Haitians are here at all due to US immigration law, which states that foreign nationals can be spared from returning to countries affected by war, natural disaster, etc. They are in Springfield, Ohio because that city needed workers. (There are other cities that have embrace Haitians in the same way.)

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Today's most important news event isn't the crazy guy with the gun in Floriday. It's this: NBC news reported that the Trump campaign is going to Springfield OH:


Occasionally I'm good at predicting the future. This event is spreading ripples in the force. I have a really bad feeling about this. He's already calling for violence - in Springfield, he might call for it right now.

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Right wing marches are already planned, I read.

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