The people who voted for Trump can't see what he really is because the simply don't want to. His elected and appointed supporters may or may not see the truth, but it doesn't matter - they are in for the grift.

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I wish I believed in Hell.

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Are there enough of us pro-democracy types to form a presence at every at-risk school? A bunch of old white ladies like me circling the school with “there are no criminals here, just children” signs would not be a good look for ICE or *rump..

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My heart breaks. We are all human beings who deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. And we are a community. Every child is my responsibility. Every child is your responsibility.

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These folks are being deported without due process and are unconstitutional. Why isn’t this being challenged on an emergency basis as a violation of the 4th, 5th and 14th Amendments at the very least?

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Smart story, colega! Keep 'em coming

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Thanks man. Dark time but am enjoying rowing in the same direction with so many smart folks covering immigration and fallout

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Of course the immigrants who are being picked up by ICE now don't have criminal records...they're the ones who stay out of trouble, have jobs and pay taxes. ICE knows exactly where they live bc they are following the rules given to them to follow. Any immigrant who's an actual criminal is in hiding and will be much more difficult to find. As for the raids at schools, ICE is just causing PTSD in the whole school body. Like being afraid of school shooters isn't enough for them to deal with already?!

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Stephen Miller is banking on the majority of Americans sharing his lust for cruelty to immigrants from certain countries. Not joking about his preoccupation with cruelty in the service of his white nationalist agenda. History is full of these psychos that find their way to the authoritarian’s ear. In a raw calculation business interests with manual labor forces are going to push back eventually. Trump was a believer in immigration labor for his own business before he found fear of immigrants a tool for power. Business push back has to be matched with public outrage for terrorizing children under the heavy hand of government and their government guns.

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Record, record, record, record.

Give to local media, post on YouTube, send to lawyers.

Send to your congressional representatives.

Send to the United Nations.

Children are not criminals.

This is cruel and brutal.

It is the actions of a pariah state.

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Better: Stream it live so they can't erase what you capture off your phone.

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Set up surveillance cameras to record just such an event and stream live when it happens.

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Voters were sick of Trump after his first, relatively performative term. After ransacking schools and Walmart by ICE, Democrat's primary goal needs to be ransacking his approval rating.

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Homan, when asked why they are going into schools, had the audacity of replying that 14-17 yo’s are members of MS13.

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They’re part of the junior auxiliary.

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Twice in the last 30 years Republican scorched themselves by adopting a punitive and racist approach to illegal immigration...Prop 187 in California in the mid 90's and again in about 2005/2006 when the Republicans waked away from a comprehensive immigration reform to bang on a racist and militaristic approach to the border. The first instance basically ended Republican power in California and the second had Obama coming in with 75% of the hispanic vote. Americans want border security and order...they also want immigration to keep the economy humming and they don't want immigration problems to produce a police state to deal with it all

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It is not an accident that they are targeting schools. It’s part of the larger goal of destroying public education and replacing it with private for profit schools that are well funded for White Christians and underfunded for everyone else. This is at the core of their efforts to return us to the 1950 era Deep South.

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Andrea - yes, those who see public schools as a threat to their power, their status quo... sure seems like adding to the stresses & tension in schools would serve their goals

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No one is illegal on stolen land.

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First our teachers are expected to protect our kids from active shooters. Now they are to protect them from our own government. Imagine the kids' trauma from seeing armed men in riot gear trying to get into their school. I wonder what would happen if a school employee went to the door where ICE was pounding with one of those guns MAGA wants them to carry. It seems a career in education has changed drastically. My heart cries for our children.

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Remind you any other time in history? Oh how the mighty have fallen.

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